Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1091: Ascend

   Chapter 1091

  In autumn, many animals are about to hibernate. Man Bao accurately found a hole under the tree with the stick sharpened by her.

  Ahem, it's so accurate, of course, because of Keke.

  Man Bao dug through the hole, and saw a spike ball shrunk into a ball in it. Obviously, it was so frightened that he didn't dare to run in a ball.

  Man Bao gently touched it with a stick, and curiously said: "Is this a hedgehog? There is a picture in the book, and the skin can be used as a medicinal material."

  Keke: "...Host, I've agreed to include it."

   "Don't worry, I'm not going to grab you." Man Bao looked around and saw that no one was paying attention, so she moved two steps forward and covered the small hole tightly with her small body.

  She smiled, stretched out her hand and gently touched the hedgehog's thorn, and it was instantly received into the system.

  Keke included it with satisfaction and said: "I will tell you when the encyclopedia points come out."

  Man Bao responded and moved back to fill in the hole she had just opened.

  She glanced at the denser woods inside, and she was moved. Keke also wanted the host to enter, but he had to remind the host, "Host, your husband called you."

  Man Bao looked back to see Mr. Zhuang. Mr. Zhuang was standing on the edge and beckoning to her. Man Bao turned around and went out. On the way, he pulled a handful of wild chrysanthemums in full bloom in the forest.

  Man Bao pulled the grass and tied the wild chrysanthemums into a handful, and asked Mr. Zhuang, "Sir, do you look good?"

  Mr. Zhuang took a look, nodded slightly, and said perfunctorily: "It looks good, let's go, it's too early."

Man Baoying came down and walked up with Mr. Zhuang with the flower stool. Seeing some beautiful red or yellow flowers on the road, she picked a few and stuffed them into the bouquet of wild chrysanthemums. The beautiful grass was stuffed in, and the flowers became more beautiful.

  Mr. Zhuang is not surprising, but the pedestrians on the road looked at the flower in Man Bao’s hand curiously.

  Flowers, either on the hairpin, or in the pot, or pruned and put in a bottle for appreciation, so that the flowers and grass are tied directly into a bunch, let alone, they are really beautiful.

  A pedestrian on the road saw it, so he pulled it off and put the picked flowers on the hairpin's head, or pinned it on the ears or the placket.

  Man Bao chose a red flower with a particularly positive color for their husband, and gave them a hairpin on his head.

  Mr. Jiang and they were really tired. When they were supporting each other to take a break on the side of the road, they looked up to the top of the mountain and saw two masters and apprentices walking not far from them who were laughing.

  Man Bao deliberately walked up to Mr. Zhuang, and on his tiptoe, he found a particularly good position on his head.

  Mr. Zhuang smiled and asked, "Do you want to be a teacher and give you a hairpin?"

  Man Bao looked around, but didn't find any particularly beautiful flowers, so he refused.

  Mr. Zhuang didn’t care either, and he had to keep climbing when he lifted his foot. A few breathless calls came from behind, "Lao Zhuang, Mr. Zhuang——"

  Mr. Zhuang turned his head and saw Mr. Jiang and other very familiar people looking at them, their masters and apprentices, from a long distance behind him.

  As soon as they turned their heads, he immediately waved and said: "Old and Zhuang stay, let your disciple come and help."

  Mr. Zhuang was speechless for a while, glanced behind them, and saw four young men carrying big bags and small bags behind them, so they could only wave their hands and let Man Bao go down to help people.

  Man Bao put the flowers in Mr. Zhuang's arms and went down with a basket. She supported Mr. Jiang with one hand and Mr. Chen with the other and went up the mountain.

  Mr. Zhuang looked around and saw that there was a large lawn on the side. He simply left the road and walked to the lawn to sit down.

  Man Bao helped the two gentlemen onto the lawn, and then went to help the remaining two gentlemen. The young man behind them also panted and sat down on the lawn with things.

  Man Bao was also very tired, and sat down on the grass. It was really tiring to accompany her husband to climb the mountain.

  Mr. Jiang boasted: "Lao Zhuang, your disciple has collected well, and you are quite filial."

  Mr. Zhuang is not tired at the moment, he just looked at the things they were carrying in curiously, and asked: "What have you brought here?"

  Mr. Jiang looked back and shook his hand: “Knowing that Guozixue will come here to climb this year, we have already brought a lot of things less than in previous years.”

  Mr. Chen nodded, "Yes, last year we also brought tents and quilts to come up. We climbed high during the day and watched the moon at night. It was so unpleasant."

  Man Bao heard it, and he was too energetic, and asked: "Is it fun to sleep in the mountains at night?"

  Mr. Jiang rolled his eyes and nodded: "It's fun."

  Man Bao was envious and began to ponder...

  Mr. Zhuang was afraid that she would have to sleep in the street, so he turned to the subject and asked, "Then what are you bringing now?"

   "It's nothing, just some food and drink."

"We've already climbed half of it now, and half of it is here, right?" Mr. Lu on the side felt panting, so he got up and greeted everyone: "Let's go up earlier and get a good position earlier. The top of the mountain is so big, and you won’t be able to occupy a good position if you go late."

  Everyone also got up.

  On the way, Mr. Jiang couldn’t help asking, “Lao Zhuang, didn’t you say you meet at the foot of the mountain? Why didn’t you climb up without waiting for us?”

  Mr. Zhuang said: "We waited, we climbed before we waited. Looking at the distance between our two sides, we are the front and back feet, so you also came up directly at the foot of the mountain? Didn't you wait for me?"

  Mr. Jiang lightly coughed: "We found what we found, but we didn’t find it. Thinking that we might meet on the mountain, we went up the mountain. Sure enough, we met on the mountain."

Mr. Zhuang also nodded and said, "This is fate."

  The other four gentlemen nodded: "Fate."

  The child mixed in it, Man Bao:...

The five gentlemen climbed to the top of the mountain out of breath. Man Bao helped Mr. Zhuang to breathe. Mr. Jiang and their four little men had put down their backs, their shoulders and the big bags in their arms, and they went around the top of the mountain, looking for them. Put things down in a quieter and flat place, unpacked and started to move.

  The top of Qinghua Mountain is not small, and Man Bao glanced at it. This undulating place cannot be collected at a glance.

  She helped Mr. Zhuang to go around a big rock to the lawn they were looking for, and saw four small servants spread out a roll, which turned out to be two straw mats.

  The straw mat stall was opened on the lawn, and the four took out cups, saucers, copper basins, tea sets, melons and fruits from each bag...

  This preparation is more complete than Grandma Liu’s preparation for climbing the mountain.

  Mr. Jiang and they also helped each other over, and sat down on the mats. Seeing Man Bao was still standing, Mr. Jiang greeted her very kindly, "Come, Man Bao, sit here with me."

    The next update is around 8pm



  (End of this chapter)

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