Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1200: Out of the water (for book friend "AlPacino"

  Chapter 1200 Out of Water

  Man Bao and Bai Shan feel that they have been swimming for a long time. After a long time, the breath in their chest is almost exhausted. They are considering whether to take the things out again and take a breath, they will see the light...

Then the two of them struggled upstream. After the water came out, they couldn't help but open their mouths to breathe. Then, a wipe of the water on their faces looked around, and they saw someone in the distance, "I didn't see anyone—" "

  There are also people shaking the boat to fetch water around, which also means that no one is seen.

  Man Bao and Bai Shan took a closer look, only to realize that they did not know when they came to the center of the lake.

  The two appeared in the lake. The person standing on the boat searching for them was the first to see, and immediately pointed to the center of the lake with the stick in his hand, "The person is there—"

  The people who were searching near their falling point immediately hulled and swam past them...

   Lying on the shore, Da Ji looked up at them and confirmed that they were both well, and then lay down on the ground again.

  Bai Erlang came out of the water for a while and then suddenly shouted: "Run, go upstream, I was saved for a thousand dollars..."

  This side is a bit away from the center of the lake, but Bai Erlang's voice is not small, Bai Shan and Man Bao, who were taking a rest in the water, heard it.

  They didn’t know the story of Qianjin, but this did not prevent them from listening to Shirajiro’s words, so they turned around and headed for the shore of Kishisangoku Temple.

But their water skills are there, even if they can swim well, they can't swim in a boat. They only swim forward less than one-third and lose their energy, and then they are caught up by the rowers. Then pull on the boat.

  The person who pulled them onto the boat also smiled and said, “Don’t be afraid of the little man and the little lady. We just want a bounty and it’s impossible to really want a daughter. You can just give it a lot of money.”

  The people who were still fluttering in the water were particularly sorry, they passed the money.

   Xiaozhou sent them back to the shore, Feng Zongping, who knew nothing about water, reached out and pulled them up, and asked with concern: "Are you all right, where are the two assassins?"

  Bai Shan and Man Bao's faces were still pale, and they said, "It's at the bottom of the lake."

  The sound is very low, but it makes people feel chilly.

  Shirajiro also climbed up from the water, sat down beside Daji and said, "It’s good to live, it’s good to be alive..."

  The voice was a little choked, and he didn't know whether it was water or tears on his face, but his eye circles were a little red.

   Lying on the ground, Daji finally fainted in peace.

  Man Bao quickly glanced at everyone, and saw that several of them seemed to have injuries, but Daji was injured the most, so he squatted down to look at him.

  Bai Shan glanced around and saw that they were surrounded by guards with knives, and couldn't help looking at Feng Zongping.

   Feng Zongping said: "It was the people sent by Jingzhao Mansion and Lord Tang. Thanks to them, they took the assassins, oh, and these people."

  Bai Shan found out that there were several people sitting outside the guard circle, and they were also wounded. Many people got up from the water, obviously all of them went into the water to find them.

   Baishan asked Baijiro, "What's the matter with daughter?"

   Bai Erlang said: "Yin or say, saved us a hundred gold rewards, went into the water to save you a thousand gold rewards, and then many people jumped down."

  Feng Zongping couldn't help but smile now, and said: "Fortunately, you have freed yourself from the assassin and came up, otherwise we really have to give the daughter."

Bai Shan glanced at the paralyzed people on the shore and said, "Nevertheless, we should have more of them. Today's disaster is caused by us. In this way, everyone who goes into the water and rescues us will be given ten gold. Those who are injured will be given ten more golds, and those who have contributed a lot will be given ten more golds."

As soon as these words came out, the participants who were sitting on the ground immediately became excited and shouted: "Little Lang Jun is really magnificent. Why don't we send the Lang Jun back. We are so crowded. Forgive those Xiao Xiaoye." Don't dare to come again."

  Bai Shan smiled and said, "Thank you very much, then."

The lieutenant Jingzhaofu on the side said displeasedly: "We are there, why do you need to send it off?"

   Yin or sitting on the ground raised his head and said, “Let them send it. It’s always safer to have more people, just to get the bounty.”

   Captain did not speak now.

  Man Bao has checked Daji, he was injured a little bit badly, but fortunately, the officer who came here had wound medicine, and he had already been given hemostatic medicine.

  She glanced at the other people who were also injured: "Send to Ji Shitang."

  The wounded who demanded money without life yelled: "It doesn't matter for us, let's send Lang Jun and the little lady home first."

  Man Bao: "...I want to see the doctor too."

   After that, he turned his head and said to Changshou: "Thank you for a trip back to my house, and let the family send the money to Ji Shitang, where we will give the bounty."

  It’s dangerous to bring so many people home.

  Longevity looks at Yinor.

  Yin or nod slightly.

  So the group moved to Ji Shitang.

  Because there were assassins, this street to Xiangguo Temple was blocked. At this time, no entry is allowed or random out, many people are hiding in the shops on both sides, five steps one officer guards, and after they leave, they will screen the assassins.

  It is not only because Yin or Feng Zongping are here, but also because Bai Shan and Zhou Man are here.

   King Yizhou escaped, he no longer has to hide his inner thoughts, so he kills if he wants to.

  But the imperial court also will not conceal its guard anymore, putting the protection of Bai Shan and Zhou Man on the bright side.

Perhaps in the face of major national events, the emperor did not care about the life and death of the two young people, but Mr. Tang said, "This also involves the face of the court, your Majesty, after both of them are heroes, they exposed the evil deeds of King Yizhou. If they were still killed by King Yizhou at the feet of the emperor, what would be detrimental would be the face of the court and the majesty of your majesty."

  Because of this sentence, the emperor sent out even the Forbidden Army.

  They arrived at Jishitang unimpeded all the way.

  These patients are a bit unusual, they are considered half their own, so the treasurer Zheng immediately brought Doctor Ding and others into the queue to deal with them.

Daji, Baishan and others were taken to the backyard for treatment. Other passers-by who were injured by the help lined up to see a doctor in the front hall, but many of them were just getting wet. They sat outside the door while twisting their clothes and drying them. Sun.

  Doctor Ding personally dealt with Daji's injuries, and Man Bao beat him.

  There are many wounds on Daji's body, and most of them are sword wounds. Fortunately, none of the wounds are critical, but there are two wounds that are a bit deep.

  Doctor Ding cleans up the wound and sews it up. When the wound is cleaned up, Xiao Shao has cooked up the medicine.

  Man Bao gave Da Ji an injection to wake him up and let him drink the medicine before fainting again.

  Feng Zongping were all injured, only Yin or frightened. When he stepped back, he accidentally fell and scratched a little skin.

  However, Feng Zongping's injuries were not very serious. After all, the main force was on Daji's side. They dealt with two, and there were so many people to help.

  Waiting to treat everyone's wounds, Bai Erlang stared at Bai Shan and Man Bao, "Why are you still so pale? Are you injured too?"

  Man Bao could check on himself, touched himself and said: "It's okay, I was beaten a few times, there was no internal bleeding, and there was no broken bones, just a few days of swelling and pain."

  Bai Shan is a bit serious. After checking, Dr. Ding said: “He has to be careful. I will prescribe some medicine to stop bleeding inside. It may hurt his ribs.”

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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