Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1090: Qinghua Mountain

  Chapter 1090 Qinghua Mountain

  The prince took the place of the emperor to sacrifice to the sky. These days, the courtiers who have been persistently handing impeachment papers to the emperor quietly. Most people pressed down the papers in their hands and no longer passed the new impeachment papers.

  Only a few ministers worked hard, and passed them up persistently.

  But the pressure on the prince was also relieved a lot.

Before the night fell completely, the Ministry of Rites finally prepared the prince’s ceremonial gown and top hat. They used the emperor’s old ones. The embroiderer removed one of the dragon’s claws and turned it into a dragonfly. Once the quantity is collected, it's fine.

  Although it's a little bit worse, somehow there is a dress to wear, isn't it?

  The Ministry of Etiquette also feels shabby, but they feel that this is not their problem.

  The prince didn’t care about this kind of minutiae either. He tried on the clothes and said to the princess: “I don’t know what the third child is doing right now.”

  The princess gave him a weird look, then patted him lightly and said: "His Royal Highness should be more restrained. You should not provoke him in the past few days. It's okay to make a gesture in front of the father."

  The prince snorted coldly.

  The prince concubine whispered: "Even if it is for the mother's queen, it is not appropriate for His Royal Highness to conflict with the Third Royal Highness at this time."

  The prince fell silent, and then asked for a while: "How is mother's body?"

  The princess sighed quietly.

  The prince frowned and said, "What do the imperial doctors of the imperial hospital do for food?"

  He paused and said, "Would you like to announce Zhou Man to the palace to have a look?"

  The princess knew that the prince was talking about the little genius doctor who opened his brother's stomach to treat the wounds. After thinking about it for a while, she whispered: "When the sacrifice is over, I will mention it with the mother."

  The prince nodded, looking at the blurry self in the bronze mirror, but the corners of his mouth curled up, "Tomorrow, I will be angry with you."

  The princess couldn't hold back, she stretched out her hand and patted him again.

  Chongyang Festival, Manbao and the others also got up early, Guozixue has activities, and today they are going to climb the mountain!

  Bai Erlang and their first-degree students decided to go to the Mohuiyuan to play music and water flow, and Man Bao finally decided to go with Mr. Zhuang to climb the mountain.

  Bai Dalang naturally has his own place to go, so early in the morning, after eating the morning meal, everyone left by themselves.

  Man Bao took out his small back basket, went to the kitchen to pack a lot of hot, freshly baked pastries, even small white buns, and went to his husband’s room to get a jar of chrysanthemum wine.

Mr. Zhuang watched her wandering around the yard, looking for all kinds of things like a hamster, and stuffing them in the back basket. Finally, he habitually took out his needle kit from the medicine box and wrapped it up to the bottom of the back basket. .

   Then took two bamboo tubes to the kitchen to fill boiled water, ready to drink when climbing on the road.

Daji accompanied Bai Shan to climb the mountain, while Liu Gui drove a carriage and waited for Mr. Zhuang and Man Bao outside the door.

  Mr. Zhuang took a folding fan, and followed Man Bao with a relaxed expression on his face.

  Man Bao got into the car before remembering to ask, "Sir, where are we going to climb the mountain?"

  Mr. Zhuang smiled and said, “As a teacher, I thought you wouldn’t ask. It’s a coincidence that the mountain that Bai Shan climbed is the same mountain, Qinghua Mountain.”

  Man Bao: "...Then why should we leave?"

  Mr. Zhuang smiled and said, “Isn’t it because you delayed too long? Bai Shan has been waiting for you at the door for two quarters of an hour.”

  Man Bao felt that the problem was not with him, "You didn't tell me that I was going to climb Qinghua Mountain. I thought I was going to go to Xuandu."

   "Xuan Du Temple is still a little shorter," Mr. Zhuang said with a smile: "This time we will go a little farther. There are cliffs and stone carvings on Qinghua Mountain. This time we will take you to visit the Buddha."

  Man Bao was curious, "Moya Rock Carvings?"

  Mr. Zhuang smiled and nodded, "It's a stone-carved reclining Buddha, and there are some stone-carved Buddhist scriptures on the mountain. You can take a look."

  He raised his hand and patted her on the head lightly, and said with a smile: "So you don't want to read your mind all day at home."

  Man Bao lowered his head and smiled, and asked curiously, "Does Mr. believe in Buddhism?"

   "After reading some Buddhism, you can also take a look occasionally, but you are still young now, so you don't need to study it, wait for it to be older, depending on your own preferences."

  Man Bao responded, "So this time we are going to climb the mountain?"

   "Well, Shun will lead you to a long experience."

  Qinghua Mountain is outside the city, which is much larger than Xuandu Temple. The most important thing is that there are no people in the wild. No, there are no people in the wild. Today is Chongyang. There are people everywhere at the foot of the mountain, but there are not many people on the mountain.

  Because the mountain is not short, it is quite big, and the people who really come to climb the mountain are scattered as soon as they enter the mountain, so it seems that there are not many people.

  On the contrary, at the foot of the mountain, there are many small vendors who come here to do business, almost blocking the road.

  Man Bao and their carriage arrived at the foot of the mountain, she took the lead to get out of the car with a basket on her back, and then turned to help Mr. Zhuang down.

  She looked at the lively crowd, "Where are Bai Shan and the others?"

   "Go up the mountain," Mr. Zhuang smiled: "The Qinghua Mountain is so big and there are so many entrances, so you won't necessarily run into it, just let it happen."

  Man Bao asked, "Then sir, where are your friends? Where are Mr. Chen and Mr. Jiang?"

Mr. Zhuang also shook his head and said with a smile: "I only made an appointment at the bottom of Qinghua Mountain the day before yesterday, but I came to see today, there are so many people, it is difficult to find it, maybe they may not go there in the morning, so let's go up the mountain too. , Can you meet it, let it happen."

  Man Bao nodded, "I also think it's better to follow the fate."

So the two masters and apprentices and Liu Gui said hello and they wanted to go up the mountain. Man Bao and Liu Gui said, "You can find a place to park your car. You can go and play by yourself. When we go down the mountain, we will find you." If you can find the best, you can do whatever you can find, and you can go home by yourself in the evening."

  Mr. Zhuang: …He said that he would climb the mountain to find someone to follow the fate, but he didn’t say that he would follow the fate when he went home.

  Kemanbao was already standing at the foot of the mountain with joy, **** pointed at the top of the mountain and shouted vigorously: "Come on - let's go up the mountain!"

  Mr. Zhuang shook his head, followed behind her and began to climb the mountain.

Qinghua Mountain is quite big. There are several peaks in the past. The one they climbed is neither high nor short, and it is fairly gentle. Although Mr. Zhuang is not young, he has always paid attention to his health and has the love of Man Bao. The little disciple who is piercing people is here, so the body is naturally better adjusted, so climbing is okay.

The two of them crawled for half an hour and then stopped to rest for a while. Mr. Zhuang sat on the rock that the apprentice had found, while Man Bao was rummaging in the grass with her basket on his back. After a while, he picked up a small branch. Plan out an unknown grass.

  She looked at the grass with joy, and casually tore off a large leaf from the small tree beside her, then wrapped the grass with the leaves and put it in the back basket.

  Mr. Zhuang shook his head when he saw it.

  Man Bao felt that her husband would definitely not rest for a while, so he waved his hand and turned to the woods a little deeper. Keke was also very happy to scan for the animals and plants nearby.

    The next update will be around 4pm



  (End of this chapter)

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