Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1153: Spend

   Chapter 1153

Bai Shan's waist was almost unable to straighten up, and the movement to stand up was a bit awkward. He turned his head and saw Xiang Chao awake. He greeted him with little sincerity, and then squatted down and took the knives that Man Bao had used. Throw the scissors, tweezers and the like into the boiling water in the pot and roll it again.

Then I washed it a second time, and then dried it and put it in a cloth bag. Xiang Chao always wanted to open his mouth for questioning, but Man Bao looked even more tired than Bai Shan, his eyes were half closed, and he was in the medicine box. Before picking up the medicine, he opened his mouth and didn't dare to disturb them.

After Bai Shan cleaned all the knives and stuffed it to Man Bao, and after Man Bao was stuffed into his sleeve, Bai Shan looked towards Xiang Chao, "People are alive for the time being. Move aside to give him some space. Bar."

  Xiang Chao immediately moved to the side with difficulty, giving up half of the position to the second son.

  Bai Shan looked at the location, nodded in satisfaction, and then shouted the yamen outside to come in and help lift people up to the kang.

  It was the first time that the people in the prison saw such a person. They watched it quite strangely for a while, but they knew that this person was now an important witness, or a criminal, so they didn't dare to take it seriously.

  After all, if he was so injured, if he was carried to death by them, would they be counted, or would they be counted as the two very young doctors, or the king of Yizhou?

  So they lifted up gently, and Xiang Chao immediately said: "Like me, also face outwards."

   When he lifted the person onto the quilt, and then put the quilt on, everyone exhaled.

  An officer couldn't help but talk to Man Bao, "Little genius doctor, can this person save life?"

  Man Bao said with a deep face: "Look at God's will."

  The officers felt that it was too bad, and looked at the still unburned candle on the side, and couldn't help but tsk, "The two of you haven't slept all night."

Bai Shan and Man Bao didn’t speak. Bai Shan had already cooked the needles, dried them, and inserted them into the needle bag. Then he poured the water in the pot and cleaned it again. He looked at the pot with a little disgust, and then looked at it. Glancing at the food on the table, "How can I eat this?"

Man Bao knew that he disliked the **** knives in the pot, so he coughed lightly and looked at the three servants who had always been helping out, "Three big brothers, can you give us another small pot? We are so hot to eat. ."

   "That's not okay, we don't dare to give you something without the instructions from above."

  Bai Shan touched his body, took out three silver ingots one or two and stuffed them into their hands, "Big Brother, help."

  The two of them looked at the three with their big round eyes.

  The clothes of Guozixue specially worn by Bai Shanjin in the palace. At this time, he was dressed in white clothes and was as gentle as jade. What kind of people hadn't seen the three in the prison?

The top, the high-ranking, the knowledge-rich, the bottom, the three teachings and the nine streams, are extremely evil, but like Bai Shan and Zhou Man, they are not villains in themselves, and they are imprisoned at such a young age. One of them is a promising Guozixue student. This is the first one.

   So the three of them hesitated for a while and took the silver in their hands, nodded and said: "Okay, but there is no new can, only the one we boil and drink outside of us on weekdays. We will share you one."

  Bai Shan breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he hasn’t cooked anything strange.

  They went out, closed the prison door again for them, and sent them a jar shortly afterwards. Bai Shan took it and talked to them, "Is it dawn outside?"

   "It has already passed, the sky is already slightly bright, and it will be bright after a while."

  Bai Shan nodded and thanked him.

   Then I looked at a table of cold rice and cold dishes and started to worry, how can I do this?

  He couldn’t help but look at Man Bao...

Man Bao has already boiled the new medicine. She is sitting in a daze in front of the stove. She is a bit overdoing her mind. Dealing with the injuries on the second son is already highly concentrated. She is not old and busy. One night, don't talk about the body at this moment, and the mind doesn't turn.

  Bai Shan glanced at her, shook his head, and decided on his own.

  He poured the leftovers into the jar, added water and put it on another stove, then picked out the cold dishes on the table, and finally put some minced meat in it with disgust.

The water in the medicine jar boiled, and the smell of medicine slowly floated out. Man Bao slowly returned to her senses. She looked back and saw that Bai Shan had only put a little minced meat into it, and touched her stomach that was convulsive from hunger. She wasn't happy, and stepped forward to take the plate and said, "This is not enough to eat."

After he said, he moved a plate of greens to the edge of the table, spreading a thick layer of greens on the bottom of the bowls of the three people, saying: "After a while, the porridge is ready, pour it in, and you can eat it when it is hot. NS."

  Xiang Chaojian finally stopped being in a daze, and immediately asked, "Dr. Zhou Xiao, my second son..."

   "Don't worry, he can survive as long as our medicine continues."

  Xiang Chao heaved a sigh of relief, "Then just now you said it depends on God's will."

   "That's to confuse foreign enemies, do you know?"

  Bai Shan: "You think a lot."

"That is."

  Bai Shan saw that she finally stopped being stunned, so he smiled and focused on watching the fire.

  Man Bao moved a stool and sat next to the second son, and looked at him seriously, "You second son is really tolerant. Your hamstrings are broken, but you still don't say anything."

  Xiang Chao stayed for a while, excited, "What, my hamstring was broken?"

   "Don't get excited," Man Bao calmed him, "So I said that if he lives, he will probably be disabled for life."

  Xiang Chao's eyes lit up, and he climbed here twice, "Where is the less than half?"

"Roughly, if I can go out, he can also go out. There is no shortage of medicinal materials needed to treat Ji Hao and Su Jian. Then maybe I can pick it up for him. The same as ordinary people, but at least they can walk."

  Xiang Chao swallowed, "Then, can we go out?"

  Man Bao sighed.

Bai Shandao: "It's impossible in the near future. They will arraign us in two days at the earliest. It stands to reason that they have confirmed that the evidence we gave is true. We can go out, but your second son may not be able to do so. He is an assassin."

   "But our second son is also a suffering master!"

  Bai Shan's eyes were deep, "Then he is also an assassin, not to mention that the queen mother is still there, even if the queen mother is not there, according to the law, the criminal department will not release people."

  Man Bao asked: "What if you don't follow the rules?"

  Bai Shan lowered his eyes and said: "Then it depends on what your Majesty means. He said that it can be natural."

  Xiang Chao opened his mouth, but what face do they have to ask the emperor?

  Man Bao is also thinking hard, can he heal the queen’s affection?

   seems to be a little bit inadequate.

  Bai Shan was also looking down and thinking, and the cell became quiet for a while, only the light of fire was reflected on their faces, making their pale faces a little orange-red.

    Why is there such a thing as chapter name?

     Alright, today’s update ends here, are you happy at home today?

     In order to contribute to the country, everyone should go to places with a lot of people as little as possible, and try not to go out. Let us watch variety shows at home happily.



  (End of this chapter)

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