Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1158: wake up

   Chapter 1158

  Man Bao went to ponder the case. She took a medical book, but her consciousness was sinking in the system and chatting with Teacher Mo. Xiang Chao's spirit was much better than when she was tortured yesterday, but she was slightly more active.

   Cooking things still fell on Bai Shan.

  Perhaps because they were afraid that their oil and salt were not enough, Zhou Lijun brought them two small cans of oil and salt. They were really only two small cans, the size of a palm, and they were usually used to hold honey at home.

Bai Shan looked towards him, and added a spoonful of water to the urn. When the water boiled, he gave him a handful of noodles. Then he hurriedly grabbed a handful of greens and threw it in. When he found that the water was not enough, he grumbled. Gulu added a half of chicken soup to it.

   After cooking for a while, he took the noodles that were cooked for the first time to Xiang Chao, "You eat it."

  Xiang Chao looked at Qianzi on the table.

  Bai Shan said, “You can’t eat it. Bamboo shoots and mutton are both made-ups. I specially added a handful of vegetables to you.”

   Xiang Chao: "..."

  Cooked once, Bai Shan had a little experience. He added two spoons of water, thought about it, and put a little less of the noodles, and then threw a handful of vegetables in when the noodles seemed to be ripe.

  Bai Shan poured out the noodles that were still in line, nodded in satisfaction, and then added a large spoonful of glutinous rice to the top. After a little mixing, the aroma came out.

  Man Bao smelled the scent, her consciousness withdrew from the system, and she happened to see Bai Shan about to go to the third country. She hurriedly shouted: "Isn't it the water that boils down?"

  Bai Shan glanced down at the water in the urn and asked, "Really? I didn't open it just now, and it was cooked."

  Man Bao glanced at the bowl of noodles on the table, and made an immediate decision, "You can eat this bowl, and then you can boil the bowl when you put it down."

  The two squatted in front of the fire, waiting for the water to boil. Xiang Chao looked down at the noodles in his bowl, and took a bite angrily. He ate such noodles. Did he say anything?

Not to mention, after the water is boiled, the bottom noodles are almost separated one by one, which is better than the second pot. Man Bao also added a lot of shame to himself, and then the two of them greeted Shang Xiang Chao and were happy together. Eat up.

  After eating Man Bao, he went to provoke Xiang Mingxue who was in a coma, "If you don't wake up again, you won't even have the chicken soup to drink."

  Only when the voice fell, Xiang Mingxue's eyelashes trembled, and Xiang Chao, who had been paying attention, immediately shouted: "Wake up, wake up!"

  Bai Shan immediately ran to look at it. Xiang Mingxue worked hard for a long time, and finally slowly opened his eyes under the gaze of three pairs of eyes.

  He opened his eyes and was a little confused, and stared at them with big eyes and small eyes for a long time, but he recovered from the sound of "Where else are you uncomfortable" from Man Bao.

Xiang Mingxue originally wanted to look away indifferently, but only halfway through, he met Xiang Chao's concerned gaze. He paused and his eyes widened slowly. He raised his hand and grabbed Xiang Chao, his eyes eagerly. Split, "Why are you here?"

   "Second Young Master, you finally woke up!" Xiang Chao cried holding his hand.

  Xiang Mingxue's chest rises and falls sharply, and Bai Shansheng is afraid that he will die of anger, and hastily explained, "Second Young Master Xiang, this is not the dungeon of the Yizhou Palace, this is the sky prison of the Criminal Ministry."

  Xiang Mingxue was taken aback, "Tian prison? Why did I get to Tian prison? King Yizhou handed over his assassination case to the court?"

   "Of course not," Bai Shan quickly explained to him, "King Yizhou was arrested, and Man Bao and I filed a lawsuit. He went to sue the imperial lawsuit and told the King of Yizhou to raise private soldiers with the intention of rebelling."

  Xiang Mingxue was stunned for a long time without regaining his senses. He turned his head to look at Xiang Chao, and then nodded again and again, "Young Master Bai is right."

  Xiang Mingxue withdrew his hand and closed his eyes again, his breathing was gradually relieved, as if he was asleep again.

  The three of them stared at his sleeping face together.

After a while, Xiang Mingxue opened his eyes again, and the faces of the three people were still facing him. He frowned slightly, then closed his eyes heavily, and lifted his hand slightly and pinched himself...

  Bai Shan finally knew what was wrong, and said silently: "Don't pinch, it's not a dream."

Xiang Mingxue opened his eyes, and Xiang Chao recovered himself. He immediately lifted half of his quilt and let him see the rod torture on his back. "Second son, it’s not a dream, this is true. We told you yesterday. The imperial state, you were found and sent by Master Wei Zhi from the Yizhou Palace last night. It has been a day now."

  Xiang Mingxue looked at Bai Shan and Zhou Man's eyes sharply, and asked, "Then who are you?"

  Man Bao looked at his face carefully, got up and said to Bai Shan, “I’ll get him new medicine and hot chicken soup. Can you explain to him?”

Bai Shan nodded. Actually, there was nothing to explain. He only said: "My father is the magistrate of the former Shu County. He was mutilated by the discovery of evidence of King Yizhou’s rebellion twelve years ago. In addition to my father, there are also my senior sister’s parents. At that time, there were many government officials in the county of Shu County. In August, when King Yizhou hid you in a carriage and brought you to the capital, Manbao smelled blood and found you Xiangshi, so our two families formed an alliance."

  Xiang Chao nodded repeatedly.

  Xiang Mingxue was very suspicious, "What month is it now?"

   "Today is September 18, and yesterday is the Queen Mother Qianqiu."

  Xiang Mingxue sneered, "You found our Xiangjia in just over a month, and you also negotiated an alliance? I have been active in Yizhou for many years and have never heard of a Bai family."

  Bai Shan said: "My ancestral home is Longzhou, you should have heard of the Baijia in Mianzhou, right?"

  Xiang Mingxue raised his brows, raised his head to look at Xiang Bai Shan, and said after a while: "Master Bai has such energy?"

   "He doesn't have one, but Tang County Order has it. You Xiang Clan was found by Tang County Order. If you don't believe me, ask your tribe."

Xiang Chao nodded repeatedly and lowered his voice: "Second Young Master, the magistrate Tang of Huayang County found us and almost brought us to the pot, but he didn't arrest us later, instead let us go to Mianzhou to find Yang. As soon as the county magistrate discussed with the Bai family, Liu Ye and the old lady of the Bai family, the two formed an alliance..."

  Xiang Mingxue:...

Xiang Chao remembered the fear at the beginning, and his eyes were still a little red at this time. He wiped his eyes and said, "I was really scared at the time. Second son, you didn't come back. Liu Ye felt that it was better to take the risk. I can rescue you anyway. No, there are not a few people left in our Xiang family. Sooner or later, we will get together underground..."

  Xiang Mingxue didn’t say anything, and when he faced Bai Shan, he was much more kind. He apologized: "Master Bai, forgive me, I am suspicious."

  Bai Shan didn't take it seriously, "It's me, and I would doubt it too."

Man Bao brought the hot chicken soup over and said, "Let’s eat something first, Bai Shan, go down, fill up your stomach and drink the medicine. It’s good if you wake up. We will have a detailed consultation in a while. ."

  Xiang Mingxue found out that he was wrapped up in a ball, and why is there a woman in a cell?

   See you at eight in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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