Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1089: Admonish

  Chapter 1089 Admonition

  Gong Yu County entered the palace alone the next day.

  Tomorrow is the Double Ninth Festival. The emperor has to prepare for the sacrifice to the heavens. Although this sacrifice is not very big, it is not as big as the first sacrifice on the first day of the first lunar month.

  The eighth day, the emperor was still very busy.

  But in his busy schedule, the emperor still met Duke Yu in the imperial garden, and even had to personally hold his hand.

  How dare Yu County Duke let him help, he quickly took a step back on crutches, bowed to let the emperor go first, and he was one step behind.

  The emperor knew his temperament. He looked timid, thin and weak, but he was the most staunch. He was even more fierce than Wei Zhi when he was in office.

  So the emperor smiled and walked ahead. When he arrived at the Imperial Garden, he found a pavilion and sat down. Seeing that Gong Xian still did not speak, he waved his hand to let the palace man retreat.

   and others were all gone, the emperor laughed and said, "Yu Aiqing came all the way, isn’t it really to get a basket of rice cakes in Beijing?"

  Yu County prince arched his hands upwards: "Your Majesty, the minister heard such words when he was in Yuezhou."

"Some people say that the crown prince has no sons, but the heaven punishes him, because he is not orthodox, not the first emperor's delight. Nowadays, the crown prince has no sons is just a small warning. "

  The emperor's face sank, and his face was blueish, "What does this mean? Who is chaos and who is righteous?"

  President Yu shook his head, “I don’t know who the minister is, but who is the chaos, your majesty should know.”

  The emperor clenched his fist, released it after a while, chuckled, and looked at Yu County for justice: "Does Yu Qing also think that I am in a bad position?"

  The emperor stood up and stretched out his sleeves and said, "Even if I can let the people of the world live and work in peace and contentment, I won’t get the orthodox recognition of the officials?"

  Yu County Lord asked, "Does your Majesty care?"

  The emperor turned around, slightly raised his chin and said: "I don't care very much. I leave it to future generations to comment."

   "So your majesty still cares," Yu County fair said: "This is a good thing. It is better for the emperor to ask for a name behind him than not to ask for a name."

  Yu County sighed: "Your Majesty, the minister is from the Three Dynasties. He was born in the Chen Dynasty and served as an official in the An Dynasty. Until my Jin Dynasty, Yu Chen said that there is nothing orthodox or unorthodox in the troubled times."

  It is their own ability to become emperor.

  He must be true to orthodoxy. Even if he did not commit suicide when the Chen Dynasty perished, he should die together when the last Emperor of An Dynasty committed suicide. How could he be an official in Dajin first?

The emperor    was also wondering, "Since Yu Qing doesn't care, why did he send such words to my ears?"

  The world has criticized him. The emperor has always known about it. It is precisely because of this that he wants to do better.

  Gong Yu County saw that he didn’t understand what he meant, so he pointed out: "Your Majesty, the first prince and the three big kings have passed away. Have you ever thought about who is in the rumors?"

  The emperor was startled and thought about it.

  Yu County Gong said: "In fact, the minister doesn't really care who this is."


"But, is the seizure of the protagonist in the palace so serious that the folks have damaged the prince's reputation?" Yu Xian fair said: "Now, the world is stable, and your majesty is working hard to rule. No one can rebel. But if it's a fight for the throne, the court Fighting again, everything becomes unknown again."

   "Your Majesty, the world is in good condition, and I can't stand another turmoil," Yu County fair said: "Although the prince has no children, he is the foundation of the country and he can't move."

  The emperor said blankly: "I know, it's not that I am anxious now, but that he himself has lost his normal heart. Yu Qing, take a look at what he has done in the past few years."

   County Duke Yu got up and knelt to the ground tremblingly, "Please also let your majesty let the three princes subordinate to the feudal clan, and at the same time reduce the nobility."

  The emperor frowned, "Decrease the title?"

   "Your Majesty, you have made him a prince at this time. When the prince takes the throne, what else can he make the third prince?"

seal up?

  The emperor thought to himself, given the prince’s dog temper, it would be good if he didn’t change the county prince into a prince. Does he still expect his county prince to become a prince?

  So it's better for him to do it in one step and seal the prince for the youngest.

  Yu County Duke knew the emperor’s thoughts at a glance, and sighed: "Your Majesty prefers the three princes so much, it's not that the prince is impatient."

  The emperor said angrily: "I'm going to give it to him in this world. I just give his brother a prince. Why is it partial?"

  Yu County Justice: "But your Majesty, do the three princes only want to be princes now?"

  The emperor was silent.

"Although the ministers have not been in the capital for a long time, they have never heard people praise the three princes, saying that he is exceptionally clever, a courteous corporal, and even heard that there are many ministers in the court who want to keep the three princes like the Hanlin Academy to preside over the compilation of books, your majesty, "Prince Yuxian said deeply: "According to the rules of my dynasty, the prince must be in the feudal clan after getting married. You force the three princes to stay in Beijing. In the eyes of the prince, this is a signal that you want to take the prince and let the three princes take their place."

   "Presumptuous!" The emperor was so angry that he slapped the stone table, shaking his palms so much that he was sore and numb.

  The emperor's tears were about to come down from the pain, but he held back his life.

  Yu County Lord still lowered his head, not afraid of the emperor's roar, anyway, when he was an official, he was often roared, and then said: "Your Majesty, you can ask the prince to replace it tomorrow."

  The emperor became silent, and after a while, he said: "Gong Yu County is tired all the way, I will send you back to the mansion to rest."

  Yu County Gong looked up at the emperor, then stepped back.

   Looking at Gu Zhong from a distance, he immediately trot forward to support Yuxian Gong, and after seeing the emperor, he helped Yuxian Gong to go out of the palace.

  Although the emperor felt very uncomfortable and couldn't get out with a breath, he still made a deed in the afternoon.

  He said that he was sick, and the prince will preside over the ceremony tomorrow.

The unprepared prince was pushed to the front of the stage at once, but it was not difficult for him, because not to mention that he was by his father's side every year to sacrifice to the sky, even when he was in prison before, he also sacrificed to the sky independently. .

  So he didn't panic at all, but the Ministry of Rites panicked.

  Suddenly, for a while, where should they go to find a dress and crown suitable for the prince to wear?

  You can't wear old ones, right?

   Even if you can use the old one, the prince has grown taller and stronger in the past few years, and even his head is not the same size, which is not suitable at all.

  Shangshu of the Ministry of Etiquette was almost mad, and he didn't know where he received the news, so he rushed to Yu's house to see the father of Yu County.

  Yu County’s father lay down on the bed early, saying that he was tired, sleepy, sick, and was unable to see guests anyway.

  So Shang Shu of the Ministry of Rites caught Yu Shilang and cursed.

  You have to persuade you to be early, even if you persuaded it yesterday, they would have one more day to prepare, right?

  There will only be eight hours to sacrifice from now to tomorrow. How do they prepare?

  You face saint once, let us gray hair, have you?

  Duke Yu also lay on the bed and sighed, "Your Majesty is also stingy, why did you spread it out?"

  Yu Shilang, who has just been implicated, doesn't want to talk to his dad.

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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