Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1123: gift

  Chapter 1123 Gift

  Get in the car, Xiao Zheng, the shopkeeper, squeezed up to sit with her.

  Man Bao looked at him silently.

  The shopkeeper Xiao Zheng coughed slightly, "Dr. Zhou Xiao, why did I listen to Aunt Shang's meaning, you are going to the palace tomorrow?"

  Man Bao nodded, "The queen gave me a post to attend the Queen Mother’s Millennium Banquet."

  The shopkeeper Xiaozheng clutched his chest and felt complicated. Although there had been speculations, he really knew that he was still shocked.

  He was envious and sour again, "My uncle has been an imperial doctor for so many years, and such a big banquet can only be left in the imperial hospital on duty."

  He paused and said: "No, even the hospital's staff can only be on duty in the hospital."

  Man Bao asked: "Why?"

  The shopkeeper Xiaozheng sighed: "We doctors are inferior to those adults. We just treat people."

  Man Bao frowned. Although he didn't agree with him, he didn't say anything. Instead, he asked, "What does the Queen Mother's Qianqiu Banquet usually do?"

  The shopkeeper Xiaozheng has never participated, how could he know?

  However, "The banquet is about eating and drinking."

  Man Baojue is also, the birthday feast, although she eats less, but she has eaten, eat a meal, give a gift, talk to the birthday star, make him happy, the banquet is over.

  It's just that the people who go to the Queen Mother's birthday banquet are different.

  The shopkeeper Xiao Zheng got off the car in front of Ji Shitang and said to Man Bao: "Dr. Zhou Xiao, I can't accompany you into the palace tomorrow. Be careful yourself."

  Man Bao nodded in response.

  Man Bao took a look at the time in the system, and smiled with Da Ji: "Let’s go, let’s pick up Junior Brother and them."

  When they arrived at the gate of the Imperial College, Bai Shan and the others hadn’t left school yet, Man Bao sat in the carriage and took out a pen and paper from the medicine box to write what he was going to buy for a while.

  Bai Shan and they arrived, she just finished writing.

   Liu Huan greeted her enthusiastically and asked: "Where are you going to play today?"

  Man Baodao: "Let’s go shopping today."

   Liu Huan asked: "What to buy?"

  "Buy some toys for my friends." Man Bao happily said with Bai Shan: "The queen gave me a few posts. Tomorrow we can go to the Queen Mother’s Qianqiu Banquet together."

After talking, he took out the four invitations, gave one to Bai Shan and Bai Cheng, took one by himself, and handed the remaining one to Yinor, who was standing aside.

   Yin or a moment, took it blankly.

  The only one with empty hands, Liu Huan looked around, then looked at Yin or the post in his hand, "What's the use of this?"

   Yin may have put it away, and said to Man Bao: "Then we will meet at the gate of the palace tomorrow?"

  Man Bao nodded.

   Liu Huan: "No, you can enter the palace, why do you want another post?"

  Bai Shan said angrily: "Did he go through the palace by going forward?"

   "That's not true," Liu Huan said, "But isn't it because he is weak? You have to salute when entering the palace, and you have to stand still. They are afraid that he can't stand it, so they won't let him enter the palace."

  Man Baodao: "He can enter the palace with his body now."

  She turned her head to Yin or said, “Anyway, you can enter the palace. You can use this invitation. If you don’t need it, keep it as a souvenir. I think the writing on it is pretty good, and the painting is pretty good.”

   "Of course it looks good," Bai Erlang said: "These invitations were written and painted by our senior brother, and the selected characters were written well."

  Man Bao: "Hey, do you students who are too educated still have to do this kind of thing?"

  Bai Shan didn’t think there was anything. “Our Guozixue students are often caught to copy some things. This is normal.”

  As several people were talking, they climbed into the wagon, Liu Huan squeezed into it, and she was also curious about the things Man Bao went to buy.

  Man Bao knew what Mingda wanted, so he went straight to the main street, jumped out of the carriage and picked it up.

For example, some small dragonflies, some wooden swords or uniquely shaped pen holders, Trojan horses, and some beautiful small hairpin rings. Manbao bought two copies. I plan to go back and find a good-looking rattan box to pack it in. One for free. For Mingda, one for Princess Changyu.

   Liu Huan was still thinking about it, “Since you have asked for invitations for him, why don’t you get an extra copy for me?”

  Man Bao entered with her left ear and her right ear came out. She was really annoyed behind her. She said: "You must be able to enter the palace, and your family won't stop you."

   Liu Huan turned his head and asked Yin Or, "Will your family stop you?"

   Yin or nodding, "Yes."

   "Then how do you go out tomorrow?"

  "Take a carriage."

  Liu Huan:...

  Bai Shan turned his head and asked, "Should we come to pick you up?"

  Yin might be about to shake his head. After thinking about it, he didn't shake it, but instead asked: "Are you up so early?"

   "What's the problem? We got up very early when we went to catch the temple fair at home."

   Yin or smiled: "Okay, then you come to my house to pick me up."

  Liu Huan was too sour, "I'm going with you too. It just so happens that our two families are not far away. Call me when you come to pick him up."

   Baijiro thought he was particularly strange, "Didn’t you dislike Yinor before, why do you always want to play with us now?"

   Liu Huan scratched his neck and said, “Didn’t you also have conflicts with him before? Besides, I don’t like him, I like you.”

  Man Bao heard three of them, and felt that what he said was particularly reasonable, so he patted him on the shoulder and agreed.

  While going home, Mr. Zhuang saw that they had sorted out the toys and everything. They still didn’t mention the most important thing, so they asked: "You are going to the Qianqiu Banquet, what are you going to give to the Queen Mother?"

  The three of them stiffened, and Qi Qi looked up from the rattan box, "Are we going to give gifts?"

  Man Bao then realized afterwards, “Yes, we didn’t follow the adults, no one gave gifts, we have to give them.”

  Bai Shan frowned, "How do I send this?"

   Bai Erlang said, "That's a royal family, so don’t you also give money? Then you want to buy something? At this moment, many shops outside are going to be closed, and what are we buying?"

  Man Bao was also upset, she finally remembered, "Mingda seems to have embroidered a birthday character for the queen mother."

  Bai Shan and Bai Erlang looked at her together, "Can you embroider?"

  Man Bao shook his head, "But I can write, how about we find a particularly nice piece of paper and write a birthday character on it?"

  Bai Shan: "Will you just write one? Do you want to write ninety-nine?"

  Hakujiro: "If you want to write well, it's too late now, right?"

  Mr. Zhuang coughed lightly and asked: "Where can you find good-looking paper now?"

  The three of them looked at each other, Bai Erlang glared at Bai Shan vigorously, Bai Shan and him stared at each other and then turned to look at Man Bao.

  Man Bao blinked, nodded and said, "I will come up with a paper, but what should I do with the words?"

Mr. Zhuang looked at Man Bao and asked, "What kind of paper do you use?"

  Man Baodao: "I have a collection of good papers, which were given by others when I was seeing a doctor."

  Mr. Zhuang nodded. He knew that Man Bao would always receive some good things as gifts when he was in and out of the noble family.

  Man Bao heaved a sigh of relief quietly when he saw the fool passed.

    The next update will be around 6pm



  (End of this chapter)

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