Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1154: Xiang Mingxue

  Chapter 1154 Xiang Mingxue

  Xiangchao raised half of his body with difficulty, Bai Shan and the others dragged the table to the edge of the kang to put a bowl for him and let him eat by himself.

  The three of them ate and chatted, and Man Bao curiously asked, "What is your second son's name?"

  "Xiang Mingxue, our old patriarch took it, okay?"

  Bai Shan and Man Bao nodded, "It's pretty good, then he reads?"

"Of course we have studied. Our second son is the best in our Xiang clan. Of course, the first son is also good, but the second son is smarter." Xiang Chao said: "It was decided in the clan that the year was flooded. In the autumn harvest, the second son will be sent to Beijing to participate in the second year's big exam, to see if he can be admitted to the Imperial College."

He said: "But the doctor in our state said that the second son has enough knowledge. As long as he can perform normally, his chances of passing the exam are great. Their family is not short of money. They did not pass the exam in the first year. In the next year, I will take the exam again in the second year."

   "Your second son is studying in the Fuxue?"

   "Yes, the school in Suizhou was originally going to Yizhou, but he was still young when he was admitted to school, less than thirteen, so the family was not at ease, so he just let him go to Suizhou."

  Xiang Mingxue is a direct disciple, while Xiang Chao is a secondary disciple, two years older than Xiang Mingxue. Although the two belong to the same family, they have very little intersection.

  Xiang Mingxue rarely lives in Dongxizhuang. When he was young, he was sent to the county to study. He would only go home when he rested, and would not play with them when he went home.

  And Xiang Mingxue went to Suizhou Fu at the age of thirteen. He basically didn't even come back even when he was off. He would only go home during major festivals and busy farming, so the two were not familiar with each other before.

  Meet at the entrance of the village, people whom Xiang Mingxue didn’t know would just bend over and salute, and when they heard people calling their second son, they knew they were peers or juniors, and when they heard people calling Mingxue, they knew they were elders...

  Ten years of flooding in Dazhen, it was just when the school was busy with farming. Xiang Mingxue returned to his hometown and discussed with his family at the same time, preparing to go to Beijing to take the big exam after the autumn harvest. He was sixteen that year.

  The flood rushed down. He followed his family and fled to the high ground. When the flood subsided the next day, he went down, but he was a weak scholar and walked slowly, so he fell behind with his mother and sister-in-law.

  While waiting for the screams from the front to rush out to see, his grandfather, the patriarch of the Xiang clan, as well as his father and elder brother, had been killed by the man who rode on the horse in armor...

At that time, he could only stumble and help his mother and sister-in-law to escape, but was washed away. He only took away his little nephew. In the end, even the little nephew was gone. He was dragged by Xiang Chao to jump along with a few running around. In the still turbid and turbid river, he survived by dragging a piece of wood and drifting along the water.

After   , he has been living in revenge.

  Xiang Chao was right. The Xiang family has money. Their money is not only in Dongxi Village, but also in other places.

  Although they don’t have land deeds or house deeds, they don’t dare to sell those things, but they can find some money in individual yards, shops, and money.

  They survived through this in the early stage, and then began to carry money incognito activities.

  Nurture the survivors who are vigorous and want revenge, make money, and inquire about news... These are all led by Xiang Mingxue.

  They found King Yizhou in the situation of chasing and intercepting from all directions, and then they bit on King Yizhou since the thirteenth year of Dazhen.

  They spent nearly a year planning the Dragon Boat Festival assassination, but unfortunately, it was just a little bit...

  Then it was the end of July this year. They ambushed the King of Yizhou on the way to Beijing, but they did not expect that King Yizhou secretly brought a team of soldiers into the capital. Most of the people they took were damaged, and the second son was also seriously injured and arrested.

  Bai Shan felt refreshed, and was not sleepy anymore, "You said that the king of Yizhou Jinjing also brought a team of soldiers and horses? How many soldiers and horses are there?"

   Xiang Chao said: "It was too chaotic at the time, but it is estimated that there are about a thousand people."

  Bai Shan and Man Bao glanced at each other, Man Bao was a little uncertain, "I remember the feudal prince entered the capital, and the guards he brought should not exceed three hundred, right?"

  Bai Shan’s eyes are gleaming, "Yes, when the adults come for interrogation, you have to tell them like this...Remember, just like what you just said to us, should you show it inadvertently, you know?"

  Xiang Chao nodded repeatedly and asked, "Is this good for overthrowing King Yizhou?"

  Bai Shan and Man Bao nodded fiercely, "Yes."

   "Okay, I wrote it down."

Seeing that he was full, Man Bao took his bowl and washed it, poured him a bowl of the boiled medicine, and said, "Drink as soon as it gets cold, put the bowl aside, we have to sleep for a while. ."

  Xiang Chao saw that she had torn down the fire, so he quickly asked, "Where is the second son?"

  "He has already drunk it once, and there is still some left in the medicine jar. Look at him, if he has a fever, he will call me and call us at noon."

  After that, she went to bed with Bai Shan.

With three quilts, there is only one left. Bai Shan touched the straws disgustedly, and reluctantly accepted them to be spread on the other half of the kang, but he still spread two large clothes on it. Lie down one left and one right.

  Xiang looked dumbfounded, trying to say something, but seeing that they fell asleep with their eyes closed as soon as they lay down, it was hard to say anything.

  Man Bao and the others just lay down for a short time. An officer came over with two wooden barrels, knocking on the door of the cell, and shouting: "It’s been dinner, it's dinner..."

  Bai Shan and Man Bao woke up in their sleep, opened their eyes and looked forward unconsciously for a while, their eyelids trembled, their heads tucked into the quilt, and then fell asleep again.

   Xiang Chao saw the two people’s small heads getting closer and closer, turning his head to look at the person outside the prison door, staring at both sides with big eyes.

  Xiang Chaocai smiled and wanted to say something. The people outside the prison had already glanced at the food left on their table, shrugged their shoulders, and left.

  Of course, the standard meals in the prison cells were not left for them. They all have food, and if they are left for food, isn’t it a waste?

  It's better to take it out to feed the pigs.

During this sleep, Manbao, they slept very soundly and soundly. Xiang Chao slept a lot last night. He was really bored by himself. From time to time, he touched Xiang Mingxue’s head and saw that he never got fever. , And he didn't know whether the time was up or not, so he could only listen with his ears, and he heard that the shift was going to be changed after noon, so he hurriedly called Man Bao and Bai Shan aloud.

  Bai Shan opened his eyes and took a look, trying hard to get up. Man Bao, who got up in a daze, slapped him down, then pressed down the person again and said: "You go to sleep, I don't need you now."

  Bai Shan turned over and went to sleep again.

Man Bao yawned over to see Xiang Mingxue’s situation. After touching the pulse, he changed the medicine. Of course, before that, he heated the medicine in the medicine jar to Xiang Chao and drank it. Perfunctorily: "I just ate the morning meal, so I am definitely not hungry. You should take the medicine to fill your stomach first, and someone should send it to you later."

  Xiang Chao:...

    almost made a call. See you tomorrow

     See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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