Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1183: Grab one

   Chapter 1183

  Fu Wenhua came to visit, everyone was taken aback, and Bai Dalang led the three small ones out to greet him. Even Mr. Zhuang and Mrs. Liu came out to meet him.

  Except for Mrs. Liu Lao, Fu Wenhua has seen them all.

Needless to say, Mr. Zhuang is barely famous among the literati in Luojiang County. Occasionally, when the county school holds a relatively large event, he will stand there and listen to Fu's speech.

  Fu Wenhua is often carried by his father to nurture his character, so he has seen it, although he is not familiar with it.

Bai Dalang and Bai Erlang were taken by Master Bai to visit Fu's house, especially during the New Year. The squires of Luojiang County invited Fu to eat and drink together, and occasionally brought their children with them. Everyone brags about one. My own child.

  Bai Dalang is used to brag about it.

  Before Bai Shan was famous, Bai Dalang was regarded as one of the best young talents in Luojiang County. After all, it was not easy to be admitted to Mianzhou Fu at a young age.

  Usually, when the magistrate Fu stated that his son was unbearable, Master Bai would take out his second son, indicating that his younger son was also very stubborn.

  Master Bai has gained a lot of favor from County Order Fu through this method of sympathy and sympathy.

So now, when the two parties saw the above, Fu Wenhua’s eyes slid from Bai Dalang to Bai Shan Zhouman, and then settled on Bai Erlang, so he reached out to hold Bai Erlang’s hand and said: "Bai Erlang, long time no see NS."

  Bai Erlang had just been pierced by his brother, and tearfully held Fu Wenhua's hand, "Master Fu, it's been a long time."

  The three people on the side:...

  Mr. Zhuang and Mrs. Liu were amused. They asked Fu Wenhua a few words. Knowing that the order of Fu County was about to arrive in the capital, they smiled and asked Bai Dalang and the others to greet the guests, and they left room for them.

  A group of small children moved to the small garden and placed their supper there.

   Fu Wenhua looked around and said, "Your house is bigger than my second sister's."

  Bai Shandao: "Rented."

  Fu Wenhua heard the analysis of Steward Xu and knew that renting a house in their family background is better than buying a house, so he snorted: "That's better than my second sister's house."

  The next person served the food, and several people were talking while eating. Man Bao asked him, "Will your parents be the masters for Sister Fu?"

   "It will definitely be," Fu Wenhua said without thinking about it: "Steward Xu said that when we rent the house, we will go and **** my second sister out. By the way, I would like to ask you for help."

  He said: "My second sister only gave birth, and she must be in poor health. If we grab someone, will it hurt her?"

Man Bao thought for a while and said, "When we went there that day, we found that there were not many subordinates in the Yue family. You hire a few more people, stop the subordinates, and then you can recite the second sister Fu, preferably at noon. Go, when you have enough yang, padded the carriage so that the child can leave when the person comes out with a hug."

  She said: "If you don’t worry, I can wait in the car. Once you get on the car, I can take care of you."

  Fu Wenhua's eyes brightened, "That's all, do you know where to hire people in Beijing is more reliable?"

  He said: "My second sister will go back in the future, so the hired person can be fierce, but must not be cruel, must not hit people, must not damage things, and must follow orders..."

  Man Bao looked at Bai Shan.

Bai Shan groaned: "The coolies outside do not know the severity of their hands and feet, and it is difficult to follow the orders of the employer. I am afraid it is a little difficult. I know a few friends. I will introduce you to you tomorrow. Then I will borrow some people from them. If you are afraid of men With heavy hands, you can borrow some sturdy women from them."

   "However," Bai Shan raised his head and looked at him, "Didn't Brother Friday tell you? Our house is a bit troublesome now. It's okay for us to find you, but you are so close to us..."

   Fu Wenhua said nonchalantly: "Steward Xu didn't say anything."

   Baijiro: "...Do you trust your housekeeper so much?"

   Fu Wenhua looked at him curiously, “I don’t believe in my housekeeper, can I still believe in your house?”

  There is nothing wrong with this, but it doesn’t seem to be the answer to his question.

  Bai Dalang coughed slightly, and interrupted them, "Hurry up and eat, Jiro, you haven’t finished your homework yet."

  Bai Erlang confidently said: "Tomorrow you will rest, you don’t need to go to school."

  So homework can be written slowly.

  Man Baodao: "Don’t you want to take Fu Wenhua to see Yinor tomorrow? You are going out, you can’t do your homework?"

  Yes, the friend that Bai Shan intends to introduce to Fu Wenhua is Yinor. Although he didn't say it, they are more familiar in the capital, and people who would come out of the family to fight for them would be Yinor.

  Feng Zongping’s grandfather is the Shangshu of the Criminal Ministry. It is impossible for him to do such things that know the law and break the law. Liu Huan will help, but the people in his family probably won’t listen to him.

   Counting and counting, or Yin or the most appropriate.

  He is a baby bump of the Yin family. Although the subordinates in the family didn't like to listen to him, since he stabbed himself, his grandmother and sisters did not dare to say anything serious to him, let alone subordinates.

  That means that when he points to the east, he never looks to the west. When he points to the north, he definitely can’t remember the south. It is the easiest and easiest to borrow someone from him.

  Yin may indeed be very refreshing. Bai Shan agreed when he mentioned it, and asked Fu Wenhua, "Should you just grab people? Do you want to grab dowry?"

  Fu Wenhua: "...Can you still grab the dowry?"

Yin or tilted his head and asked in confusion: "Don't you grab the dowry? I remember my second sister mentioned that when the grandmother of the Su Guo Gong Mansion was clamoring to get together, Uncle Cheng took the family member to the Chen Guo Gong Mansion to carry the dowry. When I came back, the two had a fight in the street."

  Man Bao's eyes lit up immediately, and he asked excitedly, "There is still such a thing? Why did they reconcile? In the end, reconciliation?"

  Bai Shan and others also pricked their ears to listen.

Yin or smiled and said: "It happened seven or eight years ago. I was young at the time. I don’t remember it very clearly. I only vaguely listened to my sisters talking about it. Drunk, came back and ran into the wife. The two quarreled, and even moved their hands. Madam Shizi went home crying, clamoring for peace."

He chuckles: "Su Guogong only has two daughters. One is married and the other is under his nose. He is very distressed, so he let his three sons catch his uncle and beat him up. The wife was even more reluctant to go back after hearing this. She insisted on leaving and had to take the child away. The Cheng family simply went to grab the child and the dowry. The two families would fight on the street and finally make a fuss. Arrived at the imperial front."

  Bai Shan's eyes flickered, and he asked, "Are you dead?"

    See you at half past eight



  (End of this chapter)

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