Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1212: The pain of losing a child

  Chapter 1212 The pain of losing a child

  The king of Yizhou died in a chaotic army and flew into the capital like wings. After receiving it, the emperor was sentimental and shed a tear. Then people could not disclose the news to the queen mother, so that the queen mother could recover well.

  The king of Yizhou is dead, and all the private troops he raised have been dug up. The next step is to clean up the aftermath.

  After searching the roots, the emperor discovered that the officials and aristocratic families who followed King Yizhou followed him when he was fighting for power more than ten years ago.

  It stands to reason that at least the three tribes must be accused of treason. Such an implication requires as many as 20,000 people to be questioned.

  Wei Zhi and others pleaded for mercy, hoping to ask only the first culprit.

After thinking about it, the emperor agreed and asked Wei Zhi and others to find out the people involved in the case over the past ten years and punish them in accordance with the law. check.

  This time because of the involvement of King Yizhou’s case, many people could not stand the investigation.

  The Penalty Department was so busy all at once, Mr. Tang and Wei Zhi also had to stay at the Penalty Department to deal with repeat offenders.

  But there are also quite a few people who have been wronged.

   Regardless of injustice, the implicated must be confiscated first, and then judge whether it is within the scope of "forgiveness" stipulated by the emperor. If it is only released, everything has to start again.

  There are so many people, one by one screening, it is estimated that it will take half a year, or even longer, to complete the review.

  Then it was the officials who were busy. The officials involved this time, especially the officials from Jiannandao, were involved in several governors.

  Although they were not killed by the comrades who were the king of Yizhou, such as the arrested Zhang Cishi, and the Zizhou Cishi who had written a petition, they all had to be replaced in the end.

  At this moment, the staff were unable to mobilize so many people. The point is that if people from this place are hired, there will be a shortage of people in that place.

  So the officials were also bald, and finally suggested to the emperor that they wanted to take a college entrance examination for the officials after the beginning of the spring. This time the entrance examination was only for the superintendents of the country, and after the spring, they would face the national entrance examination again.

  The emperor agreed after consideration.

  Things started to get organized, the officials guarding Changqing Lane also retreated, Bai Shan and Bai Erlang could go to school again, Man Bao also began to quietly try to sit in the medicine shop.

  Then, the harem, which was managed like an iron barrel by the queen, was still leaked into by the wind. At this time, Yin Li was already on the road with the coffins of the three of King Yizhou and his son.

  The queen mother heard that King Yizhou had died in the rebellion, so she vomited a mouthful of blood and fainted. Xiao Yuan was taking half of the imperial doctor from the hospital to rescue, and finally snatched the person back.

  The emperor was discussing with the ministers in the study. Hearing this, he immediately left the state affairs and went to the harem, personally waiting outside the empress dowager’s palace.

  The queen stood beside him, looking at him apologetically.

  The emperor stretched out his hand to embrace her, patted her on the shoulder lightly, and sighed: "No blame, you can hide it for so many days is the limit."

  Queen said: "It's not Ying's family. When Zhang Bing's family came to see her, she quietly contacted the people in Yunfeng Palace."

  She paused and said, "Yunfeng is now locked in the cold palace by me, has your Majesty figured out what to do with it?"

  The emperor asked: "What does Zitong think?"

   "Yunfeng is a girl, she can't know about her father, Xinqing is only eight years old, so let them comfort the mother's heart."

  The emperor responded in a low voice, which is why he didn't lock Xinqing with his father and brother.

  Xiao Yuan was waiting for the people to retreat, and reported to the emperor: "Your Majesty, the empress dowager is awake, but she refuses to take medicine."

The emperor stretched out his hand and said, "Give me the medicine."

  The Queen was worried, and took a step forward: "Erlang."

  The emperor turned around and smiled at her, and said softly: "It's okay, you are not in good health, go back to the palace first."

  The queen looked worriedly at him carrying the medicine into the house. After a while, the palace people in the dowager's palace also retreated tremblingly.

  Only the mother and the son were left in the huge palace. The emperor put the bowl on the table, reached out and gently lifted the mother up, and whispered: "Mother, take some medicine."

  The queen mother had gray hair, turned her head to the side with a calm face, and ignored him.

  The emperor held up the spoon and saw that she was unwilling to take the medicine, so he sighed and withdrew his hand, "How can the mother be willing to take the medicine?"

The queen mother did not speak for a long time. She turned her head to look at the emperor, and said in a dumb voice: "In my whole life, there are only six most important people. Your sister left me very early. The pain of my heart, I thought I would not experience it again, but you let me bear it three times, even your father and you..."

  The emperor squeezed the bowl in his hand, his nose was sour, and his eyes were red and raised his head, "Mother, do you blame me for the death of my eldest brother and father?"

The queen mother knocked down the medicine bowl in his hand and stretched out her hand to grab his sleeve and said angrily: "If you didn't kill Saburo, how could your father turn his hair all night, and why would he go so early?"

The emperor opened his mouth, and for a while, he said: "Mother, I don’t regret killing my third brother. Only if I can kill him can I live, and only the hundreds of thousands of soldiers under my command can live."

"What about the old fifth," the queen mother said with her chest rising and falling, her eyes flushed: "He can't fight you, and the tens of thousands of private soldiers that you raise are no more than a child's house in front of you. Why can't you let him live? , Or be demoted to the common people, or exiled..."

   "Mother," the emperor interrupted her, "This is all an accident. There is no eye on the battlefield..."

   "It's not an accident!" The Queen Mother said firmly: "If you are really interested, how can Yin Li dare to kill him?"

She said: "Yin Li left Beijing before Goro entered Beijing. You already knew it, didn't you? Then why did you postpone it until now? You locked him in the palace and how did he escape? , Tell me, how did he escape?"

  The emperor did not speak.

The queen mother was so painful and angry that she couldn't help but slap his face, crying bitterly: "I only have two sons, and only your two brothers. Why are you so cruel? He is Your brother, he is your brother..."

  The emperor knelt to the ground in silence.

  The Queen Mother cried bitterly: "There are Xin'an and Xinping. How old are they and what do they know? Xinping hasn't married yet. Is your heart made of stone?"

  The emperor lowered her head to let her beat and scold. The queen stood outside the hall and listened to the movement inside the hall. After a while, she sighed and sent the palace a little further away before turning to leave.

  The emperor was afraid that she would cry too faintly, and while being beaten, he stretched out his hand to support his mother.

   Tired of playing, the queen mother weakly leaned on the front pillow and turned her head into the bed, "I don't want to see you, you can go."

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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