Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1159: Go over

   Chapter 1159

The imperial court's movements were faster and bigger than they thought. Man Bao and the others thought it would take two or three days for someone to ask them questions. As a result, on the 19th day they had a premature meal and not long after they had eaten, the Minister of Justice came personally. Mention them out of the class.

  He saw that Xiang Mingxue was all wrapped up except his head, and after a moment of silence, he waved his hand and asked someone to lift a bedboard to lift the Xiang family brother out.

  Bai Shan and Man Bao, who were reading the book, watched silently.

   Seeing that they were not moving, the Xing Department servant could not help but said: "You two will never ask someone to lift it, right?"

  The two of them put down their books and walked out.

  The lobby of the Criminal Ministry next to the jail was cleaned up. At this time, Ji Xiang, Wei Zhi and Old Tang were sitting on it.

  Ji is in charge of Shang Shushen's affairs. Now Zhao Zhong Zhong Shu Ling is missing, so Wei Zhi takes care of it. The eldest servant of the sect in the province has been sick at home and begging to get old, so it is Tang Hui who is in charge now.

  The matter of the king of Yizhou raising the private soldiers is not small, so the three people will lead the trial together. Of course, I don’t know if there is any emperor’s selfishness among them.

  Except for them, the Feng Shangshu of the Ministry of Criminal Affairs and Liu Hui of the Ministry of Households are all here.

  The reason why the two of them will be arranged separately is because in this case, they will be called in large numbers.

  At the lobby, Bai Shan bowed his hands and bowed his hands. As soon as Man Bao saw him, he just bowed his hands and didn't kneel down. As for the two people who were carried out, they couldn't get up.

  Wei Zhi and Mr. Tang had no objection. Ji Xiang only had a headache when he thought of the little grandson who was sweeping the floor in his study last night, so he opened his eyes and closed his eyes without embarrassing them.

  Although he is sitting in the middle, but...

  He looked at the two people left and right, twitched the corners of his mouth, and said, "If you have any questions, Master Wei and Master Tang, please ask."

  Wei Zhi and Mr. Tang hurriedly gave in, "My lord, please."

"It's better for you to ask, and I just listen." As if who didn't know, after the incident, one was left alone by the emperor until late at night, and the other was summoned after an hour. He is not stupid. Toe wants to know that the emperor prefers them to investigate this case.

  Wei Zhi and Old Tang became silent, how did they talk about this?

  What should be known, what should not be known, they all know it?

But what matters is that Ji et al. don’t know it, and they can represent hundreds of officials. Old Tang turned his eyes and fell on Feng Shangshu, and said directly: “For things like trial cases, it’s naturally that Shangshu of the Criminal Ministry is best at it, or it is Shang Shu ask, and we will consider adding more at that time."

   Everyone snorted in their hearts: It’s as if you haven’t been a Shangshu of the Criminal Ministry?

  However, Feng Shangshu didn't dare to say anything about the old Tang who was obviously younger than himself but was a former chief. He glanced at his current chief, Lord Ji Xiang.

   Seeing him nodding slightly, he stood up and slapped at the three adults, then glanced at Xiang Chao and Xiang Mingxue who were lying on the wooden board, waved his hand, and decided not to ask them.

  So the officers moved the two wooden boards to the side, exposing Bai Shan and Man Bao to the front and the middle of the crowd.

  Feng Shangshu's gaze fell on Bai Shan, and he asked, "Report all your name and ancestry."

  Bai Shan has almost finished reading Dajin's law book, and has memorized a lot. Knowing that this is a tool for interrogation, he said something about it.

  Feng Shangshu asked, "Since you are from Longzhou, how do you fill in Mianzhou for your student status?"

Bai Shan said: "When the student was five years old, my grandmother took my mother and I to my cousin in Mianzhou, so I went to school in Mianzhou, and then went to Yizhou Kaofu to study, so my school status has been In Mianzhou."

  "When did you learn that King Yizhou killed your father and enemy for you?"

  Bai Shan paused for a while and then looked up and saw Mr. Tang lowering his eyes, and said: "I only knew it this year."

  Feng Shangshu's eyebrows twitched, "I only found out this year?"

  Bai Shan replied "Yes."

   "How did you know?"

   "My grandmother told me."

  "How did your grandmother know..."

  Bai Shan picked out the Tang and Yang magistrates, only mentioned his grandmother, and told Feng Shangshu that, in fact, his grandmother had always been suspicious, and also said that his father had run into Zhou Yin when he fled outside Luojiang County.

  As a result, Feng Shangshu had to call Mrs. Liu to question.

  While waiting, Feng Shangshu took a sip of tea and asked Manbao, “What about you, report your name and household registration.”

  Manbao reported truthfully.

Feng Shangshu also asked a series of questions, many of which were repeated with Bai Shan. He asked: "How do you know about your parents?"

  Man Bao pointed to Bai Shan and said: "What Grandma Liu told me, I didn’t know that my parents were not my biological parents. Grandma Liu said that, and my parents told me."

  Yes, so I still have to wait for Mrs. Liu to come.

  Feng Shangshu asked the two lying on the wooden board.

There are still many witnesses and material evidences in the Bai family that have not been presented. Although Man Bao has already handed in a wave of evidence, Mrs. Liu still has a lot of them, such as the letter Bai Qi sent to the family back then. The confession, the confession of the three assassins who were sent to Qili Village by the fake official, and even the person, who was the official letter, can also be passed on by Mrs. Liu.

  Those people are now in Wei Zhi's hands, but they have to hand it over and pass the clear road.

   But in comparison, the evidence Xiang Jia can give is pitiful, most of which are his own conjectures, because he has no evidence that he is the real owner of Dongxi Village.

  The land deeds were all destroyed by floods or man-made, and even the files in the county and government offices were lost. Except for the genealogy that Xiang Mingxue later wrote by himself, he did not even have personal testimony.

  So if what he said is true or false, you have to send someone to Suizhou.

   looked down at Xiang Mingxue, who was wrapped in a big zongzi. Although Feng Shangshu believed in his heart, the criminal case was just evidence.

  But they can be sure that the evidence Bai Shan and the others handed in the hall the day before yesterday is not false, so they can leave.

   So Feng Shangshu mentioned that Bai Shan and Zhou Man could be released.

  Jixiang was about to agree, but Mrs. Tang suddenly said, “It’s just that Mrs. Liu still has a witness? It’s better to wait for the witness to come to the case.”

  Wei Zhi also nodded, "Let's put the two in jail for the time being, and wait until the witness comes to the case."

  Bai Shan and Man Bao opened their mouths wide.

   was sent back to prison again.

  Lao Liu, who came to testify, was not very anxious, nodded slightly to the two children, turned and left the lobby of the torture department.

When the four were escorted back by the guards, they happened to ran into Zhou Lijun at the door. She was waiting for them outside the gate. She pleased the guards with a smile, and then handed them a big basket and said: "Sister, this is what you and today Eat tomorrow morning. Do you have anything you really want to eat? I will ask Uncle Six to make it for you."

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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