Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1213: Intend

   Chapter 1213

  The emperor knelt on the ground and said, "Mother and son know that the heart of a child is the same as I love Chengming and Ali."

  The mother turned her back to him.

  The emperor continued to kneel on the ground, and whispered: "Mother, do you know what the fifth child did after returning to Beijing? He provoked Chengming and Ali to fight, and Chengming finally had a child..."

The queen mother couldn’t help turning around and spitting at him, and said: "Your two sons are fighting, and you blame my son for coming. If you didn’t pull Ari to prevent him from going to Fanfare, and you pampered him too much. If he fantasizes, why would he think about that position?"

The queen mother couldn’t help but pointed at his nose and cursed: “I know, you’ve long been unfamiliar with your brother, otherwise you wouldn’t have sent Yinli out early. When did you get your mind? It was two years ago. The time you quietly went south to Jiannan Road, or earlier?"

  The emperor said nothing.

  The queen mother wanted to say something more, thinking of the three Ying's mother and son who were still locked in the cold palace, she took the conversation and swallowed back any words that might have touched the emperor's bottom line.

   She endured her tears and waved: "You go, I don't want to see you today."

  The emperor did not leave.

  The Queen Mother had no intention of chasing him anymore, so she lay with her back to him, mother and child, one lying down, one kneeling, seeming to be in one world, as if in two worlds again.

  The queen mother was still healthy, but she suffered successive blows, and when she got older, she collapsed.

  In the middle of the night, she was short of breath and started talking dreams. The emperor quickly took her hand, and after seeing the emperor's doctor, she was given medicine again, which was all right.

  The empress dowager’s illness was intermittent, and the emperor handed over the political affairs to the prince and several ministers of Wei Zhi to deal with it together.

  The three princes wanted to follow the approach, but the emperor refused, and the queen failed to approach.

  The emperor was relieved and asked the princess Yizhou to take the little princess to attend the illness. The queen mother looked at the little grandson, and her condition was a little better.

  For three days in a row, the emperor stayed in the Queen’s Palace for illness. He became a lot of emaciated people, and his beard was not taken care of. This made the ministers who saw him feel nervous, and some of the officials who wanted to impeach the emperor's unfilial piety retracted the book, silently did not say anything, and planned to talk about the law of the country when the emperor opened his mouth to plead for the King of Yizhou.

  The princess of Yizhou brought the medicine to Xinqing, and whispered to him: "Bring it to the emperor's grandmother, be careful."

  Xinqing nodded, carefully handing it over to the Queen Mother.

  The queen mother took it and drank it in one gulp, then reached out and touched Xinqing’s little head, and whispered: "Good boy."

  She flinched when she entered Xinqing, then turned her head to look, saw that the emperor came in from the door, and put a smile away, she handed the medicine bowl to Xinqing, and whispered: "You and your mother go back to rest first."

  Xinqing retreated and bowed his head to the emperor.

  The emperor amiably made Xinqing get up, and the counterpart was also very peaceful, the mother and son retreated carefully.

  Wait for their mother and son to walk away, the queen mother asked, "Where is the coffin?"

  The emperor hurriedly said, "I should be in Beijing tomorrow."

  The queen mother closed her eyes and asked: "What are you going to do with it?"

  The emperor lowered his eyes and said, "It will be buried with the common people."

  The queen mother looked at the emperor sharply, and smiled sadly after a while: "You don't delay at all."

  The emperor said: "Mother, he committed the crime of treason."

"Rebellion must punish the three clans, do you want me to punish me? Don't forget, you are also in the three clans!" The queen mother never believed in any laws and regulations, if the world could follow them , Why do they have to be emperors and be in power after breaking their heads?

  The queen mother was silent for a while and then said: "The common people's ceremony is the common people's ceremony, but I want him to bury the tomb."

  That is the mausoleum of the first emperor. She will be buried nearby after her death. After the death of the first three princes, the first emperor will also be buried in the tomb.

  The emperor only fell silent for a while before responding.

