Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1184: Robber 2 (a reward for book friends "Xue*hua

  Chapter 1184 Robber 2

   "That's not true. Everyone still has a sense of measure. It's just that there was a lot of noise at the time. My sisters listened very carefully when they were still in the boudoir."

  Man Bao excitedly asked, "Is that peace with Li?"

Yin or shook his head, "Your Majesty, as a middleman, invited Su Guogong and Chen Guogong into the palace to have a heart-to-heart talk. The two parents reconciled again. Chen Guogong led the son to Su Guogong's mansion to apologize, and took the son's wife back. Now the child I’m already twelve, and it’s time to join Guozi to learn to be our younger brother in two or three years."

  Man Bao looked disappointed, and Fu Wenhua was also a little disappointed.

  Yin might be funny when he saw him, and asked him: "Do you want your sister to reconcile?"

  Fu Wenhua thought for a while and shook his head, "Heli is not necessarily a good thing for my sister."

  Man Bao said: "Second elder sister has always had an idea. You should have asked her about this kind of thing. You want to **** her out. Have you asked her?"

  Fu Wenhua blinked.

  Man Bao said: "Go and ask her, she agreed, our staff is available at any time."

   "Should I meet her?"

  Man Bao took a look at the time and stood up and said, "Forget it, I'll go, let her see her illness by the way. I wonder if the Yue family embarrassed her yesterday?"

  Bai Shan got up, "I'll go with you."

  Bai Erlang was too disgusted, "You only accompanied her to prison in the morning, and you don't know how to see a doctor, can't you let her go by yourself?"

  Bai Shan said calmly: "No."


  Bai Shan turned his head and said to Fu Wenhua: "Let’s go and see, if your second sister agrees, you can do it after we come out."

  Fu Wenhua is anxious, "Is it so fast? I don’t know if Steward Xu has rented a house yet."

  Bai Shan said: "This kind of matter is sooner rather than later, just to hit them by surprise. I think with your housekeeper's ability, you can definitely rent the house today."

   Knowing that they had offended the King Yizhou and the Queen Mother, he dared to let Fu Wenhua come to meet them with confidence. Such a housekeeper is either stupid and bold, or has real courage.

   Judging from his response in the Yue family yesterday, he is obviously not the former, that is the latter.

  It’s just looking for a house. The Yaren introduced him to him. The Fu family didn’t want to live for the previous year, but rented for one month. There is no need to choose so carefully.

  This kind of short-term rental, if it is him, it can be done in a short time. What is the difficulty?

   Yin or his eyes were shining, and he smiled and said, “It’s not hard to find people. If you decide, I will immediately let Changshou go back and call people.”

  Because he is weak and his sisters are strong, there are quite a few families and women who can fight in their family.

  Otherwise, his sisters can't always do things that block people's frames.

  Hair Jiro heard it, and immediately jumped up and said: "Then I will go with you."

  Bai Dalang hesitated, but he didn't dare to go. He glanced at the backyard and whispered, "If you know, sir..."

  Bai Shan said: "So you have to wait until Man Bao and I have come out before you go in, Erlang, you have to hide from a distance, don't show up easily, know?"

  Bai Dalang whispered: "Then I will go with you too. It just so happens that I want to go to the bookstore to see if there are any new books."

  The three elder sisters and brothers looked at Bai Dalang with contempt. The Yue family is in the outer city, and they have a bookstore in the inner city, OK?

  So the group drove three carriages to Yue's house together, and when they reached the alley, Bai Erlang and Bai Dalang and Fu Wenhuayin might get in a carriage, and only Man Bao and Bai Shan went in in a lucky carriage.

The faces of the servants of the Yue family were a bit tight. Seeing Man Bao, although he didn't want to receive him, he didn't dare to let him in.

  This time, let alone Mrs. Yue, even Yue Dalang did not come forward.

  I don’t know if it’s because of the injuries on the body, or because of the embarrassment of losing face in front of Bai Shanzhouman yesterday.

