Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1198: Reward

   Chapter 1198 Reward

  A group of people walked forward in the direction of the flow of people and walked for a long time. After exiting the street, there was a large lake, and on the opposite side of the lake was a temple built upward.

  You can walk along both sides of the lake. There are many stalls along the street, and no horse and cart can come here, even the rich and powerful families.

  But they can choose to sit in a sedan chair carried by manpower.

  However, Man Bao and the others glanced at the sedan chair that was squeezed behind and couldn't get on. They said they didn't envy it at all.

  It’s a bit of a road, it’s not as good as walking in a sedan chair, and it’s a bit more comfortable.

  Bai Shan and the others wanted to turn to the left, because the road is relatively short at first glance, and the lake extends too long to the right.

Who knows that many people have the same thoughts as them, so they squeezed them, and a few of them stepped back and just squeezed into a group of people, and the people surrounding them wanted to go to the right and led them at once. To the right.

  The young people also belong to Buddhism, and when they saw this, they followed the crowd to the right.

  After walking for a while, there are fewer people. After all, one street sends people to two streets. After the diversion, there are naturally fewer people, not to mention that the road is quite long.

  There are weeping willows planted by the lake, and some small boats are docked on the shore where it is easy to get on and off the boat, specially soliciting business, so that guests do not have to walk, they can go directly to the opposite Xiangguo Temple through the lake.

  Man Bao stopped a few teenagers and took a look, and then they were urged to leave by the people behind.

  Man Bao was still a little bit upset, "Actually, it’s not bad for us to take a boat."

Feng Zongping did not visit Xiangguo Temple less often. He heard that, “What’s good about taking a boat? No head either."

  Bai Shan also wanted to take a boat, "We have grown up so big, and we haven’t seen such a big lake yet."

  Manbao and Baijiro nodded together.

  But at this moment they have already passed a group of soliciting boats, and they are still a bit far from the next group. Everyone didn't care, and they began to look at the various buskers on the street.

  Man Bao was a little short, so he stood on tiptoe to look at the lively spots, and saw that the people inside were performing a performance of crushing boulders on their chests.

  Several teenagers all watched with gusto. Man Bao was shorter than Bai Shan, and he was a little unsteady when he stood on his toe.

  I just don’t know why, a bunch of people suddenly rushed in from behind and knocked the two of them. Man Bao couldn't stand still and moved a few steps aside with Bai Shan.

Da Ji, who was standing behind a few people, felt that something was wrong, and immediately stepped forward to hold them, but out of the corner of his eyes, he saw a flash of silver light in the hands of the people crowding Bai Shan and Man Bao. He didn't even think about it. Stretch out a block...

  The stabbed knife stuck in Daji’s palm, but he did not flinch. Because the crowd was crowded, he couldn't do it. With the other hand, he directly pinched his neck and pushed it, pushing several people around him away together...

   shouted at the same time, "There is an assassin! Master, run away—"

  Man Bao turned her head first and saw blood on his hands at a glance. She was too surprised to be surprised. The crowd suddenly became agitated. A vigorous force struck Bai Shan and Man Bao and fell into the water with a thump...

Feng Zongping beside    was shocked.

Then a few people reacted quickly, Bai Erlang jumped up to La Luoshui's Bai Shan and Man Bao, only to reach for a knife and chop it down, he quickly retracted, and then he held his hand. I was so angry, I picked up the stuff from the stall next to him and smashed it on those people...

Daji was surrounded by four or five people, unable to save Baishan and Manbao at all, and fearing that Bai Erlang would have three long and two shortcomings, he could only shout: "Master Tang, go and call the yaye--"

Feng Zongping and Yi Ziyang, who came with him, both had some effort, and they came to help when they saw it.

  There are about seven or eight people who stabbed. One of them didn’t look at people at all. The dagger pointed directly at Yin or. Longevity was so scared that he kept his hand in front of Yin or...

Shirajiro, who was smashing things, happened to copy a mallet that beat the shoulder. He held the mallet and hit the assassin's wrist fiercely. The assassin suffered a pain, the short sword fell, and then turned his head to look at Bai. Jiro glanced at him and ran towards him...

  Shirajiro waved the mallet to resist, shouting at Yin or: "Run--"

It’s the first time Yin might grow up to see such a scene. His face turned pale. He tightly grasped Longevity’s hand and shouted out of luck: "Come on, the assassins are the grandson of the Shangshu of the Criminal Ministry and the son of Jing Zhaoyin. As long as you hold these assassins, or protect these princes, the two will give you a hundred gold pieces—"

  Feng Zongping, who is not very rich, couldn’t help but slander when he heard this. This was not killing him. Why should he pay?

   But still reconciled, and shouted: "Yes, I am the grandson of Shangshu of the Criminal Ministry, come and help—"

  They also know three-legged cat kung fu. At most, they have learned some swordsmanship because of their beauty and interest, but they are not going to fight on the battlefield, nor are they going to be rangers. Isn't it good to use it?

Compared with these desperadoes, it is because they are on the line of life and death and are more responsive, which temporarily drags people, but it is impossible to fight back. A few teenagers, together, screaming and smashing things, also dragged them. Only two assassins lived, the remaining four surrounded Daji, and two followed Man Bao and they jumped into the water...

  But Yin or this call still works. People walking nearby ran away timidly, but there were also vendors carrying poles to help them hit them, and they were barely stabbed by the assassin...

  Yin may hide behind Changshou, and after seeing this, he covered his chest and took a breath and said: "Anyone who helps will be thanked afterwards with ten silvers, and ten golds for those with high merit!"

   Glancing to see that there are no traces of Bai Shan and Man Bao in the water, he burst into his heart and exclaimed: "If anyone can save the little man and the little lady in the water, he will be rewarded with a thousand gold!"

   Under the reward, there must be a brave husband, and someone really jumped into the water with a plop...

  Man Bao and Bai Shan came out as soon as they fell into the water, and then they were about to go upstream.

  They know how to swim, but they are not proficient. They learned when they were in Qili Village when they went down the river with Chu Lang and the others, so they can float and swim.

  They like to play in water, but they also have a natural fear of water.

  But the two of them swam forward twice, and two people jumped off the shore. They were dressed as civilians, holding a blade in their hands, and waving their hands to stab them...

  Bai Shan's heart suddenly burst, and he subconsciously pulled Man Bao down and plunged the knife into the water, only an inch away from Man Bao's face.

As soon as Man Bao entered the water, he closed his eyes subconsciously, but Bai Shan's eyes were half open. Seeing this scene, he didn't know where the courage came from, let go of Man Bao, and reached out to grab those hands and head towards him. There was a pull, and then a bite.

   See you at eight in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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