Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1215: confer posthumously

   Chapter 1215

  The Changqing Alley was full of fun, and Zheng even took out his piano for Bai Shan to play the piano for everyone.

  Yin Li only left the palace to go home now.

   Lanterns were lit under the corridor of Yin's house. Mrs. Yin took her three granddaughters and Yin or waited in the front hall. Yin Li stepped forward and asked her mother for Ann before going to see Yinor.

   Seeing that his complexion is not bad, he relaxed, "Mother, I'm going to change clothes first."

   "Go ahead, hot water and everything are ready for you. Come to the dining room in a while, and I will ask the kitchen to prepare delicious food for you."

   Yin Li responded with a smile, and when he had eaten, he called the housekeeper to the study to learn about the family's affairs.

  He has to go to court early tomorrow morning, and there are many things to do, so he can find time to learn more at night.

  He took out the papers, and while writing down the papers to be dealt with tomorrow, he listened to the report from the housekeeper.

  He thought that there shouldn’t be any major events in this period of time recently. Even if there were, it was caused by three girls.

  But based on his understanding of the three girls, they suffered a loss. They should be honest for a while, but this time the problem was with his son.

  Yin Li just opened her head and was stunned, and then Mo got dirty.

  He lowered his head and glanced at the zhezi, put it aside, and listened to the housekeeper’s report. After he was finished, he asked, “So the young master’s body has improved or worsened during this period of time?”

The housekeeper was stunned. Recently, the young master has caused a lot of troubles, so he patronized and worried about his mental health. He really didn’t pay attention to his physical condition. However, "the young master looked ruddy, and he was not as easy to breathe as before. ."

   Yin Li said: "He was not sick when the season changed?"

  The butler shook his head hesitantly, "I'm not sick, but I'm injured. The young master was also taking medicine at that time..."

  In general, Yin or when the season changes, he will get sick, but didn’t he give himself a knife at that time?

  So although I didn't get sick, the medicine didn't break, and the needles didn't puncture less, so the butler really didn't think there was much difference.

  Yin Li thoughtfully asked, "That Zhouman's medical skills are really so good?"

   "Yes," The butler didn't hesitate on this point. He said: "Now she and Xiao Yuan are seeing the sickness of the empress."

   Yin Li nodded and waved: "Okay, you can withdraw."

  The butler retired.

   Yin Li sat and thought for a while, got up and went to find Yinor in the small courtyard to the west.

  Yin or Xijing, plus the need to recuperate, so I deliberately chose this yard to live in.

  When Yin Li entered, all the people in the yard had already retired and rested, and Yin or went to bed to go to bed. As soon as he came, the people in the yard had to get busy again.

   Yin Li pressed her hand, everyone backed down, and went straight into the room.

  Yin or just got up and saluted with his shirt, Yin Li frowned and said: "Put your clothes on, what if you catch a cold?"

  Changshou quickly found a coat for Yin or put it on, Yin Li directly asked him to sit on the bed and talk to him.

   "I heard how many friends did you make?"

Yin or lowly responded with a "yes". He would be scornful to his grandmother and sisters, but he would not and dare not to his father, so he told the process of meeting Bai Shan and the others, saying that he liked it very much. A few friends.

   Yin Li did not object to him making friends, nodded and asked, "Why did you stabbed yourself?"

   Yin or head down without speaking.

   Yin Li stared at him, and sighed after a long time: "The family is preparing to say kiss to you."

   Yin may pursed his mouth and said: "Father, I don't want to get married yet."

   "Why?" Yin Li stared at him and asked.

  Yin or sullenly said: "Zhou Man said, I shouldn’t get married early or get married. I can live for a few more years. I want to live."

   "Moreover," he raised his head to look at his father, "I asked Taiyi Tan, my child may be as weak as me, and I don't want my future children to live the same life as me."

   Yin Li stared into his eyes for a while and then nodded slightly, and said quietly: "Well, I will talk to your grandmother, your marriage will be postponed, and I will talk about it later."

   Yin or he breathed a sigh of relief, got up to send his father out, Yin Li held him down and said: "No, you rest, it's windy outside, be careful of catching cold."

  Longevity lowered his head and tremblingly sent the master out.

Yin Li stood outside the door and looked at him and said, "Take care of the young master, and you can do your job as a bookboy. Tomorrow I will call you a coachman, and you will take it with you wherever you go in the future. When you meet an assassin again, you still spend money on people?"

  Longevity responded with a pale face.

   Yin Li is gone.

Longevity breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately went back to the room to tell the young master the news.

  Yin may have gotten into the quilt and lay down. He didn't reject it, nodded and said, "I see."

  As long as it is not someone sent by his sisters to intervene in his life.

  The coffins of the three kings and sons of Yizhou were quietly placed in the palace after they returned to Beijing. The clan came forward to treat the funeral, but except for the clan, the ministers stayed away and no one dared to pay homage.

And most of the clan families went because of the empress dowager’s face, but because of the emperor’s sake, they didn’t dare to make it too grand, so they went silently until the burial. Except for those who care, the people in the capital didn’t even feel it. The grand prince's death.

  Of course, King Yizhou was not buried in the prince's ritual. He was buried in the prince's ritual. Although he could be buried in Xian tomb, he also dug a hole and buried it.

During this period, the case of King Yizhou was turned upside down, including what happened twelve years ago was also turned up. Bai Qi was posthumously awarded as Yizhou Mu, and he joined him in rebellion against King Zha Yizhou. He Ziyun, the county prime minister who was killed in one case, his eldest son He Chang, and many other officials were reversed one by one.

Of course, the emperor will not ask about these details one by one. These are all checked by Wei Zhi and Mrs. Tang and handed over to the Ministry of Etiquette. The Ministry of Etiquette will then sort out and determine the people who need to be rewarded and the pensions to be given, and then write the notes and hand them over. Emperor.

After approval, the emperor thought for a while and asked, "Where is Zhou Man's father Zhou Yin?"

  Wei Zhizhongchen standing below: ...forgot.

  After all, that person is not an official.

  The emperor thought for a while and said: "He is a righteous man. If he deserves the reward, he will be given as a Mianzhou herd. It just so happens that he is also a Mianzhou native."

  It's just a gift number after death. Everyone has no opinion, so they bowed and praised the emperor wisely.

  The emperor added Zhou Yin's name to the back of the zhezi, and then sent the zhezi back to the Ministry of Rites, sighing: "Have all the people involved in the case been found out?"

  Wei Zhi said that the investigation is almost done, but the trial is still needed. The Ministry of Criminal Justice, Dali Temple and Yushitai have been very busy recently.

The emperor thought for a while and said: "Tiao Yang Heshu and Tang He go back to Beijing. They were investigating the matter at first, and they were asked to come to Beijing to help with the trial. The speed should be faster. The queen mother is in poor health. Don't drag this matter until the Chinese New Year ."

  Everyone understood in an instant that they were sentenced as soon as possible. After the New Year, most of them would pray for the Queen Mother and forgive a group of people who had not committed the death penalty.

Wei Zhi and several ministers looked at each other, but they didn’t have any opinion, because the three clans were involved, and many of them were innocent people. They are now locked in various government offices, and they will be able to report this batch of lists. Go up.

  For example, Zhang Cishi’s brothers and nephews and nieces were all confused when they were arrested. As Zhang Cishi’s younger brother, he could not escape, but he could put his nephews and nieces on the pardon list.

  Otherwise, it will continue to be implicated in this way. With the current scale, 20,000 people can't stop it.

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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