Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1109: Just pay attention (add more for myself

  Chapter 1109 Just pay attention to a little bit (add more for myself, hahahaha...)

  Man Bao moved in his heart and asked: "The queen mother..."

   "The emperor and the queen are very filial."

  Just a sentence full of treasure to understand.

  In other words, in the palace, you can offend anyone, even the emperor, just don’t offend the queen mother.


  Man Bao swallowed and asked, "I heard that the Queen Mother loves King Yizhou?"

  "The king of Yizhou is the youngest son of the empress dowager, so the empress dowager naturally loves him a little bit more."

  That is over, she was born to offend the queen mother, this is something that does not change with her will.

  Man Bao sighed, his expression sad.

  The doctor Zheng looked inexplicably and didn't understand what she was worried about, but when she saw that she was still young, she felt softened again and wondered if she was scared.

   So comforted: "Don't be afraid, the empress is a kind person. As long as you don't cause serious troubles, it's okay to speak rudely to the emperor and prince."

  Man Bao is not worried about this.

   Although the prince had a hot temper and would hack someone at every turn, she really didn’t think he would hack her.

  Emperor, huh, he was the one who promoted them since they entered Beijing, and now Man Bao suspects that even entering the palace might have his handwriting.

  And before they filed a complaint, he probably wouldn't do anything to her. And she is not stupid, why should she offend these people?

  Man Bao thinks he will not offend these people, but some people like to mess with her.

  When Manbao went to the palace to see the queen again the next day, the prince was also there, and he was standing outside the hall and waiting.

   Seeing the internal officer leading Man Bao over, he beckoned, and the internal officer led Man Bao past.

  Man Bao walked over and saluted the prince.

  The prince glanced at the shopkeeper Xiaozheng who was carrying the medicine box behind her. The shopkeeper Xiaozheng glanced at Manbao, and then silently stepped aside with the internal officer.

The prince    looked at Man Bao and said, “I know you don’t like to lie, so let’s talk straight to the point. Can you cure my mother’s illness?”

  Man Baodao: "Didn't I tell you yesterday, I can't cure it now."

  The prince stared at her and asked: "Then to what extent can you cure?"

  Man Bao was silent, and he was tormented in his heart. Last night, he said that he should be careful not to sin.

  The prince said blankly: "Let's talk, I won't ask you to settle accounts, and I won't tell others."

  Man Bao coughed lightly: "The queen thinks too much."

   Seeing that she did not continue, the prince frowned and said, "I know."

  Man Bao said: "The queen is still depressed."

   "This lone knows too." the prince asked, "what about then?"

   "If the queen can't be amused, and she thinks harder, no matter how good the medicine we give, we can only guarantee this two years."

  The prince's face was gloomy for an instant, Man Bao jumped back, pointed at him and said: "You said what you said. If I tell you the truth, you can't trouble me anymore."

  The prince stared at her, then turned and left.

  Man Bao breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly turned around and waved to Xiao Zheng's shopkeeper.

  The shopkeeper Xiao Zheng ran over immediately holding the medicine box, and Bao Bao said: "Hurry up, let's go in and find the queen."

  The queen also knew that the prince was looking for Manbao, and asked her with a smile, "What did the prince tell you? Did you trouble me?"

  Man Bao smiled and shook his head, "No, just asked about Niang Niang's condition, so that I can treat Niang Niang well."

  The queen didn't know whether she believed it or not, anyway, she smiled happily.

  Man Bao changed her acupuncture a few steps this time. It was during the nap time that she fell asleep only halfway through the needle.

  Aunt Shang watched from the side, couldn't help but curl her mouth, and said to Man Bao: "The mother's cough was not as bad as before, but she slept a few more minutes."

  Man Bao wrote down, "That means that the needle method and medicine are correct."

This time acupuncture is still done in two sessions. Manbao always pays attention to the time, which is different from that they can only count the time by looking at the hourglass or hourglass. Manbao directly looks at the time in the system, so the timing is better than them. .

  She pulled out all the needles, the queen just moved her head and did not wake up.

  Man Bao pressed her acupuncture points as usual, making her feel a slight soreness and then turned over to lie down.

  Man Bao exited the account and was about to leave after receiving the things. Aunt Shang stopped her quickly and said: "Dr. Zhou Xiao stays first, and I have something to say to you when the empress wakes up."

  Man Bao took a look at the time, and Guo Zixue was about to leave school in half an hour. She had to go to Yin or get a needle.

  But thinking of the opportunity here is also rare, Man Bao hesitated for a while and sat down and waited.

   Seeing that she seemed to be fidgeting, Aunt Shang poured her a cup of tea and said with a smile: "Dr. Zhou Xiao rests at ease, our mother is just talking to you, don’t worry."

  Man Bao nodded, and after drinking a cup of tea, he pointed to the chair beside him and said, "Sister, sit down, too."

  Aunt Shang, "You call my sister? You should call me aunt or aunt."

  Man Bao scratched his head in embarrassment: "But you look about the same age as my sisters and sisters, I'm afraid that you will be called old."

  Aunt Shang did not sit down. In this room, she was not qualified to sit. She stood up and spoke to Man Bao in a low voice, "Are you the youngest in the family?"

  Man Bao should be.

   "What's your ranking?"


  Aunt Shang smiled and said, “No wonder, if there are a few more separated in the middle, then your mother is indeed quite old. Your family is really blessed, and you have given birth to so many children.”

  Man Bao nodded in agreement, and asked Aunt Shang, "Where is the sister from? Are there many brothers in the family?"

  Aunt Shang was taken aback for a while and then smiled: “I’m from Taiyuan. I only have one brother in my family, but there are five sisters.”

   "My sister has many people in her family."

  Aunt Shang smiled softly, but she was not too blessed.

  Aunt Shang asked Man Bao curiously: "Who did Dr. Zhou Xiao learn from? It is so good."

  Man Bao said embarrassedly: "In fact, it is not as good as the rumors. I have studied medical skills with many people. Among them, there is only Taiyi Fan in the imperial physicians. Do you know Taiyi Fan?"

  Aunt Shang nodded with a smile, "I know, I have been in the palace for several years when Grand Doctor Fan left the palace. I didn't expect you to be a disciple of Grand Doctor Fan."

  It’s no wonder that the doctor who dared to open Su Jian’s stomach is the best at treating trauma.

The two chatted quietly. Aunt Shang was going to see the queen. Seeing that she was really bored, she handed over a book that the queen had landed on the couch to her, and smiled: "Let’s take a look at the book and pass the time, I Go and serve the empress."

  Man Bao nodded, lowered his head to read, and saw that it was a "Clan Chronicles", so he opened it curiously.

  She has heard about clan records from different people. The husband mentioned it, and the magistrate of Tang and Yang seemed to have mentioned it, but it was the first time that Man Bao actually saw it.

  She opened it curiously.

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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