Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1097: Preaching

  Chapter 1097 Preaching

  Mr. Zhuang looked at the two simple children and sighed, and said, "As a teacher, you know what you are thinking. Why do you want Master Yu to be a teacher?"

  Bai Shan said: "Gong Yu Xian looks like an upright person."

  Man Bao nodded, "A righteous person will always complain about injustices for the victim, right?"

"That's correct," Mr. Zhuang said: "If it is ten years ahead of schedule, even five years ahead of schedule, then Yu County Lord Yu is not that old and is still in office. As a teacher, he will definitely not miss this opportunity. But he is so old now that he has stepped down..."

"It has been more than 20 years, and there is no conclusive evidence to prove your innocence as a teacher, and you have all read the law book. You know, it is evidence that solves a case, not speculation," Mr. Zhuang said: " There are deep and shallow feelings, but there is no evidence. Gong Xian will not believe me on my own words. It is too difficult and too cumbersome to find out. He is too old."

  Mr. Zhuang sighed, so Duke Yu may not take care of this matter, and, "I don’t want to trouble Duke Yu too much for this as a teacher."

  Mr. Zhuang smiled and said: “Although the reputation is heavy, it has already been like a passing smoke to me. You should also remember and don’t bother with this in the future.”

   "Mr. thinks that this is the case?" Man Bao frowned and said, "But judging from his three actions, Mr. is willing, maybe he won't?"

Mr. Zhuang smiled at her and said: "Yes, I was thinking about it as a teacher. If he really does something, in order not to affect you, he will talk to him about everything that the teacher says, but you are now famous, I There is no need to find him."

  Seeing the doubts of the two children, he smiled and said, “I thought that if the teacher knew him well, he wouldn’t dare to do anything to me unless he was fully sure.”

He leaned on the wall of the car and smiled happily: "He is not a stupid person to be admitted to the government, but why is he only a fifth-grade doctor after more than 20 years of official career? He is not incompetent, but because of his loss. Got a sense of strength."

  Mr. Zhuang has had no ambitions in his life, so he thinks more. The more people he meets and the more he thinks, he figured out some truths.

  Those principles, he once wanted to teach his son, but his son had some knots about him. He didn't want to do nothing like his father with an impossible ambition in his entire life, but he was tortured in his heart.

  His wish is very simple, that his wife and children are hot on the bed. He has no big ambitions, but just wants to settle down in the county. In the future, he will leave more shops and more fields for the children, and tell his sons and daughters a good marriage.

  He wants to teach his grandson, but unfortunately, his grandson’s Lao Tzu is not too happy to let him teach, for fear that he will raise his son like his father.

   Although Dalang Zhuang never said, he felt that his father had a hard life. This kind of suffering did not lie in his food, clothing, housing and transportation, but in his ambitions. What he wanted to do was never done.

  He doesn’t want his son to be like his father.

  So Mr. Zhuang has a lot of Taoist ideals but nowhere to teach.

  He usually teaches his students, but there are some things that are not suitable to talk about from time to time, and the time for them to study with him is also limited.

   is also Manbao, Baishan, and Baijiro, because he is always by his side, so he can tell them the truths he has figured out.

  "Chen Fulin has been cautious all his life, but if he is too cautious, he is indecisive. Moreover, he is too utilitarian and does not do anything unprofitable. Although such a person will not have major difficulties, it is difficult to achieve."

Mr. Zhuang said to the two disciples: "You don't want to learn from him. Although I have been asking you to be cautious in your words and deeds, you can't lose your spirit. In this life, in addition to fame, you always have to persevere a little bit. "

  Man Bao and Bai Shan nodded together, took note of what the husband had said, and then brought back the topic of deviation, "So the husband thinks that he is jealous of us, instead of hurting you again?"

Seeing that they brought the topic back again, Mr. Zhuang could only break it up and talk to them. He nodded and said, "Yes, Bai Shan and Erlang are both scholars. He knows that scholars have the same name. He has been in the capital for many years and has many of his own. Ways to deal with your two juniors, but you are different."

Mr. Zhuang smiled and said: "You are a healer and protected by Ji Shitang. He couldn't think of a way to deal with you for a while, and now you are in and out of the house of the princes and nobles, and sometimes you can ruin his years of management with just one sentence. Compared with him, I am a barefoot beggar, but he is a silk cloth. When the two meet, I am more afraid of him, or is he more afraid of me?"

  Man Bao said: "I didn't see that Mr. was afraid of him."

  Since meeting Chen Fulin, the expression on Mr. Zhuang's face has not changed much, and he has been calmly dealing with him. I am afraid Chen Fulin is even more afraid, right?

  Man Bao couldn't help but smiled and narrowed his eyes.

  Bai Shan thought about it: "Mr. But also has weaknesses, but he hasn't noticed it yet."

  Man Bao turned his head and asked, "What is the weakness of Mr.?"

  Bai Shan glanced at her and said, "You."

  Man Bao's eyes widened.

   "There is still me, and Bai Er."

  Mr. Zhuang smiled and nodded slightly, reached out his hand and touched his head and smiled: "So, in the future, you also have to learn how to be incapable of emotions and anger, do you know?"

After all, he glanced at Man Bao and said, "Especially you."

  Man Bao immediately sat up and calmed down his expression.

  Mr. Zhuang snorted softly: "In the future, you can be indifferent in front of us, and your emotions and anger are invisible. Even if you have practiced this skill."

  Man Bao couldn’t help showing bitterness and distress on his face.

  Mr. Zhuang patted her on the head, Man Bao could only suffocate his breath and retract his face. Mr. Zhuang looked even more weird.

  Bai Shan couldn't help but laugh out loud. Without holding back, he stretched out his hand and pinched the flesh on her face.

Man Bao slapped his hand, and Bai Shan interceded for her. "Sir, she is like this in front of her family. She will pretend when she goes out. She is holding her face and raising her chin, she is a little genius doctor. Looks like."

  Mr. Zhuang did not let her go, but said with earnest words: "This is not enough, Man Bao, not all friends in this world can pay each other with heart, and people must be alert."

   "I have suffered from this before as a teacher. I don't want you to suffer from this in the future."

  Man Baodao: "Don't worry, sir, we are very cautious outside."

  Don't talk about Mr. Zhuang, even Bai Shan looked at her unbelievably.

  Man Bao wanted to open his mouth to speak, but after thinking about it, he endured it.

  Hmph, she can keep secrets very well. She hasn't told anyone about Koko after having been with her for so many years.

  Bai Shan thinks: You haven’t even kept your dad with you, can you still say that you are cautious?

  The three of them returned home. Man Bao and Bai Shan and other gentlemen went into the house to rest, and they gathered together and whispered together, “So let’s forget about it?”

  Bai Shan said: "Listen to Mr., let's watch the changes."

  Man Bao remembered something, and asked: "I'm really not cautious, is my happiness and anger very visible?"

  Bai Shan nodded heavily.

    The next update will be around 4pm



  (End of this chapter)

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