Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1173: Don’t be sad

   Chapter 1173 Not Sad

  Doctor Tao understood immediately, there is no need to give them a discount on the medicine.

  That's not cheap anymore. Apart from anything else, the life-saving pill is worth a lot of money.

  Doctor Tao smiled and nodded, holding Yaotong’s hand on the cart.

  Man Bao said to Xiao Shao: "You go back too, I will go home directly in a while."

   Xiao Shao bowed and asked, "Dr. Zhou Xiao, do you still make the pills you wanted to buy at the drugstore today?"

   "Do it, do it, go back and talk to the shopkeeper Zheng Da, let him do it for me today, and I will pick it up tomorrow morning."

  Man Bao touched her body, but did not touch her wallet, Bai Shan took out a dime of silver from her purse and gave it to her.

  Man Bao gave the silver to Xiao Shao, "Hey, this is the money for the pills, please trouble Zheng Da."

  Xiao Shao took it, with a smile on his face. As a medicine boy, his value can only be reflected by being constantly called on.

  Wait for Doctor Tao to leave, the confidant of the old lady Yue who had sent them turned around to go back, but when she saw Mother Fu was still standing still, she couldn't help but stop.

  Grandma Fu saw it, but she didn’t move. Instead, she took Man Bao’s hand and kept talking gossip, “How many years have you seen Miss Man? It’s been almost five years if you carefully count it?”

   "Yes, almost five years, the flood in May of the tenth year of Dazhen, the magistrate of Fu County was promoted just before the New Year, and she took her second sister Fu away."

Madam Fu took her hand and sighed, "In the blink of an eye, it has been five years. Miss Man has become a big girl. The servant girl remembers that you liked to play with our second young lady. Every time you come to the county town, the second young lady always I want to take that girl Qiuyue to see you. Both of them can talk for a long time even if they sit on a rock..."

  Old lady Yue's confidant saw that she was talking about old things, and some of them couldn't stand up, so she turned around and went back to the house.

  Grandma Fu saw that they were all in, she raised her hand with her handkerchief to wipe her tears, and choked up slightly, "Miss Man, our lady is suffering."

  Man Bao asked in a low voice: "Grandma Fu, there is nothing I can do. You just call me. By the way, do you want me to send a letter to the magistrate Fu?"

"Don't," Madam Fu whispered: "I scared Miss Man today, but it's actually not that bad. Our young lady can still get in touch with the old lady, but Jianzhou is too far away from the capital. The old lady is If you have the intention, it is beyond reach."

Madam Fu quietly glanced back to confirm that no one was eavesdropping, and then whispered: "Miss Man also knows that we have just arrived in the capital, and we are not familiar with the place of birth. Miss is like this now. Other doctors are really we. But I don’t know if Miss Man can come to the house from time to time."

  Man Bao smiled and nodded, "Of course I can. I still have some troubles. You don't think I am."

"Miss Man joked, you are the savior of our young lady, and also our savior," Madam Fu wiped the corner of her eyes, remembering something, and asked in a low voice: "Miss Man, I used to treat our young lady today. Are the medicines expensive?"

  Man Baodao: "The other thing is to have a life-saving pill, which is made with the best medicinal materials."

  Grandma Fu asked, "How expensive is it?"

  Man Bao coughed lightly, lowered his voice and said, "One hundred taels."

Mother Fu opened her mouth wide, and then she said: "Oh! You can ask Ji Shitang to ask for the Yue family. Master Yue is a Yushi. He dare not owe money to the merchant. At this moment, our lady is still unable to move. , And use this to cut the old lady's meat first."

  Man Bao couldn’t help asking, “Is the Yue family very short of money?”

Mother Fu whispered: "The lack of money is not enough. At any rate, it is an official body. Where can I lack it? It's just that Master Yue is clean and the old lady is very economical and does not know how to operate, so this life has not been passed yet. How about our Fu family."

Madam Fu looked down on the Yue family a little, and said she disliked: "That's all, but they still like swollen faces to fill up fat people. When we came to Beijing, our lady said that she might want to release it in the future, and spend money to rent it. The yard of the spot is more spacious for everyone, and the money in hand can also be used. But they are not happy, they have to spend money to buy a house, a house in a good location is expensive, but a house in a bad area is cheaper, just like neighbors. Both, the master and the uncle dislike it again..."

"After tossing for a long time, I also took a lot of money from our young lady. Only then did I buy the two small courtyards. But can my parents-in-law and daughter-in-law live in the same courtyard? Our young lady has never slept peacefully. She had a good belly when she entered Beijing. After entering the capital, the baby's fetal position shifted. However, we were not familiar with the capital, so I found a few stable women and couldn’t touch them. , I want to ask the doctor to come and touch it. The old lady also disliked that the doctors are all men, so she wouldn't let her touch anything..."

Mother Fu was full of grievances when she talked about these things, she kept talking crackling, and she couldn't help crying halfway through, and she took Man Bao's hand and said, "Miss Man, tell me, are we in Mianzhou? Hometown of Zhili?"

  Man Bao nodded repeatedly.

"Mianzhou and Yizhou are not far away, but besides the famous place of Wensheng, can we be worse than Taizhou? We also have men and women defense, but we don’t even watch our daughter-in-law die. With this shit, thanks to you for coming today, if only Doctor Tao came, we might have to fight them..."

  Man Bao:……

"Just as the young lady vented, they hurriedly cut their stomachs to have a baby. I have only heard of this kind of thing. I never thought it would happen to our young lady. If our wife knew it, she didn't know what to do. How sad."

  Man Bao asked: "Where is your uncle?"

  Grandma Fu was silent for a while and then said: "What can he do with a man at home?"

Chuncao, who had been standing silently behind him, couldn't help but sipped, and whispered: "My uncle is not mindful. Last night, the lady said he was going to give birth. This morning the old lady asked him to go to school, so he went to school. Sister Qiuyue stopped him and asked him to stay at home. If he wants to hire a doctor or something, there is a person in charge at home, so he still leaves."

   "Quickly shut up, these words are not allowed to be muttered in front of the lady, you know?"

  But what Grandma Fu didn’t know was that at this time in the room, Fu Wenyun was asking about Qiuyue.

  Qiuyue's eyes were red, and she concealed: "I have been busy all day, and I didn't pay attention to it. I don't know where the uncle has gone, maybe I am also anxious for the young lady."

  Fu Wenyun smiled lightly: "Don't lie to me, you lie to me, it is me who is ugly looking back, it is better to tell me honestly and let me have a plan."

  Qiuyue heard this, and finally couldn't help hiding her face and burst into tears.

  Fu Wenyun sighed when she saw it: "Why are you crying? I didn't feel uncomfortable. You are going to die for me and get alive."

   Qiuyue cried: "I'm just worthless for the young lady, you are such a good person, why did the master ration you to him?"

  Fu Wenyun smiled lightly: "Okay, don't cry anymore. It's obviously that I gave birth to the baby, so I have to comfort you in the end."

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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