Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1113: Hit it down

  Chapter 1113 is down

  President Yu County pondered for a moment and asked, “As for the transfer, you won’t let your Shangshu consider it again?”

   Yu Shilang: "Father, I have to transfer my son, and there is nothing wrong with him."

  It’s not a big problem. He doesn’t have an opinion. He can do better. When Lao Shangshu quits, his pressure on campaigning can be reduced.

  You must know that not only can the ministers of the six ministries be able to grab the post of Shangshu, but also the officials who are sent to the outsiders, but because they are the same ministers, they have more advantages.

  Yu County squire glanced at his son, "If you are talented, why are you afraid of a strong opponent? If you are not talented, why bother to harm the world?"

   Yu Shi Lang:...

  This is my own dad, and he can't scold or answer back. So Yu Shilang got lucky and left after saluting.

   Seeing that the old lady had taken the third master away, he sat back on the stool and asked, "Old lady, do you still investigate this matter?"

"Don't check it," Mr. Yu County said irritably, "What else is there to check? It's not that Zhuang Xun copied Chen Fulin's poems and stole the chickens without losing the rice. He was kicked out of the capital that year, and now he is back; It was Chen Fulin who copied Zhuang Xun's poems, and then beat them back and drove people out of the capital, ruining people's lives."


"But neither of them are from the capital. It happened more than 20 years ago. How can I find out?" Gong Yuxian paused and said, "It can also be checked. Send someone to Yizhou City. Look for their former husband and classmates, huh, things like poetry and essays have fooled outsiders, but they certainly can't fool the classmates who used to get along day and night."


   "Don't go," Mr. Yuxian hummed before he finished speaking, "I'm all going to get old, so what can I do to find this trouble?"

  Is Yizhou City very close to the capital?

  Long nodded his head again and again, "If you don't go, it's right, the villain went down and rested?"

  As soon as Chang followed up and was about to leave, Duke Yu stopped him, "Wait."

  Changsui knew it, and looked back at him silently.

Public Yuxian pursed his mouth and waved his hand: "Forget it, you have a bone. Find a young and clever one to go to Yizhou. There is no need to find any evidence. Of course, you can find a better one, but you can't find it. Just ask about their opinion, and inquire about their former husband and classmates, especially those close to them, you can always find out something."

  Long smiled casually.

The public in Yu County is so mature. Once he wants to open it, he can find more ways. Anyway, he is not the Ministry of Justice and Dali Temple. He doesn't need evidence, so he knocked on his knee and said: "You, just ask in the capital. What good poems Chen Fulin has done in the past 20 years, ask someone to write down a copy and show it to me."

   said again: "Also, check some, in recent years, have any students from Yizhou come to visit him, or have the best relationship with him."

  The officialdom is most concerned about contacts, fellow villagers, classmates, and fellow students.

  Chen Fulin once studied in Yizhou Prefecture. The students taught by the same husband, or the students taught by his classmates...These are all connections. Generally speaking, they come to Kyoto and visit his house.

  As for Chen Fulin in his old classmates and his old teacher's character, you can see how he has been in contact with Yizhou over the years.

  Long listener understands, so go back and check.

  Of course, this didn't come out in a short while, but it was much easier to check these things in the palace than Yu Xiangong, especially the queen asked Gu Zhong to check it.

  Let Gu Zhong check it, which is equivalent to let the emperor check it.

  Because the King Yizhou was involved, the emperor had checked the people around Bai Shan and Zhou Man long after he knew the life experiences of Bai Shan and Zhou Man.

  Mr. Zhuang is the husband of the three children in his cognition, and he is considered their think tank, but as a teacher, there are more of them, so he doesn't care much.

  As soon as the queen asked Gu Zhong to investigate, he also took two points, so he asked his own people to check.

  The emperor’s people knew that Mr. Zhuang had to go to the Imperial College, so they started investigating from here, and within half a day they also found out the dispute between him and Chen Fulin.

  But they are quicker than Yuxian Gong, they also found Chen Fulin's small movements these days.

  These were all written in a booklet and reported to the emperor, and then they continued to check it out.

  The emperor took the zhezi and went to find the queen.

After the couple ate dinner, they leaned together to talk. The emperor showed her the zucchini, and said with a calm face: "As for the first emperor, I was in chaos when I was standing in the early days. "

  Although it has not been verified and there is no evidence, only from the performance of Chen Fulin and Zhuang Xun, the poem was written by Zhuang Xun that year, and Chen Fulin clearly wanted to drive people out of the capital again.

  The queen looked at her and sighed, then closed Zhezi and said: "It's hard for this Mr. Zhuang to teach people like Bai Shan and Zhou Man."

  The emperor also sighed, then rolled his eyes and moved to the queen's side and said: "Zitong has also seen Zhou Man, what do you think of her?"

  The queen smiled and asked: "What do you think of her?"

   "Don't you realize that she is also very naughty and brave? Very similar to the prince when she was a child."

  The queen laughed, "It's a bit like it, so what?"

   "I thought, since he can teach Zhou Man well, can he teach the prince well?"

The queen thought for a while and shook her head, "It's not the same, Da Lang is so old, unlike Zhou Man who learned from him since he was a child, and he has no officials and no titles, and no power in his family. You think Da Lang will listen to him. ?"

  The emperor was worried, "Then what do you say?"

  "If you want to be really ruthless, you can hire Kong Jijiu and Wei's secret supervisor as the prince master, let go of them and let them teach, how about?"

  The emperor Bennono said: "Naturally, I have no problem, but I am afraid that Da Lang is unwilling. What should I do if he gets angry and cut Kong Qing and Wei Qing? Especially Kong Qing, he is not young."

  The queen snorted coldly, "If he dared to do something to the husband, why not beat him and scold him? Besides, Da Lang would not do anything to the teacher even though he was all bad."

  The emperor thought about it.

  Seeing that he heard it, the queen leaned on the couch, letting him want to go.

Within two days, the queen’s illness began to take effect, and when it began to slow down, two imperial edicts were issued in the palace. He handles government affairs together.

  In addition to this, there is also an episode in which the clerks promoted Chen Fulin's excerpts and were beaten back in front of the emperor.

  This time not only the officials, but also those from the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Households were shocked.

  Generally, this kind of promotion is a tacit thing. Shang Shu or Shi Lang must have mentioned it to the emperor before. The discount is just a process. Why was it beaten back?

  Many people can't help but quietly go to see Chen Fulin.

   Chen Fulin turned pale after receiving the news, and sat directly on the chair, unable to move for a long time.

    See you tomorrow, Sa Lang Hey Yo



  (End of this chapter)

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