Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1095: Collar Lucky Bag

   Chapter 1095

  Man Bao and Bai Shan were still thinking about how to talk to that servant Yu, but they didn't expect to see Gong Xian Yu not long after they entered the city gate.

  Today in Chongyang, many wealthy people are serving porridge or giving out blessing bags in the city. Of course, only the elderly can get it.

  Mr. Jiang, they were sitting in the carriage and they opened the window to look at the lively scene outside. They didn’t know what they saw, so they pointed to a place and said, “Go, let’s get a lucky bag too.”

  Mr. Chen laughed at him, "How old are you, be careful to get someone out."

   "Look at my gray beard, who dares to push me?"

   said that Mr. Zhuang would go together after he stopped, "Go, we two are the oldest. If we don’t go, they will be even more embarrassed to go."

  Mr. Zhuang smiled, got up and got out of the car with him.

  Mr. Chen saw that they were really going, he was taken aback for a moment, and hurriedly chased him down.

  Man Bao and the others were sitting in the back car. Seeing that the car in front had stopped, they poked their heads out to look.

  Bai Shan saw that they were heading for a group of old people, and he said: "It seems to be going to join in the fun. Isn't that a lucky bag?"

  Gentlemen all get off the car, they will naturally get off the car too.

   Liu Huan said strangely: “So many people are making good fortune bags along the way, why don’t so many people, as long as they belong to his family?”

  Man Bao pointed to an emblem on the banner and asked, "Whose emblem is that?"

  Yin may glance at the back and say: "From the East Palace."

  Bai Shan said, “Since it’s from the East Palace, let’s go, let’s join in the fun and see if we can get a copy too.”

   Liu Huan was stunned, "No, isn't this for the elderly?"

  Bai Shan said: "I also have old people in my family."

  After saying that, he took the lead to line up, and a group of teenagers followed him in a dazed line.

The person who gave the lucky bag glanced at the beards of Mr. Jiang and Mr. Zhuang, and gave them a lucky bag very generously. When it was Mr. Chen and Mr. Lu, they hesitated not to give it. Instead, they asked, "I don’t know how many people. Mr. Guigeng?"

  Mr. Chen blushed, Mr. Lu had a thicker face, and pointed to Mr. Jiang and Mr. Zhuang and said, "We are together."

  Humanity: "Sir, this lucky bag is for the old people. How many gentlemen look like they are in their prime, why don't they come back in a few years?"

  It was Bai Shan's turn to step forward, and the servants saw the Guozixue serving on them, smiled, and bowed slightly and asked, "My sons and sisters, this is..."

  Bai Shan said: "I brought it for my grandmother."

  Man Bao: "I also came for my parents."

   Yin or smiled slightly, "I brought it for my grandmother."

  The subordinate met Liu Huan and exclaimed: "Liu Xiaolangjun?"

   Liu Huan bit his scalp and said: "I came for my grandfather. My grandfather should be old, right?"

  The man nodded in a daze, "Liu Shangshu's age is naturally reached."

  He quickly took out a lucky bag to Liu Huan, and without hesitation, he also gave it to Bai Shan, Man Bao and Yin or one by one.

  Meet the teenagers who were only here to join in the fun, and they stepped forward, "I also came for my grandmother at home..."

  "I came for my grandfather..."

  Man Bao stared at the subordinates and said, "This is my mother's, and what about my father's?"

  The next person was already dizzy, and before he had time to ask Manbao if her father and mother were old enough, he handily gave her another one.

  Man Baole squeezed out with Bai Shan, and as soon as he raised his head, he just saw Gong Yu Xian trembling out of a car with the hand of a subordinate.

  Six eyes faced each other, and both sides were taken aback.

  Yu County’s public memory is good, but I can’t remember their names for a while when I clicked on the two children, and only said: "Ah, you are the two children from the day before yesterday."

  The two nodded together.

  President Yu County saw that they were holding lucky bags in their hands, he was happy, and asked with a smile, "Why did you come to receive the lucky bags at a young age?"

  Bai Shan gave a salute and replied: "This is for the elders in the family."

  Yu County's public laughed and asked, "How many houses did you get?"

   "I took this one."

   "Oh?" Yuxian Gong was curious and asked with a smile, "Why did you get this family?"

  Man Bao smiled and said, “Because this belongs to the East Palace, you can not receive the lucky bag from another family for the time being, but the prince’s lucky bag can be claimed."

  Yuxian Gongbian smiled two steps forward and asked: "Why?"

  Man Bao said: "He is the prince, and he was the most blessed person in the world since he was born. The old people may get some blessings from him if they take his lucky bag."

  Bai Shan nodded and added: “The old man who received the lucky bag has received his favor and will bring him some blessings. The prince is the foundation of the country. If he is blessed, that means the country is lucky.”

  Man Bao nodded, yes, there is still something wrong with the prince, it doesn’t matter if someone else’s blessing bag is not accepted, but his is the essential one.

Duke Yu Xian looked at them in surprise, and after a long time he smiled and touched his beard and smiled: "I haven't been back to the capital for a few years. I didn't expect the children to look so good. I remember you said that you are the same brothers and sisters. Who is your husband then?"

   was talking, Mr. Zhuang, who had been waiting for them in the car, poked his head out of the car window and called them, "Man Bao, are you all right?"

  President Yu county turned around to look around, and saw Mr. Zhuang for a moment. He felt that this man was kind of face and couldn't help but squinted his eyes to look.

  Mr. Zhuang also saw Lord Yu County, he was taken aback and then quickly put down the curtains.

  Mr. Jiang was unpacking the lucky bag, and seeing him look embarrassed, he asked, "What happened to Brother Zhuang?"

  Mr. Zhuang returned to his senses and smiled: "It's nothing."

   Saying to get out of the car after getting up.

   "Hey, Brother Zhuang..."

  Mr. Zhuang turned around and said, "Duke Yu is here, so I dare not sit still."

   "Duke Yu?" Mr. Jiang lifted the curtain and took a look outside, and saw Duke Yu County.

  He quickly took the lucky bag and dragged Mr. Chen to get off the car together.

  In the other car, Mr. Lu and Mr. Qin saw that there was something wrong with them, so they got out of the car quickly.

  Mr. Zhuang straightened up his sleeves, stepped forward quickly, and three steps away from Duke Yuxian solemnly said, "Meet Duke Yuxian."

  Yu County public squinted his eyes and raised his hand slightly, and smiled: "Don’t be polite, please, you are..."

  Bai Shan and Man Bao had already stepped forward and stood next to Mr. Zhuang, yelling "Mr."

  Yu County public laughed and said, "Are you the husband of these two children?"

  Mr. Zhuang glanced at the two children and saluted with a "yes".

  Yu County Gong nodded slightly, and Mr. Jiang and others also got off the car and came to meet with Yu County Gong.

  Yu County recognized Mr. Jiang, he pointed to a teahouse next to him and said: “Since we met, we might as well sit down and have a cup of tea, and wait for me to get a lucky bag first.”

  He smiled at Bai Shanhe Manbao and said, "What you just said is good. You can not get the lucky bag of other people, but the prince's can't fail to get it, hahahaha..."

  President Yu County went to receive the lucky bag. Mr. Zhuang reached out his hand and patted the shoulders of the two children, and asked: "Have you seen Lord Yu County?"

  Man Bao: "I met my former son at the county government office, sir, do you also know Lord Yu County?"

  Mr. Zhuang smiled and said: "I naturally know Duke Yu, but Duke Yu may not recognize me."

   The next update will be around 8pm



  (End of this chapter)

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