Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1199: Underwater bucket

   Chapter 1199

When Manbao opened his eyes, he just saw the short sword in the man's hand fall, and the other assassin also sank into the water, and was rushing towards Baishan with his sword.

  Man Bao was anxious, and said in his heart: "Ke Ke--"

  Koke quickly passed what the host had left in the system, and finally gave her a scalpel.

  Man Bao didn’t care about what was stuffed into his hands at this time, so he swam towards Bai Shan...

  Bai Shan took a bite, and it didn't take long for his breath to be used up. He popped his head to breathe, and he didn't even see the person coming from behind.

  Man Bao was very close to him, and arrived there as soon as he swam, and then found that the scalpel in her hand was not very useful. She still sighed, and simply stretched out her hand to pull the opponent’s foot and pull down...

  Keke couldn’t help but quietly help...

   So he swam from behind and was about to stab the assassin Baishan with his short sword to stab the air, and was pulled to the bottom of the water, and hit the mud at the bottom of the lake with a thump, immediately a layer of sewage appeared, and his eyes were lost for a moment.

  Man Bao's chest ran out of qi, and after letting go, he strove to the upper reaches, only to breathe out his head and see that Bai Shan was being pushed into the water by one person.

  Man Bao wiped his face, and the scalpel he was holding in his hand was pierced to his back...

  The other party was in pain, turned around and took a look at Man Bao, and continued to press Bai Shan into the water. Bai Shan could only struggle with two hands. Compared with adults, his strength was still too small.

  Man Bao took a hand, and found that he couldn't pull the person away, so he sank into the water again, grabbed the opponent's foot and dragged it down.

   Seeing that she only dragged a little bit, she was stared at, Man Bao couldn’t help but yelled, "Ke Ke—"

  Keke really can't see the death of the host, although Manbao is dead, it can find the next owner, but...

  Keke still accidentally violated the regulations again, Man Bao dragged the person back and smashed the person to the bottom of the lake...

  As soon as the pressure on the body disappeared, Bai Shan immediately surfaced. He couldn't help but cough, and water came out of his mouth and nose.

  Man Baoyou stopped him and said, "Go ashore..."

  The two kicked their legs a few times before they were grabbed and dragged into the water.

  When they got out of the water, they found that the two of them were catching up, but they seemed to run out of anger. After dragging them, they came out and took a breath.

  Man Bao and Bai Shan were about to go up, but they dived into the water before they could get out.

They stretched out their hands to pinch their necks, and with a wave of the scalpel in Man Bao's hand, the extended hand retracted, but it pulled them down to the bottom of the lake tightly. Man Bao had a knife in his hand that could protect his chest and abdomen. But Bai Shan was beaten several times in a row...

  Man Bao sees him bubbling, his eyes are red with anxiety.

  Keke has opened the mall quickly, before asking Manbao a word, he bought something directly, Manbao only faintly heard a jingle in his mind, which seemed to be the familiar sound of deducting points.

The breath in her chest was finally exhausted, and she couldn't help spitting out two blisters, but her mind became clearer. She kicked and stepped on that person and moved to Bai Shan, Bai Shan's hands and feet were still moving , But is constantly filling...

  Something appeared in Manbao’s hand, and Keke’s voice was very clear in his mind, "Give him a breath..."

Man Bao put the thing in his hand on his face, Bai Shan choked water, his heart was a little flustered, and he breathed in unconsciously, but he breathed in. He recovered, turned his head to look at Man Bao, and saw Man Bao held something in his hand and clasped it on his body...

   Before Bai Shan had time to investigate what the jar was, he kicked the assassin who had reached out to beat them away, and then put the stuff on his face on Man Bao’s face.

  Man Bao took a breath and pushed it away. Another one appeared on her hand. She fixed it on her face, hung the jar on her body, and then went to pull the assassin who was about to go up to breathe...

  Bai Shan also recovered. Seeing the two assassins looking at them with horror, they knew that they must have seen Man Bao conjure something out of thin air to come up with magical skills.

  Bai Shan didn’t even think about it, turned around and reached out and grabbed one of his legs, pulling tightly to prevent them from floating...

  If they go out, then Uncle Zhou’s affairs will not be able to hide things, ghosts and gods have never been talked about, ordinary people will be afraid if they hear it, and they will inevitably ask an expert to accept Uncle Zhou.

  The two assassins weren’t made of mud. They kicked their feet fiercely during life and death, kicking them down, and then swimming to the side, trying to stay away from them and then float up.

   Originally, Manbao had no advantage in the water, after all, they were not good at water. But in fact, the assassin has no advantage.

  Because of the resistance of the water, they are also very restricted in the water. The fists that were punched were originally very powerful, but they may only reach less than five points on them.

  At the same time, they are not very good at water. They just want to stabbed the accident. Where would they know they would run into the water?

   But now Man Bao and Bai Shan had something from Ke Ke, and breathing seemed to be no problem. Although the swimming speed was still very slow, they became fearless and chased the two directly.

   soon chased up, and the four of them were fighting underwater again.

   Seeing this, the two assassins simply reached out to pull out the things on their faces, but Bai Shan and Man Bao looked at each other, turned back together, and then kicked them with their legs and moved away from them.

  The minds of the two assassins were already a little dizzy, and they pulled their feet to their side.

Bai Shan and Man Bao did not struggle, and followed their strength, but when they were close to them, they dived together. The two assassins couldn't reach their faces no matter how they swam, and there was no restriction on breathing. People must and don't mind being dragged and pulled by them.

  The assassin reached the limit, his hands and feet were a little soft, and he let go of his hands and wanted to go upstream...

  Man Bao and Bai Shan looked at each other, and the two of them made up their minds and went straight forward and dragged their feet down...

  The two assassins were extremely angry, and when they were alive and dead, they exploded with great energy, and in the chaos, they knocked out the things on Man Bao's face.

  Man Bao didn’t mind at all, took a sigh of relief, and continued to pull the assassin...

  One of the assassins tried to reach for the thing, but the thing disappeared instantly.

  Keke can recycle the things taken out of the system, not to mention that the can is still hung on Man Bao.

  Something was recovered, but it appeared in front of Man Bao’s face in an instant.

  Keke thinks it is worrying enough, these behaviors are all wiping the line, and I don’t know that the main system will deduct points...

  The two assassins were shocked when they saw it, as if they had seen a ghost, they couldn't help but choke...

  In the water, as long as you start to take the first sip of water, it is almost finished.

  Bai Shan dragged one of them to the bottom of the lake fiercely. The two of them stirred up silt underneath, and even the figures were blurred.

  But Bai Shan was very close to him, and saw him kicking and dancing around after he kept pouring water. No matter how he kicked with the foot in his hand, he just wouldn't let go.

  Waiting until he slowly became weak and his eyes closed and sank, then he released his hand and went upstream to help Man Bao.

With the things Keke gave, the two of them pressed the two assassins into the mud. They watched their hands and feet spread out, their mouths were slightly open, but there were no bubbles, Bai Shan pointed to his face. s things.

  Man Bao nodded, took a deep breath with him, and then gave the things on his body to Keke to receive it into the system, and then went upstream together...

    Happy Lantern Festival, I hope that the epidemic can be brought under control as soon as possible, China, come on! Wish the workers on the front line safe and healthy

     See you at ten in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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