Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1151: insomnia

   Chapter 1151 Sleepless

  As soon as Mrs. Ji left, the outside of the study was quiet for a while. The two brothers Ji Wei and Ji Xiang didn't know where they came from, and quietly entered the study.

When Ji Xiang saw them, his complexion had returned to normal, and the saliva on his face had been wiped clean. Nothing had happened before, he glanced at his two sons and said: "Let your daughter-in-law restrain yourself in the past few days. In the house, don’t go outside, and you don’t go to banquets or anything else."

  The two sons responded, and Ji Wei bowed and asked: "Father, Hao'er is making such a fuss on the upside..."

  "The matter has already happened, and no matter how regretful it is, it is useless to rely on misfortune and blessing. This matter may not be a misfortune. It depends on what step Yizhou King has accomplished."

Ji Xiang whispered: "Father, because of Haoer's fall from the horse last year, Tang Zhihe took the opportunity to take a lot of fertile land from various families to distribute to the victims. Most of our family gave it away, and now there are still some in our hands. Check it out..."

Ji Xiang’s expression was a bit ugly, "I wrote a letter with the clan elder. The clan relatives who stayed in Yizhou were too indifferent to do things. At the beginning, they shouldn’t interfere with the disaster victims. Fortunately, I donated most of them last year. The rest, while the autumn harvest is over, donate it too."

   Ji Wei: "I'm afraid that some people won't."

   Ji Xiang coldly snorted: "This is not justified by them, they are really stubborn, and then compensate them with some money."

   Ji Xiang’s hair turned white originally, but now she has become more white with worry, and she has a big family business, which is not so comfortable.

The Ji family’s father and son negotiated urgently, and the old lady who led Ji Hao back to the backyard twisted Ji Hao’s ear and patted him several times, and angrily sat on the chair and said, "Your mouth, this is a lesson in eating. not enough?"

   Ji Hao honestly bowed his head.

  Old Mrs. Ji sighed when she looked at it, and waved: "Okay, I'm too lazy to talk about you, you can go back to the house and rest."

   Ji Hao knelt in front of Mrs. Ji, climbed her knees up and asked, "Grandma, will Zhou Man and they have anything to do?"

Mrs. Ji still likes Zhou Man's little girl very much, and sighed after hearing the words: "Who knows this, but if her accusation is true, King Yizhou won't feel good. She is also asking for kindness. Benevolence."

   Ji Hao opened his mouth wide, and asked in a low voice: "Can't grandfather protect her?"

"He?" Mrs. Ji coldly snorted. It would be good if he didn't shrink up to be the bachelor, but naturally he couldn't say that to his grandfather in front of the child, so Mrs. Ji changed his rhetoric, "Your grandfather is not even himself I can't care about it."

   Ji Hao sat on the ground, leaning on his grandmother’s knee and stopped talking.

  Lord Tang had just returned home from the palace, and his daughter-in-law had already led people to greet her at a hurry. Ten paces away, she said, "Father, Mr. Wei is here, and my daughter-in-law invited him to wait in the front hall."

  Lord Tang went back to the study, and then he nodded and said, "You can rest. I'll see him."


  Wait for Master Tang to leave, Madam Tang glanced at the young man behind her, which was used by her parents’ dowry for errands.

  The little girl understood her heart and ran to find the old lady’s little girl. At the same time, a maid also followed. This is because if you plan to be hard, you can come to soft.

  Lord Tang led Wei Zhi to the study, the two of them closed the door and sat down, sighing together.

  Lord Tang asked Wei Zhi, "This is what your majesty meant?"

  Wei knew: "If it weren't what your majesty meant, I really can't understand why the two children should file a complaint at this time."

  He frowned and said, "But why is this?"

   Seeing Mr. Tang not speaking, Wei Zhi frowned, "Why, you know?"

  Lord Tang said: "When I entered the palace today, some of my staff said that there was a private association of officials in private, and they wanted to mention the Donggong at the banquet."

  Wei Zhi frowned and asked, "What's the matter in the East Palace? Isn't the East Palace very quiet recently?"

"How close is it recently?" Mr. Tang said: "The incident of Su Jian's fall from the horse was ended in a vague way. It was found out, but his Majesty pressed it down, and he was unwilling to close the case in a vague way. This matter is just there."

"The prince's kidnapping of the Du family brothers is private, but the courtiers don't admit it, let alone smashing the Third Prince's Mansion." Old Tang shook his head and said, "Many people don't tell it clearly. In private, he questioned Donggong very much. How will he be the king in the future if he is so self-willed?"

  Wei Zhi frowned, "Just for this?"

Master Old Tang shook his head and said, "I don't know much. I only know that someone wants to co-sign the prince, but I don't know what happened. Obviously, your Majesty does not want King Yizhou to use the two princes as knives. Trouble."

   "That should also be notified in advance, the two children are obviously unprepared too..."

  Lord Tang had a different idea, "Looking at what Zhou Man is carrying, do you think they are unprepared?"

  Wei Zhi frowned, and shook his head after a long time, "No, with Mrs. Liu as a person, she can't let Bai Shan sue on a day like this, and she can't know me."

  Speaking of this, Wei Zhi raised his head and looked at Mr. Tang, and asked, "What's the matter with the Xiang family in Dongxi Zhuang?"

  Lord Tang raised his forehead and said, "I don't know."

   Wei Zhi looked suspicious, "Don't you know?"

  Lord Tang became annoyed: "If I said I didn’t know, I didn’t know. How would I know what the kid did?"

  Wei Zhi withdrew his sight.

  The two sighed together, and began to worry about tomorrow's meeting.

  Originally, they should take a break tomorrow, and they should take a break the day after tomorrow...

  But at this moment such a big event broke out, it is impossible for Xiu Mu, it is good if he is not exhausted.

  But at this time, the most tired should be the queen.

Since sending the Queen Mother back to her room, Princess Yizhou has been kneeling on the ground and crying. Princess Yunfeng changed her clothes and was stopped by the Queen’s people before reaching the hall. When the Queen Mother came back, they knew what happened in the front hall. After the incident, she had to carry the whip to the front hall to find Zhou Man, but was stopped by the queen's people and took her to rest.

  The queen mother really had a headache and heartache. She couldn't take care of her at all. She sent the queen away under the pretext of taking a break, and began to constantly dispatch her own staff.

The result was a lot of tossing, until it was dark, she received the news that her people could not even get out of the palace gate, and they were all held or tripped. I'm afraid I don't even know.

  In the harem, only the queen can have this ability.

So when the queen mother was angry, she called the queen to kneel in the palace. When the emperor finally finished seeing the person he should see and returned to the harem, Mingda, who had been waiting, ran over and said, "Father, go and save the mother, the queen. Kneeling in the palace of the imperial grandmother."

  The emperor's complexion changed, and he patted Mingda's hand to send him back to the palace to rest, and strode towards the Queen Mother's Palace.

    The next update will be around 6pm



  (End of this chapter)

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