Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1188: Impossible

  Chapter 1188 Impossible (Happy birthday to the book friend "Si Qing Lan Yu")

"Impossible," Bai Shan said: "The military households are all on the list. Since you said he took his mother, it is impossible to be a deserter. Otherwise, if he returns to his hometown, the chief may not be ignorant. Even sitting."

   "I'm dying, what did I lie to you for?" Ba Bo said angrily: "He came back at the time, and his bag was filled with armor. I used to be a soldier, and I knew it by touching it."

  Bai Shan looked at him and asked: "Are you a deserter?"

  Ba Bo:...

  He lowered his head and ate a bite of chicken, and said, “I’m going to die anyway, and there’s nothing to hide. Yes, I’m a deserter, so I don’t dare to go home again when I escaped. I just live by stealing.”

Bai Shan still frowned, feeling unreasonable, "How can deserters dare to return to their hometown? Most of them wander around like you. Maybe they will change their identities when they have money, but they never dare to return to the hometown in an open manner. Neighbors will be even seated."

  Babo himself is a deserter. Of course he knows this, so he frowned, but he quickly let go, and said indifferently: "I don’t have to lie to you. If he is not a deserter, how can he have armor at home?"

  He said: "He can care about everything, his hands and feet are not broken, he is young, and it is impossible to retire."

  Bai Shan pondered for a moment, "Maozhou Qijia Village?"

  Ba Bo ignored him and continued to gnaw the chicken.

  Bai Shan and Man Bao looked at each other. The county magistrate Tang said that if something goes wrong, there must be a demon. This is also what the book says.

Man Bao asked, "Are you familiar with Maozhou? Why did you escape to Maozhou?"

"I don’t know much, I know Yizhou and Mianzhou the best," Ba Bo said, "I’m from Mianzhou, but I don’t dare to go back because I’m afraid I’ll be recognized by my acquaintances. I usually go shopping in Yizhou. I walked around and touched some pocketbooks, but my life in Yizhou for the past two years was not easy. The new county magistrate was very ruthless. Several times I was checked up when I was just successful. In the end, I couldn't help but I ran away. "

Bapu had actually escaped from military service for many years, and the life in the middle was easy, but when he saved up money and was ready to return to his hometown to change his identity, the Qianwei Weir broke its **** and the price of food soared, so he took the money all the way back. It's all spent.

  The floods passed, and when he first arrived in Yizhou City, his life soon recovered. Although there were few people in Yizhou City at that time, rich people began to come back.

  He stole a lot of money.

But after County Magistrate Tang took office, his life was not easy. The defense in the city became much stricter. Several times he was found a place to live by the Magistrate of Tang County. State city.

Ba Bo doesn’t hide it, but he brags about what he has stolen. “It’s fine if you leave Yizhou. The things in Maozhou are pretty easy to steal. I stole a box in a family’s house. It’s a pity that it’s not easy to deal with. When I went to the pawnshop, I happened to ran into someone from their family. Someone was stabbed inadvertently, and it took a lot of effort to escape."

  "Do you know how big the movement is? Seventy or eighty people arrested me. Finally, I ran into the mountains to escape."

  Bai Shan did not believe him, "Seven or eighty people can't catch you even when you are injured?"

  Man Baodao: "Blood from the wound, can I find you by following the blood?"

  Babu proudly said: "That's God bless me. They chased me into the mountain and stopped chasing me."

  Bai Shan said: "Then you arrived at Qijia Village?"

"Yes," Ba Bo sighed: "Actually, I am not a villain. The old woman Ban saved me. I originally planned to give her a jade bracelet that she brought out. But her son came back from the outside and held mine in his hand. Wanted portrait, I knew it was the armor as soon as I touched his burden. The wound on my stomach is still not healed. I must not be able to beat him..."

Bai Shan and Man Bao were still meditating. Ba Pu simply took a cup and poured a glass of wine next to him. He whispered: "Brother, if you listen to me, you shouldn’t see me. I don’t know if you are. Deserters, everyone goes their own way, and there will be nothing like today."

   "You don't listen, you have to catch me to get the bounty, didn't I kill you when I had no other way..."

  Bai Shan's face instantly became serious, and interrupted him, “Then, do you know Qi’s village well? Do you think there are any deserters in that village besides Ban Laoyu’s son?”

Ba Pu rolled his eyes angrily and said, “You’re a big carrot when you’re a deserter. It’s everywhere. When I run into one, I’ve already fallen out of blood mold, and I’m running for my life. I didn't go out much, what if someone saw my face?"

  Bai Shan looked at Baboo seriously: “If you don’t go out during the day, you will always go out to take a look at night, right? As a thief, how can you be unfamiliar with the environment you are in?”

   "Hey, Xiao Lang Jun is quite familiar," Ba Pu smiled: "That's right, I did go out at night, but I didn't see anyone."

  "Do you think their village is different?"

  Babu finally felt that something was wrong, so he went up to see Bai Shan and asked, "Why, do you think there is a problem in their village?"

  His eyes lit up, and he grabbed the railing, "Isn't I going to die anymore?"

  Bai Shan said faintly, “Didn’t Master Xu say that you also killed an official who arrested you? Do you think you can live?”

  Babu was discouraged when he heard it, and there was nothing to hide from Baishan. He waved his hand boringly and said, "What can be different? Except that their village is richer, there is no difference."

  "How do you know their village is rich?"

   "Of course I know," Ba Bo said, "There are many people who turn on the lights at night, and there are many others who have dogs. You can see that they are rich."

  Nobody can afford to light oil lamps. Lao Zhou’s family is so rich now, and Lao Zhou is not willing to light oil lamps at night.

When I was poor, I could count the number of times I slapped an oil lamp throughout the year. So many people in the village have lights on, which means that the village is very rich.

  The female prisoner who had not spoken suddenly said with a hoarse voice: "Qijia Village has no money."

  Bai Shan and Man Bao looked back at her together, "How do you know?"

   "Oh, she was escorted into Beijing with me, it was from Maozhou." Ba Bo replied.

Bai Shan's eyes lit up when she saw her, and the female prisoner didn't hide it, saying: "I have an aunt who married in Qijia Village. Because their village is in the mountains, they are notoriously poor. money."

   Ba Puchi smiled and said, “If they don’t have money, their village can light oil lamps and raise dogs, so the house is still built of half stone?”

  The female prisoner stopped talking again.

  Bai Shan took Man Bao and bowed to the female prisoner and said, "Thank you very much."

  He said to the two of them: "You eat slowly, we will see you in a few days, and Man Bao and I will leave if we have business."

  After that, he pulled Man Bao and left.

  Man Bao asked him, "What's wrong with you?"

Bai Shan pulled her into the carriage and then whispered: "I suddenly remembered that iron ore booklet, in which there were several pens of whereabouts written with a sorrow. I used to be the last name of the person who carried the iron. I heard what Ba Bo said today, it might be the meaning of Qijiacun, it is a place for ironware."

   "What if we guess wrong?"

   "Leave him alone," Bai Shan said, "Tell County Majesty Tang and Majesty Yang and let them investigate. What if it is found?"

  Man Bao thinks too.

    I wish the book friend "Si Qing Lan Yu" good health and happy every day, and I will be out of order this year.

     Now is the time of the epidemic, Lanyu must still be working overtime in the hospital now, pay attention to your health and safety

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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