Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1143: Out of control three

  Chapter 1143 Out of Control III

  Bai Shan and Man Bao glanced at each other, and immediately kowtowed and said: "Your Majesty, this person is someone who knows the inside story, please grant him permission to come in and vindicate him."

  Feng Shangshu said: "When you hit the Dengwen Drum, you must hit eighty sticks. This is the rule."

  Bai Shan thought to himself, he only asked for love when he knew that it was the rules.

  Bai Shan raised his head and looked at the emperor eagerly and said: "Your Majesty, go down the Eighty Great Rod, you are immortal and speechless, please beg your Majesty."

  Wei Zhi and Mr. Tang helped plead, but there were also courtiers who expressed opposition. Now that the rules are set, they are used to comply.

How can    change from person to person?

  Bai Shan and Man Bao knew that they were right and wrong, but in their opinion, the rule itself was wrong. How could it be possible to avenge the grievances but have to suffer the 80s first?

  However, the people in the hall quarreled over this matter.

  The king of Yizhou couldn't help but cocked the corner of his mouth. Man Bao couldn't help getting anxious. They didn't think it was too much time at this moment, but the drums in front had stopped, and they must have begun to play the board.

   Although she has never seen them, is she an alliance?

  Man Bao looked at the pensive emperor and said, "Your Majesty, the Eighty Rod will really kill people."

  The emperor returned to his senses, frowning and said: "Okay, let them halve, and lift them to the main hall after the fight."

  He glanced at King Yizhou with his eyes down, and said, "I also want to see where the private army of King Yizhou is raised."

  The people in the main hall were quiet, and the emperor let them sit back to their positions, leaving only King Yizhou and Bai Shan Zhouman kneeling in the hall.

  He was thinking, who is playing the Deng Wengu?

  How did he know where the king of Yizhou raised the private army?

  Lord Tang and Wei Zhi were also thinking, these two children and the Bai family must have something to hide from them, why didn’t they know that someone would beat the drum?

  The people in the hall waited for a long time before the guards used the door panel to carry a person covered in blood over.

They dragged the person off the door. Forty rods. When the first twenty rods were not in front of the plan, the rods moved the bones, until the emperor’s oracle came to the front. The stick is much lighter.

But when he got down forty sticks, he was also injured. He collapsed on the ground and tried to sit up with his arms, but he couldn't sit up. Instead, he pulled the wound and couldn't help coughing and vomiting several mouthfuls of blood. .

  Man Bao turned his head and looked at it, and at a glance he could see that he had suffered an internal injury, and he didn't know whether it was serious or not.

  He raised his head to meet the concerned eyes of Man Bao and Bai Shan, and couldn't help but grinned. Although they had never seen each other officially, they had all heard of each other, and they were very related.

  Bai Shan pulled La Manbao, and the two moved a little aside, so that he could directly see the emperor sitting on it.

  The emperor glanced at the wounds on his back and hip, and asked: "What is your name? Why do you beat Deng Wengu?"

  Since he couldn't get up, he simply stopped getting up, and just lay on the ground and said: "My Majesty, Xiaomin Xiangchao is from Qingshi County, Suizhou."

  Not only the emperor, but also the king of Yizhou couldn't help but blink his eyebrows, his hands in his sleeves couldn't help clenching slightly.

  Xiang Chao turned his head slightly and glanced at King Yizhou, then sneered: "Master, do you think this place name is familiar?"

  The king of Yizhou said expressionlessly: "The land of Da Jin is not familiar to this king, not to mention that Suizhou is not far from Yizhou."

  "Yes, Suizhou is very close to Yizhou, but it's too close! Your Majesty, Xiaomin tells Yizhou King Shaliang to invade the land and raise private soldiers!"

Because of his anger, he raised his whole body, propped up half of his body and looked directly at the emperor and said: "Dongxi Village, he is raising private soldiers in Dongxi Village. In order to obtain this piece of land, he put me to the family, young and old, And all the tenants in the village have been killed. I beg your Majesty to be the master of all those who died in vain!"

  The emperor opened his mouth in astonishment, and stood up suddenly.

Xiang Chao obviously waited for this day for a long time. He climbed forward two steps, staring at the emperor with tears of tears: "A total of 209 people, they are all dead, because the tail weir burst, their The death was completely covered up, but your Majesty, they died unjustly, they died unjustly!"

  The emperor sat down slowly, stared at King Yizhou for a while, and then looked towards Xiangchao, "Say it, I will listen."

  The King of Yizhou raised his head to look at him, his mouth was pressed tightly, and he lowered his head without saying a word.

  Xiang Chao leaned back on the ground again, because of the roar, he was a bit exhausted at this time, but his voice still clearly reached every minister in the hall and every patriarch's ears.

"About six years ago, someone came to the patriarch and wanted to buy our entire Dongxi Village. The patriarch did not agree. We have the foundation of the Xiang clan here, and the ancestral hall is also here. How can we leave?" Xiang Chao said: " Later, the man came back several times and didn't agree, but because he talked elegantly and acted generously, he became friends with many people in the clan."

Xiang Chao said: "Five years ago, there was heavy rain, and there was a river in our village connected to the main river. The patriarch asked people to prepare flood control early, but no one thought that the Qianwei Weir would burst the dyke. At that time, we were still sleeping. In the middle, the flood rumblingly poured down from above, and many people were crushed by the broken earth wall before they had time to react, or were swept away by the water..."

Xiang Chao said with tears: "I can't react at all. My uncle stood on the high ground and shouted at everyone to run up to the heights. The next moment he was swept away by a wave. Until the morning, the whole village The talents scattered and ran out two hundred people, the flood receded a little bit, we were not reconciled, we ran back to look through, see if we can rescue more people..."

   "As a result, we only returned to the entrance of the village. Some soldiers riding tall horses rushed out from nowhere, and directly hacked and killed..."

Xiang Chao turned his head and stared at King Yizhou, his eyes flushed and said, "That's not a bandit. They wear armor, horse saddles, and use the best weapons, but they are not good enough. I and a few brothers fell in love. In the back, we ran away...but we don’t understand who it is and who is going to kill the Xiang clan. Although our family also has **** and prodigal sons, we have never had such a genocidal feud. We escaped. After I went there, I quietly came back to see it, but in Dongxi Village, another house has been built. There are many people and many horses in it..."

Xiang Chao looked away from the king of Yizhou and looked at the emperor above again: "Let’s go to the magistrate of Qingshi County. He served us tea and said that he was going to Dongxi Village to get someone to ask him, but he turned around. We went to the back hall. We felt that something was wrong, so we ran away quietly."

"Later we were more cautious, and when we went to find Suizhou governor, we also kept an eye on it. Sure enough, Suizhou governor also wanted to hold us," Xiang Chao said, "My cousin said, that person can not only make a county When the parents’ officials heard the order, they could also allow the provincial governor to cover him. I’m afraid the identity was not simple. Then we didn’t dare to find the official house anymore. We started to check on our own. Finally, we found out that the two people who frequented the village were living in Yizhou. From the state palace."

    The next update is around nine o'clock in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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