Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1197: It's you

   Chapter 1197 is you

   Yue Wei’s collision broke the balance that had been balanced by the empress dowager’s serious illness.

  After him, the supervisors bit the King of Yizhou in a fierce manner, let alone the emperor, even Wei Zhi knew that this matter could not go on.

  Several important ministers looked at Master Tang quietly.

  Lord Tang:...It’s not me, I didn’t do it!

   But no one believes it at the moment, and no one is going to explore this point.

  The empress dowager became more ill. The emperor and the queen stayed in front of the empress all night, and then came to report the next day. The king of Yizhou, who was temporarily held in the palace, ran away with his two sons.

  The emperor became furious when he heard this. He chased the Forbidden Army along the southwest. King Yizhou must go west to Jiannan Road. That was his foundation.

When Feng Shangshu received the news, he couldn't help but glance at his confidant Tao Yi, and after thinking for a while, he said, "You take people to the Bai's house. Let them stay at home for a few days and don't go out."

  Although these are just two teenagers, things started with them, and no one knows whether King Yizhou, who has escaped for his life, will harvest them easily.

   King Yizhou escaped, he must be going against it, even if it is to build power, he shouldn’t let Bai Shan and Zhou Man live.

  So the difference between escape and no escape is very big.

  As the Shangshu of the Criminal Ministry, Feng Shangshu never had great expectations of human nature.

  Tao Yi took the order and left.

  Since it is for him to notify, it must be more than just notification. He must take some people to protect it.

  Feng Shangshu looked at his leaving back, and sighed slightly, why did people escape?

  Wei Zhi and Mrs. Tang also feel that King Yizhou’s escape will probably not let the family of Bai Shan and Zhouman, as well as Xiang family, be spared.

  So they thought for a while and sent someone out, “Find everyone and keep them in Bai's house in Changqing Lane, tell Jingzhao Mansion to let them pay more attention to the situation in Changqing Lane."

  Subordinates waited and went.

  Lord Tang frowned and said, "I thought it would be at least a while longer. I didn't expect him to run so fast."

  Wei knew: "Your subordinate frightened people, right?"

  Lord Tang took the opportunity to argue, "I didn't let him slam the post."

  At this point, Wei Zhi believes that Lao Tang is not such a person, but...

  Wei Zhiqian smiled and said, "It's a talent, otherwise I don't know how to break this situation?"

   "When the other soldiers and horses hidden are found, they will naturally break."

  Wei Zhi shook his head, "The Queen Mother is very ill, and no matter how many soldiers and horses are found, Your Majesty will have to go online, unless the person is not in the capital as it is now."

  Wei Zhi gently dropped the lid on the cup, making a crisp sound, and said meaningfully: "After all, you will be out, and you will not be affected by your life."

  And Yin Li is a pure minister. In his heart, only his majesty’s interests are in his heart, so the choice he makes must be based on the emperor’s interests.

  Lord Tang looked at Wei Zhi and said nothing.

  He picked up his teacup and took a sigh of relief. Hearing the noise outside, he beckoned to the next person and asked, "What's wrong outside?"

  The servant bowed and said: "The lady is going to take the young man to Xiangguo Temple to pray for blessings. She is preparing for carriages and guards."

  Lord Tang said smoothly, “It’s neither the first year nor the fifteenth day. How do you think about going to the Buddha today?”

  As soon as he finished speaking, he became stiff, and suddenly raised his head and asked, "Today is the fifth day of the day?"

  The next person heard the words and smiled: "Back to the old lady, it is the fifth day of the new year."

  Wei Zhi also remembered instantly, “On the fifth day of October, the birthday of Master Bodhidharma?”

Master Old Tang said, "Oh," he paused and said: "I forgot, because your Majesty believes in Buddhism, the Imperial College is closed on the fifth day of October every year. Hurry up and send people to find Bai Shan and Zhou Man in Xiangguo Temple. Let them not join in the excitement and go home quickly."

