Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1112: investigation

   Chapter 1112 Investigation

  Aunt Shang sent Man Bao out of the palace, and when she returned to Lizheng Hall, the queen also let her two daughters away.

  She regained a copy of the family history and leaned on the couch to read it.

  Aunt Shang gently added water to her.

  The queen looked away from the book and asked, "Dr. Zhou Xiao sent it out?"

   "Yes." Aunt Shang bowed in response and reported it to her in detail.

  The queen nodded slightly, and pondered for a moment: "Changyu is not too young anymore. Your Majesty is planning to tell her to kiss her, but I always feel that this child has a temper like a child. Where can I get married?"

  Aunt Shang smiled and said: "A girl will grow up when she is married. Didn’t the lady marry your Majesty when she was 13 years old?"

  The queen shook her head slightly and smiled: "It's different. We were in turmoil at the time. Now that the country is peaceful, we don’t need children to do anything for this world. It’s better to wait for them to grow longer."

  She said: “Aren’t the people outside now waiting for their children and waiting for them to say that they are going to marry?”

She covered her mouth and coughed twice, took a sip from sleep, and swallowed the cough before she said: "I used to worry that their marriage could not be settled after I was gone, so I wanted to make arrangements for them as soon as possible, but now I see Zhou Man. Suddenly, I feel that it’s okay to marry later. They are princesses and princes, and they won’t be wronged no matter how much wronged marriage is."

  Aunt Shang lowered her head and dared not speak.

  "It’s better to let the children grow longer and have their own skills than if I arranged them properly."

  Aunt Shang said softly: "The empress is also a motherly heart."

  The queen smiled and lowered her head to drink water.

  Aunt Shang smiled and changed to a safer topic, “The lady seems to like Doctor Zhou Xiao very much.”

  The queen nodded and sighed: "That's also a poor child. Since he was a child, without his parents, he has endured so much at a young age, but he still looks so cheerful and happy."

  It was also because of seeing her that the queen suddenly felt that the child could live well without the mother.

  Aunt Shang is the fourth person in the palace besides Gu Zhong who knows about Bai Shan and Zhou Man, and bows her head when she hears this.

"By the way, you go to Gu Zhong and ask him to check Zhou Man's husband. I vaguely saw it from His Majesty. It seems to be the surname Zhuang," the queen laughed: "Can teach a disciple like Bai Shan Zhouman. Mr.'s must not be far behind. Even if he is almost lucky, as long as he wants to be an official, he won't be able to get out all the time. Let him find out what's going on."

  Aunt Shang lowered her head to respond.

At this time, the Duke of Yu County, who had passed two days later, finally asked people to inquire about something. His long-time servant sat on a small stool next to Duke Yu and replied: "...Mianzhou people, after coming to Beijing, I seldom go out, and after going out a few times, I made friends with Mr. Jiang and others, and I was a classmate and classmate with Chen Fulin, a collaborator in the household department."

  Duke Yu, peeling water chestnuts, said: "Let you check his past years, how can you check out what is happening now?"

  His long-term follower said in an angry voice: "What happened more than 20 years ago, he was not a person who lived in the capital for a long time, where can the villain go to check it out for a while?"

  Yu County's father was stunned, and he lowered his head and silently peeled water chestnuts to eat.

  Long Sui continued: "However, I still found something. On the Mid-Autumn Festival, when Zhuang Xun and Chen Fulin met in Mo Huiyuan, the scene was not very beautiful. Everyone said in private that they might have some grievances."

  "On the day of the Double Ninth Festival, they met again in Qinghua Mountain. Mr. Zhuang’s two disciples were very guardians. Although they were very polite to each other, everyone present felt that they were still in conflict when they spoke with swords."

   "Then have you found out any contradiction between them?"

   Chang followed his thigh and said: "I didn't find out, but the villain heard a strange thing when he went to inquire about Chen Fulin."

   Changsui shook his head and read a poem, and smiled: "Old lady, do you remember the poem you read when you came back that day?"

  President Yu County raised his eyelids and glanced at him, "Nonsense, can I not remember the poem I read? Are you saying that this poem was written by Chen Fulin?"

  Long followed for a moment, "How does the old lady know?"

Duke Yu County sighed faintly: "Huh, my memory is not good when I get older. I only vaguely remember that the person who wrote this poem back then had a scandal. It seems that it was because the poem copied someone else. But I can't remember who that other person is."

  Long follower: "...Why didn't you tell the villain when you asked the villain to check?"

  Yu County: "Forget!"

  The white beard flies up with anger.

  Yu County Duke asked, "What official position did you say about Chen Fulin?"

  Naga Suiben didn’t want to pay attention to him, but he couldn’t help but said: "Hubei Physician."

  "What's wrong with the Hube Langzhong?" Yu Shilang came in from the door, saluted his father first, and then half-littled him to the long escort, shouting: "Uncle Quan."

  The long follower immediately got up from the small stool and saluted Yu Shilang, "Meet the third master."

Shi Lang Yu quickly reached out to support him, and then asked: "What's wrong with Hube Langzhong?"

  President Yu County raised his eyelids to look at him, quietly saying: "Chen Fulin, the husband of the household."

Shilang Yu waited for a while to see his father only said such a sentence, and he said: "What's wrong with him? Father knows that he is going to be transferred to the Ministry of Engineering?"

   "Huh?" Yuxian Gong Weiwei became interested, "He is going to be transferred to the Ministry of Engineering? What is he going to do? You Shi Lang?"

  Yu Shilang smiled and said: "No, it is Zuo Shi Lang, my son needs to be transferred to Right Shi Lang."

  Although the left and right servants are both servants, and the ranks are the same, the right is respected, and the right servant will have an advantage when he is promoted to Shangshu in the future.

  Yu County Counselor asked, "Why, is he the only candidate?"

"It's not, it's just that he has the deepest qualifications," Yu Shilang said: "He has been working as a doctor for nine years, and he is the one with the deepest qualifications in the six departments. Our engineering department has always been complicated, and he is a well-known good old man. , So Master Shangshu selected him after a review."

  Yu County Duke snorted coldly, "Nowadays, what officials choose is not talents, but not good people?"

   Yu Shilang lowered his head and did not speak.

   Gong Xian pointed at him and said, "Then, what kind of person is he?"

Shilang Yu said with a smile: "It's really a good guy, but he also has talent. I have asked him. He also did a few practical things when he was in the Ministry of Households. It is a pity. Among them, the calculation methods for several acres of land are good. , That is, as soon as someone objected, he gave up."

  Yu County public sighed and said, "Your Shangshu is valued on him? No wonder you are going to be moved to the right. Such a person will be placed in the position of Youshilang. Do you still expect him to make a Shangshu in the future."

   "This is everyone's temperament, why is my father so angry today?"

Mr. Zhuang’s modesty and politeness flashed in the head of Yu County's public. Without evidence, he would not arbitrarily believe in a certain person, but the two children of Bai Shan and Zhou Man had good personalities, and their talents were not bad. At a disadvantage, Gong Yuxian couldn't help but think a little bit more.

  Thinking a lot, I have a focus.

    The next update is around nine o'clock in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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