Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1174: help

   Chapter 1174

Fu Wenyun sighed: "There are a few men in this world who can put themselves in the shoes of women. Look at my father, he is a rare good man in this world, but doesn't my mother also say that when she was young, did she get angry with him? "

Qiuyue wiped away her tears, went out and brought in the fresh soup noodles from the stove to feed her, and said while feeding her: "Who said there is no such thing, Young Master Bai, who came with Ms. Man, protected Ms. Man all the way. Come in, still having a big fire outside."

She said: "Why did she stop stopping Doctor Tao and them all of a sudden? That's because Young Master Bai got angry and said that if she wants to make trouble again, he will report to the official to see the yavier come here for a while, Master Ming's Guan'er is still doing something steadily."

   "What murdered my daughter-in-law, because I was unkind. Anyway, I don't quite understand it, but the old lady was terrified, and finally didn't dare to stop us anymore. The slave and maid brought the medicine in."

  Fu Wenyun reluctantly ate a few chopstick noodles and smiled: "You still don't understand, I think you understand."

   "The slave is just a parrot."

   "You know that even parrots learn to speak, but still don't understand these words?" Fu Wenyun smiled lightly: "Shubai has taught you for so many years."

  Qiuyue then stuck out her tongue, noodles with chopsticks and persuaded: "Miss, eat more, Miss Man said, you have to eat, otherwise you will lose money."

"I also said that you have to sit well in the confinement, otherwise you will suffer a lot of illnesses in the future," Qiuyue said in a low voice: "So, the servants are thinking about things, and the outside affairs are left to them. We will hold the young master in the house and raise it. , Eat and drink, don’t think about everything, let’s sit up and finish the confinement first."

   Fu Wenyun's mouth lightly twitched: "I know, this is not the time to settle accounts."

  Qiuyue let out a sigh of relief, her eyes flushed again, "Miss can figure it out."

  Fu Wenyun took two more bites, but couldn't eat anymore, so she pushed the bowl and asked, "Where is the mother?"

"I went to send Miss Man, and the mother said, we are unfamiliar in the capital, and the wife was invited by her. Then the doctor can't ask her to ask. Miss Man came to the capital earlier than us, and she is still The little genius doctor who is well-known in the capital must know many doctors. If she can come and heal it in person, it will be fine. If she can't come, it's good to ask her to introduce two doctors."

Fu Wenyun nodded, and lay down on the pillow holding Qiuyue's hand. Her body was really painful and tired, so she only whispered: "Take good care of my makeup, and you must keep the child in my house. Others Yes, let them go."

  Qiuyue replied in a low voice. As soon as she raised her head, she saw Fu Wenyun closed her eyes and fell asleep deeply.

Qiuyue pressed the quilt for her, and then went out. Seeing that the wife was still holding her baby, she smiled and took it. Then she called a little girl, "Why is the mother-in-law so honest? Our wife has already given birth." Now, the survivor is a young master. Why don't you go to the main room to give the old lady a reward for such a happy event?"

  After speaking, she said to the little girl: "Quickly, lead mother-in-law to ask for a reward, and then let the kitchen prepare the noodles to send mother-in-law home."

  The little girl is also in their room, smiled and responded, and helped her to go.

  Qiuyue hugged the children to watch them go away, and then she gave a cold snort.

  Sister Fu sent Man Bao onto the carriage, and watched the carriage came out of the alley before returning. Qiuyue saw that there was no spring grass behind her and asked, "Where is the spring grass?"

"I asked her to go with Miss Man," Madam Fu took the child and whispered: "You dare to ask for the nanny you invited over there, because she was afraid that she would hold the child on the front foot and send the child to the right foot on the back foot. The house was gone, so I asked Miss Man to introduce some nurses to Chuncao to follow."

  Qiuyue was stunned, "Will spring grass choose?"

"Chuncao doesn't know it. She will write down the family first, and wait until I have cleared up the family affairs before choosing." Mother Fu felt that there was not enough manpower, and sighed: "The second young lady should have taken a few more jobs. The mother-in-law came to Beijing, and now there is no shortage of manpower."

"In such a narrow yard, how can a few more people live in?" Qiuyue whispered dissatisfied: "Just because the lady took more of us, she muttered to let the lady spend half of the money to buy this house, pooh, uncle I'm so embarrassed to say that you can't use your wife's dowry, but you do what you say."

  "Shut up, you won't say these things in front of the lady, will you?"

  Qiuyue lied: "I didn't say it."

  Grandma Fu breathed a sigh of relief: "I didn’t say it, the lady didn’t like my uncle at first, so let’s talk about this...this couple, it is better to respect and love each other."

Man Bao got out of the car again in front of Ji Shitang. The treasurer Zheng Da was lazily instructing Xiao Shao to make medicine pills. When he saw her, he was shocked, and sat upright and asked, "Just blindly use contraceptive pills. , I said I will do it for you tomorrow, why did you come to see it in person?"

  Man Bao smiled and ran forward to make a relationship, "It’s been a long time since I saw the shopkeeper, do you miss you?"

  "Didn’t you just meet when you came to the pharmacy this morning to get your medicine?"

  Behind him, Bai Shan couldn't help laughing.

  The treasurer Zheng is not stupid. He understood it immediately and said: "Okay, okay, just tell me what's the matter."

  Man Bao squatted beside him and asked, "Big shopkeeper, do you know the nanny in the capital?"

  The shopkeeper Zheng asked curiously, "What are you asking about?"

  Man Bao pointed to Chuncao, who was timidly standing at the door, and said, “A friend of mine has given birth to a child, and the nanny previously hired is not suitable, so if you want to hire a new one, it’s best to have just given birth recently.”

  Doctor Tao went to the lounge to wash up as soon as he returned to the pharmacy. His hair was messed up, and he almost saw blood on his face. He described the Yue family's vigor with his colleagues in the pharmacy.

  So the treasurer Zheng knew it as soon as he thought about it. He smiled and said: "I really know you, you wait."

The treasurer Zheng went out and called a buddy, asked him to call the old lady Dou, and then went back and said to Man Bao: "Nanny, just find a stable woman. Aunt Dou who often runs to our drug store, she used to be a stable woman. , But she is too old to do this now, but she knows a lot of people, so wherever there is a suitable nanny to find her."

  Coincidentally, the old lady Dou, Man Bao, too. Not to mention that her granddaughter Dou Zhuer was once her patient, but now her maiden nephew Shi Dalang is also her patient.

  When she heard that Man Bao was looking for a reliable nanny, she immediately patted her thigh and said, "Sister of Doctor Zhou Xiao, then I must introduce the best one. I really have two suitable ones here."

She said: "One has been born for three months. She has a lot of milk and has a third child. The family is short of money and can live directly at the owner's house. Another one has only been born for twenty days. The milk is good, but she feels distressed. As a child, she wants to feed the two together."

    See you at four in the afternoon?

     I was on the monthly ticket list last month. Although I was 14th, I’m so happy, hahahahahaha



  (End of this chapter)

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