  And this is impossible.

  There is something good on the top, but it will be very bad on the bottom.

  Nine years ago, the empress became seriously ill. The emperor made a dojo for the empress in various Buddhist temples. In the end, the emperor survived, so the emperor became more and more Buddhist.

  The main temple of the year was Xiangguo Temple. In order to express his piety, the emperor would fast and bathe in the palace on the fifth day of October every year on the birthday of the Buddha.

  It’s just that this year the Queen Mother was seriously ill, and the Queen Mother did not believe in the Buddha and believed, so this year's eminent monks did not enter the palace, and everyone did not care about it.

  However, the Imperial College has become accustomed to it. It takes a day off on the fifth day of October every year, and most of the students go to Xiangguo Temple to join in the fun.

  Bai Shan and Zhou Man naturally went there too. They didn’t know that King Yizhou had escaped early this morning. They didn’t even know about Yin or Feng Zongping and the other cadres for n generations, let alone ordinary people.

  So on a sunny morning, a few people came to Xiangguo Temple together with friends and friends. The carriage couldn't get into the street at all, so they had to stop and walk in from a distance.

  A servant was standing at the entrance of the street to maintain order. Bai Shan jumped out of the carriage, turned around and helped Man Bao, then greeted Yin or Feng and Feng Zongping to go with him.

  Daji handed the carriage to Liu Gui and followed several people behind.

  Feng Zongping walked beside Man Bao and asked with a smile: "Why do I hear people say that you are timid and haven't returned to Jishitang? Bai Shan has already gone back to school. What are you afraid of?"

  Man Baodao: "I have been sorting out a few medical records recently, and I haven't time to go back yet."

  Bai Shan also nodded, "She's not me, besides studying, she has to study medicine."

  I don’t know when Ji Hao squeezed to them, and asked, “I heard that you are preparing to perform surgery on the Xiangjia Assassin to connect his hamstrings?”

  Man Bao was surprised, "Who did you hear?"

  "Teacher Liu, my grandmother is feeling unwell recently, so she asked Dr. Liu to come to see her and talked about it."

  Bai Shanbian said: "Emperor Zheng must have told him."

  Man Bao asked Ji Hao, "Then Tai Doctor Liu is interested in operating with me?"

  The reason she told Madam Zheng was because she felt that she could not perform the operation alone, so she had to find someone to help.

 It is a pity that Dr. Ding, Dr. Tao and others rejected her after thinking about it. Dr. Tao feels that what he is good at is pediatric diseases and morbidity. It is too challenging for him to undergo surgery to fix the bones.

  After seeing the treatment plan she made, Dr. Ding felt that the cure was very low, and that it might cause infection. In the end, most of the patients would be amputated, so he also refused.

  There is no way, Man Bao found the doctor Zheng through the treasurer Zheng, and wanted to take him to ponder together.

  The doctor Zheng has now agreed to her, but still feels that only two are not enough, so the two decided to continue to look for like-minded doctors, especially the doctors in the hospital.

  So she didn't mind if she told the doctor Zheng about the matter.

  Ji Hao mentioned this incident to remind her that she didn't care, but was still very interested, so he didn't say a word for a while.

  Feng Zongping turned his head and glanced at him, couldn't help but smile slightly.

Shirajiro, who was crowded a few steps behind by a few people, was very angry. He pulled Yin or squeezed up again, looked at the crowded street, and asked, "Why do we have to come to worship Buddha? Are we not Lord Shinten? ?"

  Man Bao and Bai Shan annoyed him, "Didn’t you come here?"

  Even Yin may not be able to stand him, throwing away his hands and saying, "When you were off school yesterday, you obviously said you wanted to watch the Buddhist ceremony and join in the fun."

   Shirajiro was so crowded that he almost doubted his life, and asked, "Is it me?"

  The three said in unison, very resolute, "It's you!"

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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