Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1162: Hot Potato

  Chapter 1162 Hot potato

  Man Bao also opened his mouth wide. The two of them looked at the book lying on the edge of the kang at the same time. When Zhou Lijun came to give them food today, he also sent the medicinal materials they needed.

  Of course, there are two books they need.

  Bai Erlang and Yin may also entrained letters to them, because it was nothing particularly fair and honest, and Bai Shan deliberately suppressed his voice when they said this.

   He swallowed, leaned against the wall and asked, "And then, what else did you hear?"

   "Then your voice is so low, how can I hear it? But I can smell the chicken soup. Did you drink chicken soup?"

  Bai Shan is not sure whether the breath in his chest can be relieved, because he can't believe them if he says it. What if he lied to them?

  Man Bao opened the basket worryingly and took a look at the rolled noodles inside, and said sadly: "Come together, make a bowl."

Then when they had lunch, each of them ate a little less, and then divided an extra bowl of noodles, dragged the officers to help send them there, just separated from them by a wall, and claimed that their surname was Ba’s. Prisoner.

The officer did not expect that they would be able to make friends while in jail. They were still confused when they sent the noodles. Bai Shan took the opportunity to squat at the prison door and asked him in a low voice, "Big brother, the one who lives behind us, the surname is Ba. What did you commit?"

Because Bai Shan was mysterious, the officer couldn't help but squatted on the ground, lowered his voice and said: "A bandit is not a good person to kill. Qiu Zhan has already been sentenced, and it has been alive in a few days. Hey, why are you so mysterious? Xixi, know?"

  Bai Shan shook his head again and again, lowered his voice a little, and said in a low voice: "Did you know, he can hear us talking so quietly here."

  The officer widened his eyes and asked incredulously: "Really?"

  Man Bao and Xiang Jia brothers nodded together, closed their mouths tightly and did not dare to speak, they were frightened at first sight.

  Confused, the officer sent the noodles to the other side, watching the disheveled, dirty and wicked Ba Ye ate the noodles, and then asked, "Your ears are very good."

He wiped the soup on his mouth, hi, he laughed and said, "I just make my ears a little better. Why, it scared the friends behind me? It's still young to hear their voices. , At a young age, what serious matter has this been committed?"

   He smiled and asked, "Aren't you going to ask Zhan with me, right?"

The officer sneered: "You don’t put money on your own face. They do more things than you do, but they are dead, and they probably won’t be asking questions. Well, see if you don’t, this time around. I want to go on the road with you."

   Master Ba retracted his gaze, and asked with his hands together: "Then what did they commit? How many people did they kill?"

"No one was killed, but what they did was going to be a river of blood. Of course, if what they did not succeed, it was a river of blood, and the river would be bigger." The officer finished. Take away the bowl.

  Originally, Lord Ba only wanted to scare people into eating a good meal. Although he could have a good meal before execution, it was only one meal, and no one knew whether he was in the mood to eat that day.

  Unexpectedly, he got such an answer, so he became interested. He knocked on the wall and asked: "I said the people next door, what are you doing?"

  Man Baocai gave out a bowl of noodles, and he was still in a bad mood. Hearing this, he turned a page of the book, and said in an angry tone: "Can't you talk about your situation before asking others?"

  He didn’t care, he smiled, anyway, he was about to die, and there was nothing to say, so he said loudly: “There’s nothing to say, just stealing things and accidentally killing a few people.”

  The four people here frowned, feeling a little uncomfortable, "Don’t you regret killing someone?"

  "What regrets, if I don't kill them, they will kill me..."

  Tao Yi stood in the shadows and listened to the robber boasting about how he murdered and stolen things when he was young. He couldn't help frowning and asked the officer, "Why are both ends talking?"

"The ears of the surname Ba are so sharp that he can hear them whispering through a wall. He doesn't know what the four of them are discussing quietly. Most of them were caught by him, so he extorted something from them. When the bowl of noodles is over, the heart is upset here."

  Tao Yi:...

  He couldn't help but look back at the Feng Shangshu standing with his hands behind his back, and whispered: "Sir, do you want to ask Napa Bodhisattva?"

  Feng Shangshu didn't care too much and said: "They are in prison, no matter what they discuss, they can't do it."

   "But they have never been in contact with the outside world..."

Feng Shangshu glanced at him and said, "Isn't this a good thing? I still wish they would instruct people outside to make flowers out. It's better to order them to be released immediately in the palace. You think they are living in prison. Is it a good thing?"

  Tao Yi immediately lowered her head and stopped talking.

  Feng Shangshu touched his heart and said: "They live here for a day. I feel uneasy for a day. I have to live a day with my eyes open at night. I can't stand it at such an old age."

  Tao Yi twitched the corners of her mouth, and asked in a low voice, "Then let's talk to the outside world thoroughly, and talk about this Ba Bo?"

  Feng Shangshu gave him angrily and said, "Are you disgusting that the outside world is not messy enough? Are you blind or deaf as Old Tang? Can you hide these actions from him?"

  Tao Yi:......This is not okay, that’s not okay, so what are you going to do?

Feng Shangshu looked at his confidant with a hatred of iron and steel, and said: "You have to remember that you are the servant of the criminal ministry, and you are the servant of the criminal ministry. They fight against them by themselves. Don't interfere. As long as people are in our prison, we will guard. It’s fine."

  Feng Shangshu turned around and looked around. Seeing that everyone was backing away, he lowered his voice and said, "Do you know why our Shang Shuling sits in the middle every time he goes through trial, but never speaks?"

  Jixiang, also the Shangshuling of Shangshu Province, is the chief official.

  Tao Yi thought for a while and said: "Ji Xiang doesn't intend to be too involved."

  Feng Shangshu glanced at him and said deeply: "No, Ji Xiang has no confidence. He has been designated as one of the chief judges of the three provinces, and he has participated in it without opening his mouth."

  Tao Yi was startled and asked, "Why is Ji Xiang not confident?"

Feng Shangshu picked up his lips, and felt that it was not good, so he said: "After this time, Ji Xiang is afraid that he will return to his hometown. This is because you don't want to follow in his footsteps if you don't seek politics in his place. "

Tao Yi thought for a long time before trying to understand the meaning of Fengshangshu, a cold sweat broke out on her back, and when she looked at the four cells in the cell, she finally felt like Fengshangshu-these four are really true Hot potato.

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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