Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1126: queue up

   Chapter 1126

  There are only two palace people in the yard, they are only responsible for picking up guests at the door, and people are being brought in constantly.

  But they didn’t know each other, so they nodded politely.

  Bai Shan looked around and found that there was no table or chair here, which was rather strange, and whispered: "Is the palace hospitality like this?"

  Man Bao is also very strange, because she has always been taken directly to the Lizheng Hall when she enters the palace, and she has never been a guest anywhere else.

  Man Bao pointed to the railing and said, "Go, let's go and sit there."

  The four of them found a place to hide, and sat on a railing with a good line of sight.

  More and more people are entering the yard. There are men and women, but most of them are young girls and some women. Adult men have never seen it.

  Everyone is in a yard, they greet each other when they know each other, and then they gather together, and Man Bao asks Yin or, "Do you know them?"

  Yin or shook his head, "I see few people, but many people have heard of it, but I haven't met anyone, so I know less."

  Man Bao and the three sat down honestly, watching boredly.

   Little by little time passed, and still no one came to invite them to the banquet, and the guards at the door did not allow them to go out and walk around.

  The four of them were a little hungry when they waited, so they took out the snacks in their purses and ate them.

  It was only half a day, and they ate all the snacks in their purse.

  Yin Or's purse also brought a lot of snacks, which was prepared by Mrs. Yin.

  Bai Shan pinched the last piece of snack and exclaimed: "I finally know why Mr. has prepared so much food for us."

  Shirajiro also hesitated, "Then we still eat?"

   "Eat," Man Bao had finished eating, so he encouraged them both to say: "Eat morning and evening are all for eating, it's all for stomach filling."

   Yin or suggested, “It’s better to keep it. If it’s a dinner, you’ll be too hungry to eat.”

  Bai Shan already took a bite, and said, "Forget it, let's eat it."

   Seeing that he had eaten, Shiraijiro also took a bite. He nodded as he ate and said, "That's right, keep it and take up space."

  Yin may just look down at the two dim sum in his purse.

  Man Bao immediately said: "Just keep yours, and we can eat it when we are too hungry."

   Shirazen and Shirajiro nodded in agreement, "Two yuan, exactly one and a half yuan."

   Yin or:……

  They were talking quietly here, and there were already palace people coming in and shouting: "Ladies and gentlemen, please follow us to the Wude Hall."

  The four of them stood up and clapped their hands, and went to Wude Hall with the crowd.

  Wude Hall is very big. When they arrived, there was not a single guest. They could only wait in the garden of Wude Hall.

  Then there are guests from the palace in all directions, and they all stand in the order of respect and inferiority.

  It seems that all the guests who entered the palace to celebrate are almost entering the hall. A group of older ladies came from another place under the guidance of the palace people, past their group of people, and directly entered the hall.

  The four of them couldn't help turning their heads to look, and then among a group of old ladies they found the familiar old lady Su, old lady Yin and the grandmother of Liu Huan.

  They walked past them, Man Bao couldn't help raising his hand and greeted them with a smile.

The old lady of the Su and Liu family nodded politely to Man Bao, but the old lady Yin watched all four of them. Seeing that the grandson's expression was good, she nodded to them with a smile and followed the palace man. .

  Man Bao and the others discovered that Liu Huan and Yin Or’s sisters were not following, and they were obviously separated.

  Thinking about this, one of the teenagers standing diagonally across from each other waved at them fiercely.

  The four of them looked intently, only to realize that it was Liu Huan who had changed his clothes. He was standing among a group of teenagers, winking at them, and beckoning them to pass.

  However, Man Bao and the others looked at the palace men guarding everywhere, and turned to the beginning to ignore him.

   Liu Huan became a little depressed, and Feng Zongping, who was standing not far behind him, burst out laughing.

   Liu Huan turned his head and glared at him.

  Feng Zongping smiled and asked, “Didn’t you say that you came in together? Why are you walking with us and not with them?”

   Liu Huan said depressed: "I am going with my grandmother, how can I know if they haven't followed?"

  Yi Ziyang smiled and said, “They came in with another post, so naturally they can’t leave like yours, but it’s really strange. Why doesn’t Mrs. Yin take them with him?”

  Yin Li was very favored by the emperor, so the Yin family still had a lot of face in the palace. As long as Mrs. Yin is willing to deal with it, it is okay to take them with him.

  Feng Zongping glanced at the four people on the opposite side, and saw Yin or Bai Shan and the others looking at the surrounding with okay expression. He smiled and said, "Perhaps he wants Young Master Yin to experience the experience."

  Yi Ziyang: "What is there to experience in entering the palace?"

   Liu Huan: "Yes."

  Feng Zongping smiled and said: “Naturally, there is nothing to experience for those of us, but I remember that Yin has not been in the palace because he was weak since childhood, right?”

  This is true.

  Yi Ziyang pondered for a while and nodded.

  They were discussing here. A court lady stood on the steps and looked around. When she finally found Man Bao, she looked for it with a smile and whispered: "Dr. Zhou Xiao, our princess invites you in."

  Man Bao looked intently and recognized her as the maid next to Mingda. He pointed to the three Bai Shan and smiled: "They are my junior and good friends."

  The maid said with a smile: "Come here together, the princess is already sitting in the inner hall."

  The four of them left with the maid. Feng Zongping, who was on the opposite side, saw them and watched them go away with envy.

  Based on their experience, the courtiers entered the temple on the other side, and it was their turn to wait until their mother was almost inside.

  They looked up at the big sun in the sky, and they were a little sad.

  The four Manbao followed the maids all the way in. The hall was large, separated by screens, and there were a lot of seats and small tables on the ground. The old ladies who had been brought in had already sat in their respective positions.

  The palace lady led them around a huge screen and went directly to the apse of Wude Hall. In a room, there was chattering and laughter.

The maid led Man Bao and the others to the door, and went in to report to him. Man Bao heard her words before finishing, and there was a running sound from inside. Chang Yu ran directly out of it, and when he saw Da Manbao, he held her. Walked in and said with a smile: "You came just right, we don't know many of the things you bought for us, come and help us see."

  Bai Shan raised his eyelids and glanced at them, then raised his heel.

  There are also girls and boys in the house, leaning in front of the two rattan boxes to watch the fun.

  Man Bao was surprised: "Is it delivered to you so soon?"

  Princess Changyu said: "Of course, I told the guards early in the morning, if you send it in, send it to us immediately."

    The next update will be around 6pm



  (End of this chapter)

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