Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1181: Can't help

   Chapter 1181

Xiao Shao said: "The reason why our medicine shop took it out without blinking yesterday was because Dr. Zhou Xiao came forward. She is the doctor of our Jishitang, a well-known doctor in Beijing. For the noodles, only the cost price was charged. If it were the original price, this pill should be worth 150 taels."

Xiao Shao took out a bill and showed it to Mrs. Yue, "This is the bill. Yesterday, our drugstore delivered it to the house. The only three or three dollars of silver was prescribed. You can take a look. "

Seeing the old lady Yue's face stiff, Xiao Shao bowed and smiled: "If the old lady doesn't believe me, she can take the prescription and go to other shops to ask for the price. Our Jishitang medicine will definitely not be more expensive than other medicine shops. ."

He glanced at Man Bao and said in a low voice: "Actually, this is not even Dr. Zhou Xiao’s consultation fee, but Dr. Zhou Xiao said that the lady at the house is her good sister. She is not at ease, so she has to see it in person. It’s not easy for us to manage this."

   Fu Wenhua walked behind the old lady Yue, staring at Yue Dalang who was sitting in the chair and asked, "Second brother-in-law, do I have to pay for my second sister’s medicine?"

  Yue Dalang’s nose still hurts a lot, and he immediately said, “Don’t get me wrong, the third brother, it’s just that he was busy yesterday, so I didn’t have time to check out with the drugstore.”

  He quickly looked at Mrs. Yue, and cried out pitifully: "Mother~~"

  The old lady Yue laughed stiffly, "Yes, it was a little hectic yesterday. Come, take this guy to the checkout."

   Xiao Shao rushed to Manbao and bowed and bowed, and went to check out with the servants of the Yue family.

  Steward Xu squinted his eyes and didn't know what he was thinking.

  Man Bao, who had been drinking tea with his head down, put down the cup, raised his head and smiled at Mrs. Yue: “Uncle Yue is nothing serious, but he has eaten less meat and fish in the past two days, and just pay attention to rest.”

  Fu Wenhua snorted, turned around and went to the backyard. Old lady Yue was afraid that he would really take the person away, so she asked her to stop him.

  Fu Wenhua saw that he was about to get angry again, and the steward Xu stepped forward to stop him and said, "Master, let's go out and find a place to live first. We will talk about it when we settle down."

   "Then put the second sister here?"

Steward Xu smiled and said, "Didn’t Miss Man say that Grandma Second Aunt is out of danger? In that case, I think the Yue family is so sullen and unrighteous, and dare not talk to Grandma Second Aunt at this time. We are in the capital."

  Fu Wenhua then gritted his teeth and recognized it, and turned around to leave.

Seeing this, Yue Dalang, who had been leaning on his chair and pretending to die, saw it, not caring that he was still in pain, so he hurriedly stopped, "The third brother, the servant has already cleaned up the room. Where do you want to live when you just arrived in Beijing? "

Although the old lady Yue disliked Fu Wenhua very much, she really let him live out at this time. When the people of the Fu family arrive, I am afraid that the Yue family will look even more unreasonable, so she also laughed forward to stay, "Fu Xiaolang Jun, you are not For your own sake, and for your second sister, now that it’s getting dark now, she knows you are going out to live, how worried is this..."

It’s impossible for Xu Guanjia to let Fu Wenhua live here anymore, so he said in Fu Wenhua’s ear: "Master, when we come to Beijing, we want to arrange a good place to live for the elderly and wives in advance. Why don't we go now to find a tooth? The right house."

  Fu Wenhua responded, "Okay."

  Yue Dalang hurriedly stopped, "Even if you are looking for a toothman, you can wait for more time tomorrow before you look for it. Today is a busy day, it is better to stop at home first..."

  Fu Wenhua unceremoniously stretched out his hand to push him away, and said angrily: "Go away, or be careful I beat you again!"

  Yue Dalang shrank, but said nothing to let Fu Wenhua go out to live.

  The brother-in-law from afar came to Beijing, and lived outside with an unfamiliar place. How would people talk about him when it spread out?

  Man Bao, who fell in the hall, spread his hands to Bai Shan at the door, took the pen and ink on the table and took the medicine box out.

  The two saluted their Yue family mother and son who had no time to greet them, and sneaked away with a smirk.

  Xiao Shao has also settled the bill, and is waiting at the door.

  The three of them got into the car and drove away. After exiting the alleyway, he said, "Let’s wait here."

  Bai Shan probed a glance into the alley, and saw that the movement over there was getting louder, thinking that there might be some time left, so he asked Xiao Shao, "Is that medicine really so precious?"

   "Of course it is precious," Man Bao answered, and she said: "The life-saving pills are only made once every two months, and at most five pills at a time. Sometimes the materials are not complete, maybe only once every three months."

  Xiao Shao nodded repeatedly, and whispered: "Originally, the big shopkeeper meant that the medicine was taken by Dr. Zhou Xiao, it should be counted as 80 taels..."

  Man Bao waved his hand and said, “Don’t count, as much as the medicine should be given to his family in the future, and I’m fine if you are willing to add more.”

   Xiao Shao smiled and said, "How can we add more, we Ji Shitang has always been a childish man."

  Bai Shan: ...what about a liar, who said that the medicine was sold for one hundred fifty taels?

  One medicine, you can buy a shop in their county.

As I was thinking, the alley got hotter, the Yue family failed to keep Fu Wenhua in the end. Whoever dared to stop him, he stretched out his feet and kicked someone. The servants didn't dare to pull him, and Yue Dalang didn't dare to stop him after he kicked him twice. , Can only follow behind to persuade him while watching him leave the Yue family.

  Steward Xu helped Fu Wenhua out, Feng Shu drove out the carriage of their house, and the three masters and servants got into the carriage and left directly regardless of the retention of the Yue family.

  Yue old lady clapped at the door and shouted: "What do you say, what do you say? My little uncle is angry, and you shouldn't worry about your sister at this stall."

Fu Wenhua sat on the car shaft, glanced at Mrs. Yue, and pointed to Yue Dalang’s nose and said: "Yue Lan, if you dare to bully my sister, I will see you hit you once in the future. You'd better treat my sister after you go back. Okay, what's not worrying or worrying, Madam Fu, I know that she will never chew the tongue in front of my second sister. If your servant or some cat or dog chews the tongue in front of her so that she can't recover well, you can Wait!"

  The old lady Yue gave a cry, her face was green and white, and Yue Dalang's face was a bit ugly.

  But Fu Wenhua didn't give him time to react, so he asked Feng Shu to drive away.

Yue Dalang watched the carriage go, and as soon as he turned around, he saw someone in the neighborhood peering at him. Thinking that he had a wound on his face, he hurriedly raised his sleeve to cover his face, inviting someone to say: "Hurry up and see today's uncle. Where do they live, Lord."

  The next person hurriedly responded and ran to chase.

  The carriage came out of the alley. Butler Xu saw the carriage parked beside him. He breathed a sigh of relief. He immediately jumped out of the carriage, ran forward, and saluted: "Young Master Bai, Miss Man..."

   See you at four in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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