Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1161: Cellmate next door

  Chapter 1161 The next cellmate

  Keke scanned it and said, “You have cleaned the poisonous aconite, but you have picked two more and cooked it out.”

  Man Bao immediately found the two small pieces under his guidance and put them back in the medicine bag.

  Xiang Chao looked very worried, and some did not dare to take the medicine she boiled, "Did you really pick it up? I think the two medicines look exactly the same, and I don't see any difference."

  Man Baodao: "The same is true. They are all Chuanwu. It's just that the concoction on this side is done. I don't know how he concocted it on this side."

Man Bao broke the medicinal materials apart and let them look at the cross section. "It looks concocted on the outside, and it doesn’t look much different from the inside, but if you smell it carefully and touch it, you can feel that it is still raw, or It's half a lifetime."

  Bai Shan didn’t reach for it, but first made sure, “It’s not poisoned if you touch it with your hands and smell it with your nose, right?”

   He already touched and smelled Xiang Chao's hand shaking, and the aconite fell from his hand.

Man Bao picked it up and stuffed it into his hand, comforting him: "It's okay, don't be afraid, as long as you don't lick or eat your fingers, it's okay."

  She and Bai Shan explained: "Aconitum is poisonous, especially raw aconitum, which is highly toxic. Some aconites are of good quality and can kill people with only three points. The second time, you can kill people with just one dollar."

  Man Bao showed them a small piece of aconite, so a little is a dollar, and it is inconspicuous when mixed in a lot of Chinese medicine.

  Xiangchao’s hand shook again, he swallowed, and raised the two pieces of aconite in his hand that he had broken in half and asked, "Then, why do you use this medicine?"

Man Bao took it, threw it in the poisonous pile, and said, "It is poisonous, but it can also heal diseases. You both have injuries on your joints, especially Xiang Mingxue. You have been tortured. Are you pouring cold water? Your hamstrings have been picked. You will definitely feel uncomfortable every time it is windy and rainy in the future. Aconitum can cure rheumatism and arthralgia and joint pain, so I have added them in your prescription."

"But don't worry, I prescribe all concocted aconite," Man Bao emphasized: "It's slightly poisonous. I also added dried **** and licorice. Basically, it is not very toxic. But take medicine, why? Isn't it poisonous?"

  Bai Shan also comforted them, “It’s a medicine that is three-point poison. You can get used to it by taking more.”

  Xiang Mingxue went to see other medicinal materials, "Dr. Zhou Xiao, would you like to check other medicines again?"

  Man Baodao: "Okay, I'll check it now."

  But after checking it again, no more toxic medicinal materials were found, so she asked Keke to scan it again.

  After all, among the herbs she prescribes, not many are naturally toxic.

  Man Bao said that the medicine was ready and began to boil it together. After a while, the two medicine pots were together, and it didn't take long for the medicine to be scented outside.

  The prisoner who was separated from them by the wall finally couldn't help it, and began to knock on the wall, Bai Shan and the others were so surprised.

  I have been in jail for so many days, this is the first time I have heard the movements of other inmates.

The others didn’t move yet. Bai Shan first climbed to the kang and knocked on the wall in response. The people on the other side obviously didn’t expect them to respond so positively, so they leaned against the wall and shouted, "What do you guys do every day? It's not the smell of medicine, but all kinds of scents. Did you drink chicken soup again at noon today?"

  Bai Shan is very curious, "Can you smell it across the wall?"

"It's such a big smell, we don't have a stuffed nose, how can we not smell it?" The person on the other side shouted: "You look up, kid, you don't smell the feces and urine that drifted past us. ?"

  The four of them looked up at the top of the wall together, only to find that there seemed to be a hole under the roof, but the opposite side was also a dark sky cell, so it could not be seen that it was a hole.

   "Every day we smell the smell coming from the other side, saying that you are officials, or your family is rich and powerful, why do you have medicine every day when you come to the jail?"

For the people in the jail, it’s not unusual to have good food to eat. If you have money, just buy it. Although it is several times more expensive than the outsiders, they all come to the jail and they are basically dead. , Money, if you don’t bring it when you are born or don’t take it away when you die, it's naturally best to use it when you live;

  It doesn’t matter if you don’t have money, you have power.

  There are really many people with money and power in the jail.

Maybe it’s very strange to take medicine in the jail, because people outside dare to send it, and the guards in the jail don’t dare to pass it. People sitting in the jail don’t dare to drink it easily. Who knows when? Killed?

  So they smelled the smell of medicine every day. It was strange to them. Of course, they didn't like this. What they were greedy for was the scent of food that came from the transom every day.

"I said, brothers next door, what did you commit to come in? You guys are in the same prison anyway, this is also a fate. You let the messengers outside help us and pass two steamed buns over to give us a taste. ?"

  Bai Shandao: "No more."

   "You lie to you, I can smell it, all you eat early are steamed buns, and it was the same last night!"

  Bai Shan: “We’re all done, we’re going to eat noodles at noon today, soup noodles with vegetables and eggs.”

   "I'll go, give me a bowl, hurry up."

  It’s impossible to send it, but Bai Shan is bored, so he wants to chat with him, "What are you doing?"

  "Me? I was wronged, brother, I'm a good person. Give me something to eat..."

  Xiang Mingxue rolled his eyes, and said to Bai Shan: "What can I say to such a person?"

Across a wall, although Xiang Mingxue didn't lower his voice specifically, he didn't raise his voice. It is said that the opposite person should not be able to hear very clearly. Who knows that his voice only fell on the opposite side, he said very rudely: "I said kid, you It’s not good to say that. They are all in jail. Who looks down on whom?"

He paused for a long time and then said: "I remember, you were the last kid sent here? Hey, you are not dead, didn't the adults that night say you can't live for a few days? Why, Did that little girl in your prison really save you?"

  Bai Shan’s face changed, and he instantly knelt down on the ground, leaning on the wall and asked: "How do you know so clearly?"

   "Joke, just across a wall, I heard it!" He said without shame: "I can hear everything you have heard, who you have been here, and what you have said!"

  The four people looked at each other, all a little surprised.

  Bai Shan rolled his eyes and asked, "Then I ask you, do you know what I said to that little girl an hour ago?"

  The other side fell silent and did not speak for a long time.

  Bai Shan and Man Bao looked at each other, just about to breathe a sigh of relief, when they heard the humanity opposite: "You said, that kid came in again with a letter..."

  Bai Shan opened his mouth wide.

   See you at eight in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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