Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1096: Remember

   Chapter 1096

Grandpa Yuxian came to receive the lucky bag from the East Palace specially. After taking the lucky bag, the group of people went into the teahouse to talk, but a group of teenagers were cautious in front of the adults. Ran.

   Liu Huan Layin or, "Are you going?"

  Yin or shaking his head: "You go, I won't go."

  Liu Huan looked around and saw that his friends were almost running. He hesitated for a moment, but decided to stay.

Mr. Jiang, Mr. Chen and others obviously respected the Duke of Yu County. When Duke Yu went to receive the lucky bag, they stood by and waited for him to receive the bag, and respectfully invited the person to the teahouse. On the second floor, when he sits down, he will be seated.

   only sat on one-third of the stools, and placed their hands in front of their abdomen, just like Man Bao and the others were listening in class when they were young.

  Don't talk about Man Bao and Bai Shan, but Yin or Liu Huan were both taken aback.

  Mr. Jiang turned his head to see them so dumb, and said: "Aren't you coming to see Gong Yu?"

  The four people stepped forward in a daze, and Gong Xian smiled and waved, “Don’t let the children be so cautious. We have all seen them before, come and come, and sit down.”

  He smiled and looked at Mr. Zhuang, "Are these two children your disciples?"

  Mr. Zhuang bowed and replied: "Yes."

  Yu County Guru smiled and nodded, and asked: "When did you teach them?"

  Mr. Zhuang replied: "It starts with enlightenment."

  Yu County's father suddenly, his face was more gentle, "So they still followed you to enlighten? Okay, okay, okay, I see you very well, have we met before?"

  Mr. Zhuang paused, then bowed and said: "When the kid was young, he came to the capital once, and he once posted a poem to Master Hang Hang, the minister of the former household department. Yu Gong was also there, so I saw him."

  Gong Yu County thought for a while before remembering, "Hang? Is it Hang Liping?"

  Mr. Zhuang bowed and responded with a "yes".

   Gong Xian sighed, "He died a long time ago. It has been eleven or two years since he died. You contributed an article to him. It was more than 20 years ago, right?"

  He also served as the servant of the household department at that time.

  Mr. Zhuang responded "Yes" again.

  Keyu County's father felt that it was not quite right.

  Although he has a good memory, there are so many people who contribute to them every year. He can't even remember the people who contributed to himself, let alone the people who contributed to his friends.

  How can he think Mr. Zhuang is familiar?

Gong Xian County looked at Mr. Zhuang touching his beard, and after a long time he smiled and asked, "I don’t know which poem you wrote back then, but you are dressed in white. It was the old boy who didn’t get your writing and went back to his hometown. ?"

  Mr. Jiang and others did not speak, but felt the atmosphere stagnated.

  Man Bao opened her mouth to speak, Bai Shan pulled her sleeve, she looked back at him, and Bai Shan shook her head slightly at her.

  Mr. Zhuang smiled and read the poems he had voted back then, without changing a word.

  Mr. Jiang and others couldn’t help but praise a good poem in their hearts, but the smile on Gong Xian’s face gradually faded.

  He has always had a good memory, not to mention that he still likes this poem written by Mr. Zhuang, and he once had the feeling of ambition in it, so when he heard it back then, he liked it.

  So it is natural to know what happened later.

  Gong Yu County looked at Mr. Zhuang up and down. He straightened his back and lowered his head slightly to let him look.

Gong Xian's eyes turned to Bai Shan and Man Bao. Seeing that the two of them were looking at him with their round eyes with concern, he withdrew his gaze and looked at Mr. Zhuang, "You have been white for so many years. ?"

   "Yes," Mr. Zhuang replied with a bow and paused, "The kid has been a master, but he has been a teacher after two years, and he has been a teacher until now."

  Yu County Gong nodded slightly and asked, "How many disciples did you accept?"


  Yu County’s gaze swept over Liu Huan and Yin or body.

  Mr. Zhuang lowered his head and did not see his gaze, but Man Bao and Bai Shan saw it, and quickly explained: "Gong Yu County, our junior is not here today. He went to play with his classmates."

  "Brother?" Gongju Yuxian looked at Man Bao and smiled, "If you count it like this, are you a big sister?"

  Man Bao nodded.

   "But I think you are younger than your junior."

  Why should everyone pay attention to this?

  Man Baodao: "But I started early."

  Yu County Gong asked Mr. Zhuang, "This little girl belongs to your family?"

  Mr. Zhuang quickly explained, “No, this kid has studied with me since she was a child. She is very smart, so she accepted her as a disciple.”

Man Bao explained: "Mr. opened a school in our village, and my sister-in-law was cooking in the school. When I was a child, I would go with me. When my husband was in class, I would sit on the threshold and listen. I became a disciple."

   "I don't want to fix it. Even my first book and pen, ink, paper and ink were given by my husband."

  President Yu County understood, and asked with a smile: "Then why don't your family give me a repair?"

   "My family is poor, and I didn't have any money at the beginning."

   "Poor family..." Yu County Gong glanced at Mr. Zhuang and asked Man Bao with a smile: "How many years have you studied with your husband?"

  Man Bao: "It's been eleven or twelve years."

  Bai Shan almost choked on her own saliva. Did you go to school when you were born?

  He couldn't help but glance at her.

  Mr. Zhuang also gave Man Bao a secret glance and warned her to be honest.

  Man Bao thought, it is indeed eleven or twelve years, although she doesn’t remember it, but Keke remembers it.

  It was said a long time ago that she was so young that she would sit on the threshold of the school when she walked on the wall. The first word she learned was to call "Mr." with the students in the school.

  Gun Yu County smiled at it, nodded slightly, touched his beard, and asked, "I remember that a classmate of you back then made a good poem. What's his name?"

  Mr. Zhuang smiled and said, "The time is too long, the kid has forgotten."

  At this moment, even Bai Shan couldn't help but want to talk, but when Mr. Zhuang glanced up, the two disciples could only bow their heads aggrievedly and stop speaking.

  Yu County Gong nodded as he listened, and did not continue the topic, but drank some tea, talked to Mr. Jiang and others, and left.

  Mr. Jiang and others sent Yuxian Gonggong out, and then he straightened up, “Strange, when did Yu Gong return to Beijing? Didn’t he return to his hometown?”

  Mr. Chen stared at Mr. Zhuang thoughtfully, isn’t Mr. Zhuang’s classmate Chen Fulin who Yu County Gong said?

  As soon as the admired person left, everyone looked at the sunset on the horizon, and there was no time to play, so they bid farewell to each other and went back to their homes.

  Mr. Chen takes Mr. Jiang and rides together.

  Yin may also glance at the time and then said: "I have to go home, too. If you have something to tell me, you can tell me if you need my help."

  Man Bao and Bai Shan knew what he had guessed sensitively, nodded and watched him get into the car.

   Liu Huan squeezed up behind him and shouted: "I'm with you. Anyway, our two families will be on the way."

  After they all left, the three teachers and students got on the carriage.

  Bai Shan and Man Bao were puzzled, and asked: "Sir, why don't you tell Duke Yu?"

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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