Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1125: Enter the palace

  Chapter 1125 Entering the Palace

  The carriage stopped at the gate of the Yin family. Not only was the carriage of the Yin family waiting, but also the carriage of the Liu family was not far away.

  As soon as their carriage arrived, Liu Huan jumped from his carriage, and ran towards their carriage in full costume, regardless of the shouts from behind.

  Yin may also bow to his grandmother slightly, and the old lady Yin smiled and said: "Go, have fun with your friends."

  Yin or helped the longevity hand to get out of the car, and also got into the car of the Bai family.

  There were five people in a car, two boxes and one box, which was quite crowded, and then people outside heard the sound of disputes coming from the car.

   Liu Huan: "Why do you put this box like this? My legs can't be stretched anymore. Bai Er, please give me a hand."

  Bai Erdao: "You didn't reserve your place originally. You have a carriage in your own house. Why do you have to take our car? This is Yinor's position."

  Bai Shan yelled "Oh," and exclaimed: "Yin or, you stepped on me!"

   Yin or apologize calmly, "I'm really sorry, I didn't see it just now, it was me who was full of treasures."

  Man Bao: "I want you to avoid Liu Huan..."

  The Liu family and the Yin family:...

  The old lady Yin opened the curtain and smiled at a carriage not far away: "Old sister, let's go now. I think these children are a little bit too busy."

  The curtain of the carriage also opened a corner, and Mrs. Liu showed her face and nodded with a smile: "Old sister, please."

  Old Madam Yin naturally declined, and the two resigned a bit. Finally, the Liu family left first, and then Old Madam Yin looked at the housekeeper on the side.

  The butler stepped forward and said, "My old lady let your car go first, and our car is behind, so I can look at the son."

  Daji is not stupid. Knowing that Mrs. Yin is going to protect their carriage, he bends down and salutes. Seeing Liu's carriage passed by, he drove the carriage to follow.

The movement behind    can't help Mrs. Liu, she smiled and said to the grandmother sitting opposite: "The Yin family has taken great pains to raise this grandson."

  Grandma smiled and responded "Yes", "I'm just a doctor. Although he is called a genius doctor, it is a bit too late to be regarded as a guest of honor."

  Lao Mrs. Liu smiled and said: "Let them go, anyway, it's not walking in front of our Liu family."

  "Do you want to call the young master back?"

   "Forget it," Mrs. Liu shook her head and said, "That kid is too naughty. He wants to go with his friends. That is, he is outside the palace gate. You can't help them when you enter the palace."

  It is indeed not for them. At the gate of the palace, everyone enters the palace according to their esteem and inferiority. They are queuing to check the people who enter the palace.

  Some people will come here to wait at dawn tomorrow, but they may wait until the end before entering the palace gate.

Old Madam Yin glanced at the five children who were close together, and seeing Liu Huan beckoned over by Madam Liu, she said to the housekeeper on the side: "Go and ask Doctor Zhou Xiao and them to come together. Let's go into the palace together. ."


  Bai Shan and Bai Erlang carried a rattan box alone, and Man Bao held a box containing a birthday gift. The three and Yin Or followed Mrs. Yin into the palace.

The guard in charge of the inspection happened to be always at the gate of the palace. He recognized Zhou Man, so according to her identity, it should be kept until the end, but he still only raised his eyelids and took a look, then checked their post boxes and boxes, and then let them They went in.

  The gate of the palace is no problem here, but it is different after entering the palace.

  The person in charge of guiding the palace glanced at them, then smiled and led the old lady Yin to go to the other side, while Man Bao and the others had to wait on the other side.

  Yin may have stopped, and said to Mrs. Yin: “Grandma, let’s go in first. I’ll accompany Bai Shan and the others to wait.”

  Old Madam Yin glanced at him, took out a purse from her sleeve and gave it to him, saying: "There are some pearls in it. If you are tired and hungry, let the palace man lead you to find me."

  Yin or took the purse, and responded happily.

  Old Madam Yin glanced at Man Bao, nodded slightly at her, and took her three granddaughters away.

  Zhouman is a doctor, so it’s okay to have her with Yin or by his side.

  A few people waited, and finally a little palace lady made time to lead them to another way.

  This is a completely unfamiliar road, and Man Bao has never walked it anyway.

  The four walked together and looked around. They walked a little eagerly or panted a little.

  Bai Shan supported him and said, "Shall we go slower?"

  Man Bao pointed to the red silk hanging on the trees on both sides and said: "It should be possible. Look at this red silk, it’s only hanging on the road we've walked."

   Bai Erlang looked at the red silk on the tree and sighed, "How much does it cost to spend so many red silks all the way?"

   walked in the forefront and noticed that they were left behind. When she turned around to find them, the little palace lady heard it, and said angrily: "This prince is in charge of a lot. This is the beginning of the filial piety that the king of Yizhou gave to the empress dowager."

  Man Bao has been in the palace for many days, some awkwardly took out a small purse from her arms and stuffed it into her hand, whispering: "Miss Sister, my friend is a little weak, can we go slower?"

  Obviously, the little palace lady seldom collects money. She looked around in a panic, then hurriedly stuffed her purse into her sleeve, coughing slightly, “Then let’s go slowly.”

  As soon as he slowed down, Yin or did not breathe, and the three of Bai Shan began to look for words to chat with the little palace lady.

  Man Bao’s mouth was like smearing honey, "Miss Sister, you are so beautiful, how old are you?"

  The little palace lady pursed her mouth and smiled, “I’m fourteen this year, and your mouth is sweet, so why are you brothers and sisters entering the palace? How about your family?”

  Man Baodao: "Our adults are not in the capital, we came in with posts."

  Bai Shan asked, “I just heard what the young lady said, the red silk in the palace was arranged by the king of Yizhou for the queen mother?”

"Yes," the little palace lady said with a smile: "The empress loves red. For the sake of celebration and surprise for the queen mother, the king of Yizhou let us arrange it when it was dark yesterday. It's covered with red silk and red lanterns, and it's a joyous celebration along the way."

  Man Bao sighed, "No wonder the Queen Mother likes King Yizhou."

   "No, the king of Yizhou is famous for his filial piety."

  But no matter how filial to him, he is also a bad guy!

  The three said silently in their hearts.


  The three of them looked at the red silk hanging along the road, and secretly said: I don’t know how much it will cost, and I don’t know how much money here is the blood and sweat of their Yizhou people or the entire Jiannandao people.

  Bai Shan thought of the collapse of the Yanwei Weir, and of the refugees in Yizhou City who had been unable to resolve it, so he squeezed the corners of his mouth, and his entire face became tense.

  The little palace lady led them to a yard, and then said: “It’s still a while before leaving the banquet. Just wait here.”

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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