Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1187: One last farewell

   Chapter 1187 The Last Farewell

  Kong Jijiu also felt that Bai Shan could not be kept absent from class. After waiting for several days, he found that the condition of the queen mother had not improved at all. The judgment of King Yizhou was temporarily put on hold, but the people involved in the matter began to be investigated.

  And I heard that Yizhou has begun to **** the rebel leader to Beijing.

  Kong Jijiu counts, even if you leave immediately, it will take about ten days to enter Beijing there.

  So he thought for a while, and asked the class A third class officer to assign some homework to Bai Shan, while thinking about whether to let Bai Shan come back to school.

  The main reason is that Bai Shan and the others have been out of prison for three days, and no one has been troubled by them.

   seems to be to avoid suspicion, to prevent Yu Shi from catching the handle, and even the Queen Mother did not find their fault.

  Kong Jijiu always felt that if he always asked Bai Shan to ask for leave and not go to school, it would seem that the Imperial Guard was afraid of the King of Yizhou.

  Besides, Bai Shan always hides from him in this way and his reputation is also damaged.

  Hidden for three or five days, and it can be said that he has just been released from prison and needs to raise his body, but if he hides for three or five months, it will be a joke.

  So Kong Jijiu planned to go around in the palace, but before he could enter the palace, the emperor called him into the palace.

  Wei Zhi, Tang Hui and other important ministers are together.

  After entering the imperial palace, I discovered that it was the Zhao family and other family leaders who were with the Queen Mother. The emperor summoned them to discuss the matter of King Yizhou.

  Many people entered the palace this time. The queen mother lay on the sick bed and held the emperor to cry for a long time, and some family leaders and ministers also persuaded for a long time...

  Finally, after Kong Jijiu came out of the palace, he said to the leader, “Let’s let people tell the students of Class I, Class A and Class 3, inform Bai Shan to come back to class.”

   asked, "Don’t hide?"

  "Hide a fart, the private soldiers have been raised, and the people have been arrested. Your Majesty must be filial. I am afraid that this matter will not be stopped."

  Since it’s not going to be done, Bai Shan and Zhou Man, as the suffering masters, no matter how jealous the king of Yizhou is, he will not attack them at this time.

  In order to block the yawsome people, she was afraid that she would have to be kind to them, so there was no need to hide.

  At this time, Bai Shan and the others came back from Erliu Lane. They had just received a new assignment from the academic officer. Before they had time to sigh, they turned around and received the news that he would go back to school.

  Bai Shan was puzzled, looked at Yinor, Yinor got up and said, "I'll go back and ask my grandmother, but my father is not in Beijing now. I'm afraid the news at home will be delayed."

  Bai Shan, Man Bao and others sent him out, "Then I will beg you."

  Sent away Yinor, Man Bao asked, "Then we still go to Tianjao tomorrow?"

  Bai Shan nodded after a little thought: "Go, there is a beginning and an end, although I don't know what happened, but since it's a play, let's make the whole set."

  Because I was thinking about going there for the last time, even if I didn't like Ba Bo in my heart, Bai Shan and Man Bao still prepared him a very hearty meal. Of course, they also gave the female prisoner a portion by the way.

After receiving such a generous gift, Ba Bo was taken aback and asked: "You will not come anymore?"

  Bai Shan nodded, sat opposite him across the cell door, nodded and said: "Tomorrow I am going to school."

  Ba Bo looked at Man Bao.

  Man Baodao: "He is going to school, and I will also start to go to the pharmacy. We think that acquaintance is the destiny, so today we have prepared more delicious food for you."

  Ba Bo looked at the female prisoner’s food box diagonally across from him, raised his chin and asked: "There are so many people in this prison, why are we only given two?"

  Bai Shan was also frank, and said directly: “I gave her because of sympathy. We feel that she is not guilty of death, but the law is like this, and we can’t do anything. It is given to you because you have been helpful to us.”

   Ba Bo smiled and said, “Didn’t she tell you that I lied to you?”

   "We know," Bai Shan laughed: "We knew from the beginning that you were lying to us, but whether we lied or not, we all have to come and see you so that people outside have something to do."

  Ba Bo curled his lips, "You scholars are just twisting around."

  He didn't care, he took out the stewed chicken and tore it open. After swallowing saliva, he started to eat. He sighed as he ate, "I have to eat chaanyancai again after today."

  The food in the prison is very bad. The steamed buns are mixed with chaff, and many rice porridges are cooked with aged rice. Because they are not cleaned, they always give off a strange taste.

  Man Bao said nonchalantly: "Aren't you going to be executed in a few days? There will be delicious food at that time."

   Ba Bo choked, feeling that the stewed chicken in his mouth became a little tasteless, he stared at Man Bao with his turbid eyes, and suddenly smiled, "The little lady hates me?"

  Man Bao thought for a while and then shook his head: “It’s not that good, just don’t like it. The books I used to read always said that everyone commits a crime for a reason, so I want to know what your reason is?”

   Ba Bo did not answer, but asked: "Why are you being locked up in a jail? You are still in such a spacious place next door, right?"

  Man Bao said: "My family is a poor household, but it is poor. I used to have three older brothers. The family was afraid that they would not be able to marry a daughter-in-law. Now there is one more, and I didn't find a daughter-in-law before they were crowned."

  Bai Shan turned his head and glanced at her, then nodded to Ba Bo, affirming Man Bao’s words, "Her family used to be very poor."

   "Poor?" Ba Bo looked up and down the treasure with a look of disbelief.

  Bai Shanmian said without changing her face: "But she is smart, and her husband likes her very much, so he accepted her as a disciple. My grandmother also likes her very much, so she went to school with me."

   Ba Bobian said: "The little lady is really lucky. Since she is a civilian, it is not a crime of murder. How can she be locked up in a jail and still be taken care of by a superior?"

"Probably because we sued King Yizhou and closed the eyes of many people, so we were taken care of." The other party was about to be beheaded. There is nothing to say about this kind of thing. Man Bao is still more curious about him. In the criminal process, I simply sat cross-legged across from him and frankly told him, "You see, we have answered everything you asked, and you should also answer our questions. Why did you kill?"

After a moment of silence, Ba Bo tore a piece of chicken into his mouth, and said, "To survive, they will denounce me, kill me, and take my life, so naturally I can only kill them. You sue Yizhou. What is the king?"

"It's okay. He killed our parents and wanted to rebel. If we know it, we will sue him," Man Bao said, "because of theft? If theft is caught, he will only be exiled. Should he kill in order not to exile? "

"Hey," Ba Bo said, "Is exile better than decapitating, being taken to the border to be a soldier slave, or going to a mine to dig for mines, then life is better than death. If I escape, then I will be safe and sound, naturally. It's going to be killed."

  Man Bao sighed.

  Ba Bodhisattva said: "Hmph, don't you feel that I am cruel, and the people I kill are not good people."

   "Isn't the one that gave you the food a good person?"

Ba Bo was silent for a while and said, "Her son is a deserter, what a good person? I didn't want to kill her. She ran into me killing her son and yelled, so I started to kill her."

   See you at ten in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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