Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1122: hesitate

  Chapter 1122 Hesitation

  Chen Fulin returned home and shut himself in the study. After a long silence, he took out a blank folder to open it, and raised his hand to study ink.

  He picked up the pen and stained the ink, but he couldn't write the word at the beginning. Chen Fulin hesitated for a long time before putting down the pen.

  Mrs. Chen felt that he was a bit weird lately, and she couldn’t come out in the study for most of the day, so she couldn’t help but come over to look for him, “What’s wrong with the master?”

  Chen Fulin lowered his eyes, put the blank folder aside, shook his head and said, "Nothing."

  Mrs. Chen vaguely knew that he was angry about this promotion. She was already 80% sure that she would be promoted. She secretly made clothes and jewelry, and waited for him to have a banquet after promotion, but now...

  She also regretted it in her heart, sighed and stepped forward: "Master, don't think too much, this time it won't work, we'll just wait for the next time, you are in the prime of life, there are opportunities."

  Chen Fulin sullen his face, rarely controlling his temper and said: "I have passed the age of knowing the destiny, when will I wait?"

  Mrs. Chen was speechless.

  Chen Fulin lowered his eyes and said: "You said, how about my letter to the letter?"

Mrs. Chen was stunned, and hurriedly stopped and said, "No, sir, isn’t it because you didn’t get promoted once? There will be more opportunities in the future. If you become an official, what will our son do? He can only be released, and you will have to support you in the future. Back to Beijing."

  Chen Fulin sullenly spoke for a while.

  His gaze couldn't help but glanced at the empty zhezi to the side, and he kept saying in his heart: She was right, he is truly official, and his son will also be affected in the future.

  Didn’t Zhuang Xun say that as long as he doesn’t do anything, he won’t be held accountable anymore?

  Chen Fulin now believes that Zhuang Xun’s character is coming, and feels that he will not rush to exterminate him.

  But Man Bao and Bai Shan and Bai Cheng didn’t know his psychological changes. From that night, they counted the days when Chen Fulin left the capital.

  The next day when Man Bao went to the palace again to see a doctor, his good mood was still maintained.

  Queen took another comfortable afternoon nap, and when she woke up, she went to see Manbao and Mingda who were sitting and playing together.

  Mingda saw her mother wake up, immediately got up and saluted.

  The queen pressed her hand and pulled her back to sit on the couch, avoiding the gift of full treasure, and asked with a smile: "What are you playing?"

  Man Baodao: "Mingda taught me to play chess, she is really good."

  Mingda pursed his lips and smiled: "My chess skills were taught by the queen."

The queen smiled and touched her hair, and said with Man Bao: "I feel that Mingda has a little more flesh on her cheeks in the past two days. The doctor said that her spleen and stomach are indeed stronger. Thank you for the dietary prescription. "

  Man Bao smiled and said no thanks.

  The queen said: "You have merit as a reward. I think you are not a person short of money. You always reward you with jewelry and cloth. What kind of reward do you want?"

  Man Bao: No, she thinks jewelry and cloth are very good. Not to mention jewelry, the cloth can be used as a direct money maker. The cloth rewarded by the queen is very good, and one piece can be worth a lot of money.

  Fifth brother has already asked about it. She decided to save a little more. By that time, when many people make new clothes and sell them before the new year, they can make a lot of money.

   But Manbao was embarrassed to say to the bright eyes of the upper queen, so he said: "The queen can give me anything."

  The queen smiled and said: "Then I will give you a few posts."

  Man Bao: "Posts?"

  The queen nodded slightly and turned to look at Aunt Shang.

Aunt Shang went to the small study and picked up a few posts. The queen took it and gave it to Man Bao, and smiled: "Tomorrow is the queen dowager forever. Your Majesty will have a banquet for hundreds of officials in the Hall of Wude, and you don’t mean there is Two younger brothers, why don’t I give you a few posts, and you will also enter the palace tomorrow to join in the fun."

  Man Bao looked at the three posts in his hand in surprise, rolled his eyes and asked: "Have your majesty also promised us to enter the palace?"

  The queen looked at her and said meaningfully: "Yes, but I think tomorrow is the queen mother. The most important thing for the elderly to live their lives is celebration, don't you think?"

  So tomorrow is not a good time to file a complaint.

  Man Bao nodded.

   Looking at the three posts in her hand, she raised her head and asked: "Niangniang, is there any post for Yin?"

  The queen wondered, "Yin or?"

   "It's the youngest son of Jing Zhao Yin's family."

  The queen understood immediately, “It’s Qi Lang of the Yin family. If he wants to enter the palace, he can enter the palace with his grandmother. However, the child is always weak and seems to have never entered the palace.”

   "He is much better."

  The queen heard her say that, remembering the Yin family’s actions over the years and the recent wind outside, she smiled at Aunt Shang: “Go and get another post for her.”

  The queen smiled and said: "Well, then, he can enter if he wants to, but he won't enter if he doesn't want to."

  Man Bao smiled happily and curled his eyes, "Thank you Empress Empress."

The queen smiled and shook her head, and said to her: "Your juniors are scholars. Let them prepare well. This time, many students from Guozixue also participated. The Queen Mother likes to listen to people doing poetry and essays. When the time comes, they Those scholars have to show their faces."

  Man Bao understood, this is the road where the emperor is paving their complaints.

  Man Bao smiled and nodded again and again.

  She took four posts and went out of the palace happily. This time, Mingda followed Aunt Shang to send her for a while, and talked on the way by the way.

  She took out a piece of silver ingot from her purse and gave it to Man Bao, and smiled: "Yesterday you told me that I knew that the silver looks like this. This ingot is for you. Please help me buy the bamboo dragonflies you mentioned."

  Man Bao saw the silver ingot soundless, she pushed back and said: "Forget it, you can put it away by yourself, isn't it just some toys, I'll give it to you."

  She said: "A bamboo dragonfly is only three cents. You give me ten taels of silver ingots. I will buy the bamboo dragonfly. People can't find it."

   Mingda puzzled, "Why can't I find it?"

   "Because ten taels of silver are too expensive."

  Mingda has never been out of the palace when she grows up. She is not like a few sisters. They have gone out several times, but she has never gone out due to physical reasons. She only heard them talk about it. It's fun outside.

  Now I have met another friend from outside, and I think it’s more fun outside, but she still has a lot of puzzles.

  Man Bao didn’t know how to explain to her, and smiled: “I’ll know when you go out to see it later. Then I will take you to visit the main street of Beijing, and you will know how to use the money.”

  Mingda put away the ingot, "Then it's settled, you help me bring some in tomorrow."

  Man Bao patted his chest and said, "No problem."

  Aunt Shang saw that they had finished speaking, and then sent Man Bao to the gate of the palace, and watched her get into the carriage and walked away before turning back.

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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