Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1180: Interrupt (to call the book friend "the host is away"

  Chapter 1180 Interruption

  Man Bao and Bai Shan smiled at the same time, and stood on the steps watching.

  Sister Fu was taken aback, and hurriedly stopped her, "Young Master——"

  Butler Xu also froze for a moment, and then cried and shouted, "Master—"

  But accidentally caught Yue Dalang's counterattack...

The servants of the Yue family rushed out and stopped one after another. Mother Fu saw many people pulling her young master, and she was unhappy in her heart when she saw many people pulling her young master away, so she let go of her hand and turned to Go and push those people...

  Fu Wenhua is just like sticking to Yue Dalang, greet him with a fist, no one pulls it...

The old lady Yue, who had been hiding in the backyard, couldn’t bear to listen to the movement. She hurriedly helped her girl’s hand to come out. Seeing that her son was beaten so badly, she hurriedly shouted, “What are you doing for food? People pull me away..."

Fu Wenhua's upper body was finally pulled apart, but his lower body was still unwilling to give in. When being pulled apart, he kept kicking forward. One of them was kicking on Yue Dalang's face, causing him to cover his face and fall down. To the ground.

  The old lady Yue looked distressed. She stepped forward and hugged Yue Dalang. Seeing that his nose and face were swollen, she cried and scolded, "My son, what's wrong with you..."

  Of course, she would not scold Fu Wenhua, she scolded the servants in the yard, “What do you eat? The masters have verbal disharmony. You should also persuade some. How can you start?”

  "Let go of me, you let me go!" Fu Wenhua struggled freely, and the servants of the Yue family hurriedly stood in front of him, for fear that he would start again.

Fu Wenhua was so angry that his eyes were red. He pointed at Mrs. Yue and was about to scold him, but Bai Shan pressed his finger. He turned to block Mrs. Yue’s gaze, and whispered to him: "You can beat and scold Yue Dalang, but You are disrespectful to Mrs. Shangyue."

Steward Xu also hugged him up. He just heard Bai Shan's words, he nodded gratefully at him, and then hugged his young master and continued howling, "Master, master, don't be angry, now the top priority is to take good care of you. Grandma aunt and young master, grandma second aunt has suffered a lot of grievances. If you don’t come this time, the family will probably not know the grievances of grandma second aunt for the rest of your life..."

Fu Wenhua also felt that his sister was greatly wronged. When he felt sad, his tears couldn't help but shed tears. He wiped his eyes and pushed the steward Xu away and yelled: "Then what are you doing in a daze? Take the second sister home, Yue Lan, do you think our Fu family is easy to bully? My father will be there in three days at the latest. See how you will explain to my father then!"

After he said that he would go to the backyard to pick up people, how could the old lady Yue let him pick him up, immediately called someone to stop him, and then said with a smile: "Fu Xiaolang, our two families are relatives, the closest one, you Don't listen to people chewing your tongue. You have also visited your sister just now. Is she fine? Did she say that our Yue family treats her badly?"

  Fu Wenhua gritted his teeth without speaking.

"No, right?" Mrs. Yue wiped her tears and said, "I have only one daughter-in-law. She treats her as a biological daughter as soon as she enters the door. After I settled down, I inquired about the best woman around here, and I asked her to wait early. I don’t know where Steward Xu heard those gossips, but I am..."

Man Bao saw that Steward Xu was bent down and his head was lowered. Although Fu Wenhua was still very angry, but couldn't say anything to refute, he coughed and went forward, "Oh," he said, "Uncle Yue's nose seems to be bleeding, Yue Old lady, do you want me to show him first?"

  Zheng Xuxu, the old lady Yue who wanted to continue to distinguish was immediately distracted, and quickly said: "Quickly, Doctor Zhou Xiao, can you see where my son was broken?"

  Man Bao immediately turned sideways and said, "Let's help someone to the hall first, I will show you seriously."

Butler Xu quietly breathed a sigh of relief, and shook his head slightly after pulling Fu Wenhua.

The servants of the Yue family hurriedly carried Yue Dalang into the front hall.

  The old lady Yue followed with her tears.

  Bai Shan stood on the steps with his hands behind his back and watched. Steward Xu quietly raised his head and glanced at the people in the yard, and he saw Bai Shan at a glance.

He felt that he was a little familiar, but he couldn't remember when he had met him. Seeing Fu Wenhua sitting on the steps with a puffed butt, he walked up to Mother Fu and asked in a low voice, "That's Miss Man, who Who is Lang Jun?"

Mother Fu was also worried that Fu Wenhua would break Yue Dalang. She was looking at the hall, and after hearing the words, she glanced at the aftermath and whispered: "It's Young Master Bai, you don't remember, the one who often followed Miss Man Xiao Langjun, the young master of the white master's house."

  When she said this, Steward Xu remembered it.

  Speaking of it, he and Master Bai are still very close, basically he has to walk around on behalf of his master during the holidays.

   Manager Xu asked in a low voice, "When did they come to the capital?"

"Three or two months earlier than us, Miss Man is now sitting in Jishitang. Young Master Bai is studying in Guozi, and she knows a lot of people," Madam Fu was also unambiguous. She pointed out the key in a few words, "Thanks to Miss Man yesterday. I rescued the young lady, and now the little young master’s nurse is also the line that Miss Man helped lead."

  Steward Xu understood, and nodded to Grandma Fu, and immediately went forward to greet Bai Shan.

Man Bao checked it and found that although his nose was bleeding, but the bridge of his nose was not broken; although he kept calling pain, it was actually a contusion. It didn't hurt the bones and muscles. It would be fine after ten and a half months. NS.

So Man Bao looked at Xiao Shao, who had slipped over at no time, and said, “It’s not a serious injury to clean him. Son."

  The old lady Yue nodded immediately and said: "I want it, I want it."

Man Bao then took a new piece of paper and wrote down the prescription, and then handed it to Mrs. Yue together with the prescription previously given to Fu Wenyun, and said with a smile: "In a while, your family will send someone and Xiao Shao back to Jishitang to get the medicine. By the way, including the medicine used yesterday, the total is one hundred and twelve 27 dollars."

  The old lady Yue froze in her hand holding the prescription, and she tugged at the corner of her mouth and said, "Your Jishitang medicine is too expensive, right?"

Man Bao did not speak, and Xiao Shao on the side said immediately: "Old lady, our Jishitang medicine is not only in the capital, but also in the entire Jin Dynasty. I went to the only life-saving pill in our pharmacy. That medicine is made from hundreds of years of wild ginseng and a variety of precious medicinal materials. It can be met but not available. How many people want our shopkeeper to not sell it."

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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