  The queen mother then talked about her biggest concern, "What about Xinqing and Yunfeng, what do you plan to do?"

  The emperor immediately said: "Xinqing is still young, and I plan to make him the king of Dizhou. If the mother is not willing to let him go, keep him by her side to raise him, and it’s okay to go to Dizhou after marrying a wife and having children."

  The Queen Mother was in a daze for a while, and asked: "Where is Dizhou?"

The emperor said: "Near Cangzhou, not far from the Bohai Sea, the twelfth brother is in Laizhou, but not far away, and the two nephews and uncles will also take care of each other in the future."

Too far……

  But the queen mother said nothing, she nodded and leaned on the pillow, and said after a while: "Tomorrow, the Aijia will send a maid to pick it up..."

The emperor breathed a sigh of relief and responded in a low voice.

  The queen mother twitched her lips. This was considered a transaction between their mother and son. The emperor opened his face to The queen mother did not come forward and would not express his opinion on the rebellion of King Yizhou.

  Otherwise, as long as she said in front of others that the emperor’s position was improper or the king of Yizhou rebelled, the emperor would be drowned in the saliva of the people of the world, and she would not know when she would be remembered by future generations.

  The emperor returned to the Taiji Hall tiredly.

  The queen personally helped him take off his outer clothes, causing all the palace people in the palace to retreat.

  She brought him hot water to soak his feet, and the emperor’s feet were a little sore. Then he recovered. He grabbed the queen’s hand and pulled her to sit down beside him, “Don’t be busy, I’ll do it myself.”

   Seeing his frowning, the queen asked in a low voice: "Is the queen still reluctant to let go? Or should I go..."

  The emperor shook his head, "The empress has already promised that she will only send a grandma to see tomorrow."

  He squeezed her hand and said: "She has grievances in her heart. You are not in good health. You can recuperate in the palace these few days. Just let the princess go over there."

  The queen gave him a sideways look, "You know you love me, but why don't you know that Chengming doesn't love his wife?"

The emperor smiled and said: "You still think you are young. Just let them do this kind of thing. If Chengming feels distressed, you can teach him and let the eldest daughter-in-law take the third daughter-in-law and share the burden for her. That's it."

  The queen laughed.

  The couple laughed for a while, and they cuddled together. The queen hugged his arm and said: "Erlang, don't pay too much attention to the courtiers' comments. The merits and demerits depend not only on them, but also on the people."

The emperor smiled bitterly: "A hundred years later, I am afraid that I will become the guilty king."

  He coughed slightly: "How about I let Tai Shiling change some records?"


  She laughed and said: "From the beginning of the Han Dynasty, historians have used the Spring and Autumn Notation to hide the emperor's passing, but since it is hidden, there are still signs to follow. Why bother to trouble future generations?"

  The emperor curled his lips, but was not convinced, he still wanted to chat with Tai Shiling.

The queen didn't force him, and continued: "If your Majesty is bored, you might as well find a gap to leave the palace. When you came back from Jiannan Road two years ago, didn't you say that the three years in the palace won't be enough for one month of your stay? "

  The emperor was silent, remembering the joys, sorrows, sorrows, sorrows, sorrows and joys he saw along the way two years ago when he went south to Jiannan Road.

He pursed his mouth, loosened the shoulders of the queen and said: "I have only been in Jin Dynasty for twenty-four years, but the gentry and tycoons everywhere have already invaded and occupied the land. I don’t know how many things like this go somewhere."

  He said: "Governing the people is not the same as fighting a war. A war can be defeated by brute force, but it is not possible to govern the people, Zitong, I want Chengming to go out of Beijing to experience and practice."

I have been powering out, this is written with a mobile phone, I think it is too difficult to write with a mobile phone, so I decided to wait for the call to come and write another chapter, don’t ask me what time the next chapter is, because the baby doesn’t know, although The group said it was about two o'clock in the call, but I always feel that it will not be too punctual

     is the same as my update, hahahahaha



  (End of this chapter)

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