Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1216: Right

   Chapter 1216

  The animal husbandry of a state is equivalent to the governor's history. Of course, the actual power is a bit greater than that of the governor's history.

  However, the first emperor canceled the state animal husbandry at that time, except for the capital and the accompaniment capital, all changed to the governor's history and weakened his power. After that, the state animal husbandry became a gift after the death of the hero.

  There is no practical benefit except for allowing him to be recorded in the history books and having an identity passed on.

  Koko couldn't understand the significance of this, but humans were very excited, including its host, and jumped happily several times.

  It played three big question marks in Man Bao’s mind, and Man Bao explained to him in detail, “The civil servants and military commanders made merits to make their wives and sons, prosperous and prosperous for a lifetime, two?”

  Keko played a question mark.

  Man Bao shook his head and said, "Second, I'm just for the sake of history."

"Up to the emperor, down to the people of Li people, who doesn't want to keep a history?" Man Bao said, "My father doesn't have this title. No one will remember him except us. There will be a few more generations to come. If you don't edit the genealogy, I’m afraid that future generations won’t know about it. But that’s not going to happen. He has the emperor’s posthumous gift. He can not only record it in the daily notes, but also record it in the historical record. In the future, future generations only need to open it. History books will know that such a person once did such a thing in the world."

   Talking, talking, Man Bao calmed down, a little sad, "This is called sadness after death."

   Keke said: "People are dead, what's the use?"

  Man Bao thought for a long time and then said: "If a person has reincarnation, it is useful. If not, it is indeed useless for the dead, but it is for the living."

  Yes, it is not only useful for living people, but also very useful.

  Man Bao had just learned the news on his front foot, and when he sat in a carriage on his hind foot to pick up Bai Shan and them before the Imperial College, a group of teenagers came out of school and saw her with a smile and called "Miss Zhou."

  Even Bai Shan smiled and called her, "Miss Zhou."

  Man Bao looked at them and asked, "You are taking the wrong medicine?"

  Bai Shan smiled and said happily: "You are now the lady of the Zhou Mu's family, we naturally have to be more respectful."

  Man Bao thought for a while, and then replied, "Then you are also the son of the Zhou Mu Family, and I have to respond respectfully."

  Seeing the two worshiping each other, Feng Zongping and the others also joined in the fun and worshipped each other, "Oh, the son of the Zhou Mujia..."

  "Oh, the son of Shangshu Family..."

   "Oh, the little boy from the right xiang family..."

   "Come on, here is the son of Jing Zhaoyin..."

   "Come on, Miss from Zhou Mu's family..."

  Only Bai Erlang’s teeth were too sour, and he grabbed the Feng Zongping who followed the chaotic worship, "They worshiped them, what are you going to join in the fun?"

  Yi Ziyang happily said, "Why can't we join in the fun?"

  Bai Erlang: "They are childhood sweethearts. They are right in their own right. What is it like for you to worship together?"

  Feng Zongping listened, looked at the two people who were facing him, put his hands away and said with joy: "Really."

  Bai Shan and Man Bao's face turned red, and they stood up straight and stopped worshiping.

  When Ji Hao heard this, the smile on his face fell off. He said: "People say that the high school marries a daughter, and the low family marries a daughter-in-law. Both of their fathers have become state shepherds. Isn't it appropriate?"

Bai Erlang was originally very sad, and still a little bit jealous. When he heard Ji Hao’s words, he became unhappy and immediately retorted: "Who said it was inappropriate. The door, why is it inappropriate?"

  Bai Shan nodded in agreement, and gave the apprentice and cousin an appreciative look.

   Ji Hao sullenly said: "No matter how tall I am, Ji Hao is not as tall as my Ji family."

   Baijiro: "Your Ji family is too high to climb."

   Feng Zongping, Yin or Yi Ziyang and the others looked at them back and forth, and they were speechless for a long time.

  Man Bao was a bit shy at first, and seeing the two of them getting up endlessly, he couldn't help but said: "You guys are endless, making it as if you are my elders, Bai Cheng, don't forget, I am the senior sister!"

  I went to see Ji Hao again, Man Bao frowned and said nothing, after all, he was not familiar.

  The atmosphere was a little embarrassing for a while, and Bai Shan broke the deadlock with a smile, "It's rare that everyone has free time and this happy event is happening again. I invite you to dinner."

  Man Bao immediately said: "Go to our Zhouji restaurant, my sixth brother and they also hired a new chef, and the dishes are delicious."

  Everyone had no opinion, so they happily drove out of the inner city together.

  At this moment, it’s not time for dinner, so there are not many people in the restaurant, but the back kitchen is so busy that it’s so busy, after all, there is a lot of preparation work.

  Zhou Lijun sat behind the counter and planned to make an order. He calculated the accounts for today’s noon. If there was no problem, he would write it down. As soon as she looked up and saw sister and the others come in, she immediately put down her pen to greet him, “Sister, why are you here?”

  Man Bao pointed to Bai Shan and said with a smile: "He treats guests to dinner, we are here for dinner."

   Zhou Lijun smiled and led them to the second floor, found them a good box by the window to sit in, and then rushed downstairs to take the menu and show them to them.

  Usually it is to report the name of the dish. After all, not everyone is literate, but Zhou Lijun thinks they might prefer to look at the menu and choose slowly.

This is indeed the case. Everyone figured it out with the menu. Feng Zongping took a look at Zhou Lijun while choosing, and then smiled with Man Bao: "Miss Zhou, you are all from the Zhou Mu's family. Are you still planning to open this shop? ?"

   "Of course it's going to be opened, the cost has not been earned yet."

  Yi Ziyang lightly coughed: "Zong Ping means that your family can ask a shopkeeper and a few buddies to take charge of the restaurant. There is no need for family members to do it themselves."

  Bai Shan laughed at the words, and asked: "Does the family have to buy a few servants to serve?"

  Yi Ziyang smiled and said: "Why not? When your majesty's imperial decree goes to the state and county, the Ministry of Ritual and the locality will have rewards. Buy more land and invite tenants to become gentry."

  It’s always like being here with a smile on your face, right?

  Of course, Yi Ziyang didn't say this.

  Man Bao was shocked, "If my father knew that I was such a prodigal, he would definitely scold me."

  Bai Shan continued: "You will also discount your brothers' legs."

  He laughed and said, "I think it’s good now. Who in this world doesn’t work? Only work can create value."

  Feng Zongping couldn’t help but raise his head, “Who said this? Although the owner bought the person, the owner didn’t do nothing, and he wanted to manage the person?”

Zhou Lijun on the side couldn’t help but said, “Isn’t this not looking for work? With so many family members, we can do it by ourselves. Why should we hire the shopkeeper and the buddies, and buy people? I think this grandpa will not only interrupt Uncle Wu's legs, our legs will also be interrupted."

   "By the way, sister, what did they say about the daughter of the state shepherd..."

  Man Bao squinted his eyes and said: "You don't know, my brother, it is my father who has been given as a state shepherd."

  Zhou Lijun didn’t quite understand, "What is the posthumous gift, what is the state animal husbandry?"

   See you at four in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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