Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1152: National affairs

  Chapter 1152 State affairs and family affairs

  The emperor walked in and saw the queen kneeling on the ground. He glared at Aunt Shang and knelt next to the queen, "Mother, son is here."

  "Don't call my mother," the queen dowager who was sitting upright turned sideways, her chest rising and falling, "Are you treating me as your mother?"

  The emperor opened his mouth, turned his head and said to the kneeling queen: "Queen, you take them down first."

  The queen bowed slightly and supported her on the ground to get up. The emperor reached out and helped her. Aunt Shang hurried forward to take it. The two of them swept their eyes in the room, and most of them followed out.

  Only a few confidants of the Queen Mother hesitated.

  The emperor lifted his eyelids and glanced at them. They immediately lowered their heads like an electric shock, took a peek at the queen mother and bowed back.

Only then did the emperor sit on the other side of the couch and sighed: "Mother, this is a matter of the state, not something that I can do arbitrarily."

  The queen mother's face was dark, she raised her head and looked at the emperor seriously for a while, then sneered after a long while: "Erlang, are you really unable to, or don't you want it?"

  The emperor also looked at the Queen Mother, and said after a while: "Mother, you have heard the accusation of Bai Shan and Zhou Man today. I always want to give an explanation to the people of the world, especially the people of Jiannan Dao."

   "But he is also your brother!"

   "Yes, I didn't say he was not."

  The queen mother held her face, tears leaked from her fingertips, she choked up and said: "After all, it's up to you to decide whether the affairs of the country or the house are matters..."

"Suddenly, the Manchu dynasty, civil and military, and even the patriarch of the aristocratic family, do you think this son can still have the final say?" The emperor grabbed her shoulders and whispered: "Mother, say that this world belongs to my Li family. The world, but it is not just the world of my Li family."

The queen mother put down her hand, she closed her eyes fiercely. After a while, she opened her eyes, and her sleeves slipped to cover her clenched fists. She stared at the emperor and asked, "I don’t ask for anything else, but for one thing. , Can you save your brother's life?"

  The emperor lowered his head to meet her gaze.

  The queen mother said sadly: "Erlang, I gave birth to four children, and now only you and the fifth child are left. In the past, the three of your brothers were fighting with your father, and only the fifth child was with me..."

   "Okay," the emperor whispered, holding her hand, "I promise you, as long as Goro stays in the capital, I can protect him."

  The queen mother seemed to be relieved, holding his hand and nodding.

The emperor wiped her tears, and asked unexpectedly: "Mother, have you heard about Goro's stay in Yizhou City?"

  The queen mother stiffened, she looked at the emperor, her eyes tracing his face like a sharp blade, "Why, do you doubt me?"

   "The son doesn't dare. The son just thinks Goro is too daring. He listened to Bai Shan's confession. He started preparing more than ten years ago. At that time, the emperor was still there."

  The Queen Mother couldn’t help but stabbed, “Not only are your father and brothers here, but your eldest brother and third brother are also there.”

  The emperor's face was pale.

  The queen mother closed her eyes and waved her hand: "You go and rest, too. I'll send someone to give Lao Wu something."

  "Mother and Queen..."

   "Why, I can't even give my son some food and clothing?"

  The emperor smiled bitterly, "Mother, my son will not treat Goro badly on this."

   "Of course I know that you will not treat me badly, but what you have is yours, and what I give is my heart as a mother."

  The emperor replied helplessly, bowed and retreated.

After waiting for the emperor to leave for a long time, the queen mother leaned on the couch with her forehead, and said in a deep voice, "Come out."

  The princess Yizhou, whose eyes were red and swollen from crying, came out from behind the screen, "Mother..."

  The Queen Mother opened her eyes to look at her, and whispered: "You come forward."

  The princess of Yizhou stepped forward, but only approached, the queen mother's face changed, she reached out and slapped her severely, and knocked the princess of Yizhou to the ground.

   Princess Yizhou covered her face and fell to the ground, because the queen mother had exhausted her slap, and her ears were still buzzing at the moment.

  The queen mother fell down on the couch, but was still not relieved, and smashed the pillow behind her on her.

  The princess of Yizhou was scared to death, kneeling on the ground shivering, "Mother, queen..."

  The queen mother stretched out her hand and pulled her over, staring into her eyes and asked, "I ask you, is it true that the two children said in the temple?"

  The princess of Yizhou turned pale and shook her head again and again, "Mother, that’s all a false accusation, it’s a false accusation..."

The queen mother pushed her to the ground and lowered her voice and shouted, "You cry, you shout, no one knows how many emperors and queens are in this temple. What you shouted here today, turn around and they will know ."

   Princess Yizhou covered her mouth and did not dare to cry.

The queen mother sat on the floor from the couch and happened to face the princess of Yizhou. She stared at her and asked, "Ying, I'll ask you again, is it true that those two children said that? Goro is raising private soldiers in Yizhou. ?"

Princess Yizhou’s tears fell and she shook her head. Seeing that the queen mother’s eyes were sharp, she nodded again. She let go of her hands and said in a low voice: "Mother, concubine body, concubine body really doesn’t know. However, the prince is very short of money. He uses my dowry to do business, and from time to time he asks his concubine to return to his natal home to take money. I know that the prince has a lot of followers..."

The queen mother raised her hand with anger, and when she saw her shrink up, she put down her hand angrily. She stared at Ying with disappointment: "Your grandson can run all over the floor, but you still don't know what your husband is doing outside. ,you you……"

  Compared to the queen, this daughter-in-law is more than a little bit worse.

  The empress dowager's heart hurts and she almost can't breathe.

  She covered her chest for a while and did not speak. Princess Yizhou cried in fear: "Mother, queen, please save the prince, he must not have intentions."

  The queen mother closed her eyes and asked: "Where are the three of them in Xin'an?"

   Princess Yizhou wiped her tears and said, "Xin'an and Xinping were taken away by your majesty, only Xinqing and Yunfeng are still with me."

  The Queen Mother exhaled, “You just stay in the palace and don’t go anywhere. Send Xinqing and Yunfeng to my palace. As long as you don’t run around, I can keep you.”

  The princess of Yizhou nodded her head again and again, unobedient.

  The lights were turned off in several places in the palace, but there were always a few lights that were always brightly lit, and the lights slowly extinguished until the fish-white light appeared on the horizon.

  In the prison, Bai Shan and Manbao finally wrapped the people on the ground into a big white dumpling before the second candle was about to burn out. Except for his head, his whole body was wrapped in medicine.

The only Xiang Chao who went to bed early tonight and woke up was in pitch darkness. He was stunned for a while to realize that there was something on his head. He immediately reached out and took off the thing on his head, and he saw the two of them as soon as he raised his eyes. Putting down the scissors, he stretched his waist and rubbed the back of his neck sleepily, while lying on the ground was the second son of Xiang, who knew nothing but his head, and the rest was a piece of white linen.

  Xiang Chao opened his mouth wide.

    The next update is around 8pm



  (End of this chapter)

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