Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1144: Out of control four

  Chapter 1144 Out of Control IV

  The whole hall is quiet.

"...We are very scared and angry, but there is nothing we can do. He has tens of thousands of private troops. He is in Yizhou, Suizhou, and even the entire Jiannan Road. I dare not show it."

Xiang Chao said: "The people who were killed pushed into the river and were washed away with the flood. No one knew where they were. Tens of thousands of people died when the Qianwei Weir burst its dyke. Later, they starved to death because of lack of food. Thousands of people died of illness, and there have been things that changed their lives. Who would care if a Zhuangzi changed his master out of thin air?"

"After the flood, countless fertile fields were turned into wasteland. Before the refugees had time to go home, their houses were occupied, and the fields were reassigned to the owners. After returning, they found nothing, so they could only continue to wander," Xiang Chao said: "And the king of Yizhou is sitting on it. Parents and officials everywhere are intentional and unintentional, and they are all powerless. My cousin said that it is impossible to rely on the court to avenge him."

His eyes were red, and he looked at King Yizhou with hatred, and moved towards him. The bloodthirsty hatred almost sprayed out, "So we began to gather some victims in order to be able to kill King Yizhou one day. Unfortunately, we failed in both assassinations, and my cousin was arrested."

   Xiangchao suddenly turned his head to look at the emperor, and said excitedly: "Your Majesty, what I said is true. If you don't believe me, go to the palace of King Yizhou in Beijing. My cousin must still be held by them in the dungeon."

  An electric light flashed in Wei Zhi's mind, and he immediately understood. He immediately went out and knelt down, "Your Majesty, the minister is willing to take this trip."

  The hesitant emperor had a meal, looked at Wei Zhi and then said: "Then Wei Qing will go this time."

  Yizhou Wang’s eyebrows trembled, he lowered his head and knocked on the ground: "Your Majesty, the minister is wronged, all this is their malicious speculation, and there is no evidence. Will the minister be convicted based on the confession of three people?"

He looked up and said: "The minister has indeed been assassinated, once at the Dragon Boat Festival last year, and once when he entered Beijing this year. The minister escaped from his nine deaths. The minister was also wondering where he was caught in the eyes of him. Hurry after that."

  The emperor hesitated.

Wei Zhi knew that the emperor loved face, for fear that he would go back, and immediately said: "Since the prince has a clear conscience, why is there any fear of such a person in the dungeon? After the court finds out the truth, you will be innocent. If you can't cover it like this, It's like a guilty conscience."

  Yizhou Wang tilted his head slightly and snorted coldly, "Innocence? I'm afraid I won't be innocent anymore in this investigation."

  The emperor's face was as deep as water, and he asked: "Why, is the fifth brother insinuating me?"

  The King of Yizhou replied hardly: "My minister dare not, but your majesty, today is the birthday of the queen mother, is there anything I can’t say after today?"

  He raised his head to look at the emperor, tears in his eyes and said: "How many years has it been for the queen to celebrate a big birthday."

  The emperor fell silent.

  Wei Zhi said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty, state affairs are important!"

Mr. Tang also went out and knelt down, "Your Majesty, if the King of Yizhou really has tens of thousands of private troops in Suizhou, if they turn back, then Suizhou, Yizhou, Zizhou, Mianzhou, and Longzhou will all be there. When it fell in the first place, Jiannan Dao was relieved because of the flood, and the people couldn't stand another turmoil."

  The prince who had been silent for a while also got up and knelt beside the king of Yizhou and said: "The child minister agrees. If the father is worried about the emperor's grandmother, it is better to leave it to the child minister, and the emperor will comfort the emperor's grandmother."

  The ministers thought to themselves: The prince said so nicely. I am afraid that the emperor will go, and the queen mother will only be more angry, right? But it is indeed a good way to divert anger.

  The emperor glanced at him, did not agree to his proposal, but waved to Wei Zhi, sighed: "Wei Qing go, take the forbidden army."

  Wei Zhi breathed a sigh of relief, and then got up and backed off after responding.

  Checking this kind of big event can't come out in a moment. Of course, so many people in the palace can't wait all the time, so the emperor sighed again and asked the king to take Yizhou down and put it in the palace temporarily.

  As for Bai Shan, they temporarily live in the jail, and when it is confirmed that it is not a false accusation, they can naturally be released.

  Bai Shan raised his head and glanced at the emperor, and got up on the ground, stretched out his hand to help, and he was a little staggered.

  The two looked at each other, and they both felt like they were left behind.

  But if you can really survive the disaster, you have to wait until you get out of the prison to know.

  The prison is the prison of the Ministry of Justice, Feng Shangshu personally took them there.

Looking at the pair of teenagers and girls, and then at the dying young man lying on the wooden plank, Feng Shangshu sighed quietly. At first, he thought that Zhou Man's fame in Beijing overnight was strange, but he couldn't find out who it was. Dry.

But now it seems that this is organized, but Feng Shangshu frowned and asked Zhou Man, "Since you can infiltrate the capital quietly, why don't you come to Beijing earlier to file a complaint? Isn’t it safer to build a reputation as a genius? Isn’t it safer? Isn’t it better than to file a complaint through Zhou Man’s hand? I also chose such a bad time."

  Bai Shan and Zhou Man looked up at him together, and snorted silently in their hearts, what infiltration, they are all the first time to Beijing, OK? Grandmother Liu has been in the capital for many years, and only has a house and a shop in Beijing.

  Faming the capital city is clearly done by your emperor.

  However, Feng Shangshu obviously did not realize this at this time, and was still thinking about how many helpers Bai Shan and Zhou Man had in the capital.

At this time, the emperor was also thinking about this issue. Of course he was not alone. He also took Mr. Tang. He put the two pieces of evidence submitted by Gu Zhong on the case table, turned it over and asked: "You said, they How many chips are still in your hand?"

  Lord Tang bent over and said, "The minister doesn't know."

The emperor snorted: "You don't know, don't you know that Zhihe?"

  Lord Tang stooped deeply and did not speak.

"Dongxi Village..." The emperor shook his head and said, "I thought this place was only known to a few of us. I didn't expect that they not only knew, but could also find its old owner. If no one helped to connect, how did the two sides get in touch? ?"

  Lord Tang remained silent.

"People are right under the eyelids, watching the busy day, seeing the doctors, reading and studying, seems to be busy, but have you done so many things in private?" The emperor raised his eyes and looked at Mr. Tang. "On the one hand, Mrs. Liu, who has been dormant for twelve years, is cautious, and on the other is desperate, guarding her family. How could they form an alliance so quickly if there is no trustworthy person? When something happened in the palace, they immediately knocked. Deng smell the drum."

  What can Lord Tang do? Of course, he can only kneel down and continue: "The minister does not know."

  He really doesn’t know!

  The emperor snorted coldly and waved his hand: "Okay, I don't want to blame you, now it's up to Yin Li's place."

  Lord Tang slowly took a sigh of relief, and cursed a little **** in his heart.

    See you tomorrow. Tomorrow is New Year’s Eve. I will try my best to finish it before dark. Let’s watch the Spring Festival Gala together and watch Brother Xiao Zhan together.



  (End of this chapter)

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