Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1094: Upcoming promotion

  Chapter 1094 is about to be promoted

  This sigh is from the bottom of my heart. Ever since I met Zhuang Xun in the Mo Huiyuan on the Mid-Autumn Festival, Chen Fulin began to ask him to be investigated.

  Knowing that he now lives in Changqing Lane, knowing that he is accompanying two disciples to study in Beijing.

  The scholar cares most about fame, so he began to arrange, and slowly revealed some grievances from the past, thinking about waiting for the situation to build up and then provoke his two disciples to leave him.

  As long as Shirazen and Shirajiro have brains, they will no longer recognize a person with a flawed reputation as a husband.

  What else will Zhuang Xun have?

  He can only leave the capital again.

  Unexpectedly, when he had just set up, the front foot only found out that the relationship between the master and apprentice seemed to be very close. I am afraid it is not easy to separate, and Zhou Man on the back foot will be famous in the capital.

  Seriously, Chen Fulin didn't really see Zhou Man in his eyes at the beginning.

  Although she was also a disciple of Zhuang Xun, she was a female disciple, and she was still a medical student. What should I care about?

But Zhou Man’s front foot was famous in the capital, and his hind foot passed through the Su family to the Yin family and Cheng family...The people who met were all powerful and powerful. Even if she was only going to treat the disease, she might not have much friendship, but Chen Fulin, who has always been cautious, did not dare to act rashly. NS.

  Different from facing Bai Shan and Baicheng, he knows where the scholar's weakness is, but facing Zhou Man, he is somewhat unable to start.

  He is not familiar with Ji Shitang. No, he is not familiar with all the drugstores. This is an unfamiliar field. If you step into it, you still have to do something to destroy, and you will be caught if you are not careful.

  He has been cautious all his life, preferring to be slower than doing bad things.

  After all, although Zhuang Xun is in the capital, he only feels when he swallows. If he is careless, forcing him to remove it, he may scratch his throat, and it will be painful all the time. Chen Fulin can't take this risk at this time.

  Brother Qian felt that Chen Fulin was absent-minded, so he smiled and asked, "Brother Chen is thinking about getting a promotion?"

  Chen Fulin immediately returned to his senses and smiled: "Where, where, did Brother Qian hear any noise?"

   "Hey, I thought Brother Chen knew," Brother Qian smiled: "Isn't the right servant of the Ministry of Industry dedicated to officialdom? Brother Chen has sufficient qualifications and he has worked hard these years. I thought Brother Chen was promoted."

Chen Fulin also heard the news, and even his Shangfeng had talked to him. The corners of his mouth curled up and he smiled: "I am a doctor from the Ministry of Households. The selection of candidates from the Ministry of Industry is not necessarily true."

   "Hey, the two doctors of the Ministry of Engineering have only taken office for a few years, and their qualifications are still much worse than that of Brother Chen. Isn't it normal for these six departments to rotate with each other?"

  When they were far away, Da Ji turned out from behind a stone and went to look for them with the firewood he had just picked.

Bai Shan and the others have been patronizing and having fun all day, and they didn’t eat anything at all. They were so hungry right now. It just so happened that Mr. Jiang brought a lot of food. The cooked ones are almost eaten, and the raw ones are still there. Many can be cooked directly on the fire.

  A group of teenagers suddenly became excited. Seeing that Daji had picked up a lot of firewood, they immediately rolled up their sleeves to make a fire and bake things by themselves.

But a group of young masters, who have done this kind of work, in the end Bai Shan and Man Bao set up wood to make a fire. Mr. Jiang and their young men are responsible for skewering the ingredients they brought up, and they were about to bake them. Liu Huan made a few. He grabbed the past and said: "We will come by ourselves, and we will come by ourselves."

   handed back to Yin or a bunch.

Man Bao followed her husband and they ate a lot. They were not hungry at all. They said, "Yin or you can bake it, it's useless, you can eat less of this thing, or you can eat snacks, there are still some here. dessert."

  "Dim sums don’t fill your stomach. The meat is so delicious. Let’s eat meat." Liu Huan encouraged Yin or, "Just eat one piece, I don’t believe it will be okay."

Yin may ignore him. Although he didn't eat meat, he still turned the sticks and roasted them curiously. When they were cooked, the meat of Yin or was particularly conspicuous among them, because his meat was the only one that hadn't been eaten. Bake black.

  Everyone looked at the meat in his hand and swallowed, and asked unsurely: "Is this meat cooked?"

  Yin or herself is not very sure, "Should be familiar."

  Bai Shan reached out and took it, "I'll try it."

   So he ate all the meat in front of everyone.


  Bai Shan handed his meat to Liu Huan, and said, "I will give you this string of mine."

  Then said to Yin: "I'm okay when I eat, and I just bake it like this."

   So he was very diligent and gave him a skewers of meat, let him continue to grill.

   "Bai Shan, you are too much, how can you eat them all?"

  Bai Shan defended: "It's not too much, I finished two bites."

  Everyone made a fuss, Man Bao picked up his own meat and looked at it. He felt that it was okay, so he took it to honor Mr.

  Mr. Zhuang glanced at the half-scorched meat, smiled mildly, and said, "You are not hungry as a teacher, you can eat by yourself."

  Man Bao looked at Mr. Jiang and others.

  Mr. Jiang and others quickly said: "We are not hungry, you can go eat."

  Man Bao took it to Bai Shan. Bai Shan was a little entangled. After a careful comparison, he found that Man Bao’s meat had more burnt black than his.

  Liu Huan and the others ate their own roasted meat without disdain. He also ate Bai Shan’s. He thought it was quite delicious. Anyway, he chewed it and swallowed it.

  After eating, he looked at the skewers handed to Bai Shan. Bai Shan took it before he reached out. After a careful taste, he nodded slightly under Man Bao's gaze.

  Man Bao smiled contentedly.

  Bai Shan asked: "Man Bao, aren't you brought up by your sister-in-law?"


  Then why is the cooking like your second sister-in-law?

  Bai Shan swallowed the words that came to his lips, and then said, "We can't always make a fire in the future. Let's learn how to cook."

   "I know how to cook," Man Bao said, "Isn't cooking also just about making a fire, just watching the fire? My steamed rice is delicious."

  Bai Shan: "...learn to cook."

  Man Baodao: "You go and learn, I will help you make a fire."

  Yin may always feel that their topics are getting more and more crooked.

  Mr. Jiang and the others who said they had to pack their things and go down the mountain to make room for others were the last ones to leave on the top of the mountain.

  Yin may naturally be impulsive. In fact, even if he goes down the mountain, he sits on a chair after walking for a while.

  Several people travelling with him also chose to make chairs. Man Bao and Bai Shan fell behind with a basket on his back. Da Ji told them what he had just heard on the mountain.

  Man Bao frowned, "Is he going to be promoted?"

  Bai Shan already stroked his mind, and said: "The paperwork must have not come down, otherwise he would not be so humble, so there is still room for change."

  "How to turn?"

  Bai Shan touched his chin and said, "Do you remember that Yu County Duke?"

  Man Bao blinked, "You mean his son?"

  Bai Shan nodded and said, "Isn't he the servant of the Ministry of Industry? Since he is the servant of the right, then he is the servant of the Zuo."

  The two looked at each other, hey and happy.

    The next update will be around 4pm



  (End of this chapter)

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