  Bai Shan and Man Bao went to the backyard together. It was difficult for him to enter the house, and he was too lazy to go to the front hall, so he sat on a stone bench in the yard and waited.

  Grandma Fu apologized and served him good tea.

  Man Bao gave Fu Wenyun the pulse and got the needle. She lay on the pillow and said: "I thought you were not coming today."

   After all, the Yue family only lost a big face in front of her yesterday. With her cleverness, she should leave a day for the Yue family to take a break. Anyway, she is not in a hurry anymore.

   knew that yesterday’s matter could not be hidden from her, Man Bao glanced around the room with a smile, and made sure that Mother Fu was not in the room, so he whispered: "I came in for your brother to ask you something."

   "What are you talking about?"

   "He wants to grab you out, would you like to go out?"

  Fu Wenyun laughed, "He must not come up with such an idea. It was not you who gave it to him, but Xu Guanjia thought it."

   "Your housekeeper thought, he is pretty good."

  Fu Wenyun whispered, “Steward Xu was a father’s book boy before. He studied with his father since he was a child. Most of the household chores were left to him, and even his mother had to rely on him a lot.”

She said: "Our Fu family used to be only rich native squires. My father spent a lot of money on studying, and he spent a lot of money when he was looking for an official. I was a little struggling when I was born. Although my mother didn’t need to wash it herself, she bought and bought the kitchen. You have to take care of everything yourself."

"But when I was five or six years old, there was no shortage of people in my family. My father's salary was not enough. You know, although my father is greedy for petty and cheapness, he is not a greedy person. Since the business was started, Steward Xu was basically taking care of him, and he was naturally good."

  Man Bao asked, "Then you want to listen to him?"

Fu Wenyun raised her eyes to look at Xiang Manbao and smiled slightly and said: "In our house, Steward Xu can do half of the master on behalf of his father. Since it is the father's intention, I, as a daughter, naturally obeyed the orders of my parents. "

  Man Bao understood as soon as he heard it, he couldn't help but blinked his left eye at her, and said mischievously: "Sister, don't worry, Fu Wenhua will definitely not embarrass you."

  Fu Wenyun smiled slightly, lowered her voice and said, "Remember to bring the child with you."

   "Natural." Man Bao thought for a while and asked, "Would you like to bring a dowry?"

  Fu Wenyun shook her head and said with a smile: "I just went out to have a confinement, and I won't come back. What do I do with my dowry?"

  She said meaningfully: “It’s the best without it.”

  Man Bao felt the same way.

   After talking some gossip with Fu Wenyun, he said: "You go to sleep, this needle will last for two quarters of an hour, and I will pull it out when I'm ready."

  Fu Wenyun's eyelids became heavy and she gradually fell asleep.

  At the time when Bai Shan and the others were seeing a doctor, Fu Wenhua had asked Feng Shu to go to the housekeeper Xu under the guidance of Yin Or.

  The capital is so big, where can I find it?

  Subconsciously, Feng Shu went back to the inn where they were staying. It happened that Steward Xu had just returned. When the two met, Steward Xu realized that the young master was acting so fast, so he hurriedly pulled up Feng Shu and went to find the young master.

   Feng Shu asked, "Steward Xu, did the young master do it right or did it wrong?"

   "If you can **** the second lady out intact, that would be the right thing. Otherwise, should I teach you? Where can the young master find someone? Wouldn't it be a coolie just looking for it from the street?"

   "No, it's a servant from Young Master Bai and his classmates," Feng Shu said, "People are waiting outside the alley of my uncle's house now."

   Manager Xu asked curiously, “Who is that person? Is there a lot of people under him in the capital?”

   "It's quite a lot. I heard that the young master's father is a Hou Ye, or a high-ranking official called Jing Zhaoyin."

  Steward Xu:...

  He couldn’t help but patted Feng Shu’s head, “I ask you to read more on weekdays, but you don’t listen. You just follow the young master to fool around.”

   "Oh, housekeeper Xu, no, uncle, don't fight, I'm in a carriage, and the car will turn over in a while."

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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