Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1110: make friends

   Chapter 1110 Making Friends

Clan history is actually a record of the clans and clans in various places. Man Bao opened it. The first page listed is Cui Gan of the Cui clan of Boring. It not only lists his family history, but also his current official position, title, etc... …

  Man Bao looked at it with gusto, and thought, if this is to memorize the clan history, wouldn’t it be that everyone knows it when he’s away from home?

  Man Baozheng looked attentively, and a chuckle sounded in her ears. When she raised her head, she saw a girl about the same age holding a little girl's hand and looking at her.

   Seeing her look over, the older girl smiled and asked, "Why do you like to read such books? Don't you find it boring?"

  Man Bao recognizes her. Yesterday she was among a bunch of princes and princes. Although she did not know which princess was, the princess did not run away.

  Man Bao got up and saluted.

  Princess Changyu spared her gift, and Man Bao replied: "This book is very beautiful. Has the princess read it?"

  Princess Changyu sighed, “I was forced to memorize it if I didn’t want to see it, so don’t let me see it anymore.”

  The little girl next to her pursed her lips. She looked at Man Bao curiously and asked: "Are you the little genius doctor who treats the queen mother?"

  Man Bao also looked at the little girl curiously, "My name is Zhou Man, and I cannot be regarded as a genius doctor."

  Although she didn’t ask the little girl’s name, she stared at her with bright eyes and reported her name again...

  The little girl smiled and happily responded to her, "I am Mingda, do you have any words?"

  Man Bao shook his head, "I'm still young, and my husband said that he will take it for me when I get ready."

Queen   was awake, she came out after changing clothes and saw that the three girls were chatting happily, so she walked over with a smile, "Changyu, did you disturb Dr. Zhou Xiao's reading?"

  Changyu stuck out his tongue, ran up to grab the queen's hand and smiled: "Mother, do you guess what book she is reading?"

  The queen looked at Man Bao's book, slightly surprised.

   "Yes, she was reading the clan history, but she still read it with gusto. This book, even the third brother, doesn't like it very much."

   "Nonsense, your third brother memorized the clan history when he was nine years old."

   "That's also a rote memorization, but the third brother said, it's not good-looking at all, he almost vomits when he recites it."

  The queen took two steps forward, picked up the book, and looked at Man Bao, "Dr. Zhou Xiao likes to read this book?"

  Man Bao nodded and said: "Fortunately, it just feels interesting."

  The queen smiled and handed her the book in her hand, "Then this book is for you."

  Man Bao took it in surprise, "That’s not good..."

   "Oh, just keep it for you," Chang Yu smiled: "If you like me, there is also a copy, and it will be given to you."

  The queen patted her head angrily, "Naughty, that's for you, be careful of your father to check your homework."

  Changyu sighed.

  Man Bao accepted the book, bowed and thanked the queen.

  Seeing that she just bowed and thanked, instead of kneeling and kowtow like others, Mingda, who had been standing quietly by the side, looked up at her.

  Man Bao was putting the book away, and when he lowered his head to meet her gaze, he smiled at her.

Queen    also sat on the couch, waved to Mingda, called her to her side, and asked softly, "How is your body?"

   "It's better. I wanted to see my mother yesterday, but they didn't let me come."

   "Mother is sick, and you are also sick. Two patients will get sick together," the queen smiled: "Mother wants to visit you too, can't you hold it back?"

  She looked at Man Bao and said with a smile: "It happened that Doctor Zhou Xiao was here today, so let her show you."

  Man Bao found out early that Princess Mingda’s hair is a bit yellowish, but she is clearly a princess, and she has a little lack of qi, which resembles Yinor’s symptoms.

  Man Bao immediately put down his hand to show her, and this touch revealed that she had many problems.

  Some of her breath is weak, spleen and stomach are weak, but these are not the most important, she found that she also has gas problems.

  The queen obviously knows this, she sighed: "I don't know if it's because of me, this child has been in poor health since birth and can't breathe often."

  Man Bao shook his head slightly and said, “The princess’s gas illness is different from that of the empress, but it’s more like a heart disease.”

   "Xiao Yuanzheng also said the same, but it has not been cured."

  Man Bao became silent. She remembered that she had seen similar cases with Teacher Mo.

  Man Bao retracted his hand and said, "I think I have to go back and check the medical book."

  The queen smiled and nodded, "Okay, then there will be Dr. Lao Xiaozhou."

  She turned to look at Aunt Shang.

  Aunt Shang immediately took a box and stepped forward.

  The queen opened, and took out a sign from the inside to Manbao, "This is a sign for entering and leaving the palace. You are the same age as them, and you can always enter the palace to play with them even if you don't go to the palace to see a doctor in the future."

Changyu's eyes lit up and he clapped his hands and exclaimed, "This is good, this is good. You can bring us something in the palace in the future. The third brother doesn't like to play with us anymore. The eldest brother is strict, we want to buy. Nothing is out there anymore."

  Mingda is also very happy, with bright eyes.

  The queen gave them a glance, but didn't say anything to stop them.

  Man Bao accepted the sign, always feeling that the queen's move was not only to let her enter the palace to find the two princesses to play.

  But this is a good thing for her. With this brand, she will have one more choice in the future. She accepted it happily.

  To return to the peach, Man Bao asked Mingda’s preferences, racked his brains and thought of two snacks for her to strengthen the spleen and stomach.

  Mingda took the prescription and read it again. After looking at the description, she found it delicious. She swallowed and asked, "Will you do it?"

  Man Bao: "I can eat."

  Mingda looked up in surprise, "What?"

  Chang Yu burst into laughter, and happily said, "Who can't eat, I will too!"

Queen    also smiled and curled her eyes.

Man Bao bowed her head not embarrassedly. She was so used to talking to Bai Shan and the others, she brought it out for a while. She coughed lightly and explained: "I remember many recipes, but the cooking skills are very ordinary, so I don’t know how to do it. ."

  Keke, who has been silent, secretly said: Isn’t that very good at doing it, it’s not going to be good at all?

  The queen turned her eyes slightly and asked with a smile: "Have you never learned how to cook?"

  Man Bao blushed and nodded.

  Queen: "What do you do at home on weekdays?"


  The queen asked: "What book did you read?"

  "I am reading "Spring and Autumn" in detail."

  Since it is a detailed reading, it means that it has been read before. The queen looked at Changyu who was about the same size as Man Bao.

  Princess Changyu lowered her head.

  The queen smiled and said: "No wonder you could admonish your majesty and the prince yesterday."

  Man Bao said: "I was reckless yesterday."

  The queen shook her head slightly, "You did a good job in persuading you, but you have done something. As a subject, you must admonish it. Good boy, you did a good job yesterday."

    The next update will be around 4pm



  (End of this chapter)

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