Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1218: amnesty

  Chapter 1218 Amnesty

  The emperor thought for a while, but he didn't feel too entangled, nodded, and then asked: "You still let Feng Shangshu and the others help out?"

  The prince frowned, "No, I just told my father, what do you want them to do?"

The emperor groaned, "Then who are they looking for?"

The emperor knew who was looking for them the next day. There was no way. The story made up by Bai Shan was so wonderful. What's more important was that he went back and discussed with Manbao Baijilang. Falsely mixed saying that the classmates and their families in the National School of China don't want it.

  Even people like Feng Shangshu can't forget the story after hearing the story from his grandson, and even took the time to go to the jail and look at Mingxue.

  Good stories are always spread faster, especially in places with strong academic atmosphere like Guozixue.

  Everyone exchanged ideas after class, got together after school, and passed on from Guozixue to Taixue next door, and then to the four schools next door.

  At the same time, the brothers and sisters in the family are also very interested, and the reunion of the sisters and sisters spread in the back house.

  The next day after Yin Lichao took this matter as a chat with the emperor.

  As Jing Zhaoyin, in addition to his gossip about things in the capital, he would “chat” with the emperor if he had some interesting anecdotes or related to the ministers of the DPRK.

The emperor    was all interested, and asked: "Xiang Mingxue really entered a peach blossom garden after falling into the water, and found the martial arts secrets in it?"

   Yin Li said with a smile: "The minister also asked Feng Shangshu. Feng Shangshu said that he had asked Xiang Mingxue. Xiang Mingxue said that he learned swordsmanship from a knight when he was fleeing, and there is no cave."

  The emperor was slightly disappointed, "However, he can learn from a weak scholar to a knight in a short period of time, but he has worked hard."

Yin Li said: "When the minister led his troops to Suizhou, he checked that the Dongxi Zhuang Xiang clan was quite famous in Suizhou, and moved to Suizhou during the Wei and Jin Dynasties. No one can join the officialdom, but the direct descendants have been studying and can be regarded as a family of poetry and books."

  The emperor sighed, thought for a moment, took out the pleading letter of Fengshang Shu, signed the word quasi-pardon on it, stamped it and put it aside.

   Yin Li saw it, and lowered his eyes to stand aside obediently.

  The emperor did not pay attention to his actions, and continued to ask: "You went to mobilize the Western Army, have you seen their defense?"

   "I've seen it, there are some minor omissions, General Lu Dang even corrected it."

The emperor nodded, "Since I have seen it, how do you think Tubo is currently fighting?"

   Yin Li was taken aback, frowning and said: "It's better than the one more than ten years ago. It's just that after three years from Dazhen, Tubo has already proclaimed me a minister, Your Majesty..."

  The emperor showed him a letter from the Ministry of Rites, and said, “An envoy from Tubo has arrived. It is said that this year’s grassland has been hit by snow, so the annual tribute paid has been cut by half.”

   Yin Li quickly took it.

The emperor said: "I don't want to fight, but if they have wolf ambitions, I am not afraid of it. You used to lead the Western army and guard the border. You said, if a war between the two sides starts, how much force do we need?"

   is not whether they can win or not, but how much force they need. Obviously the emperor thinks they can win.

   Yin Li also felt that they would definitely win the fight, but why did they have to fight?

  As Jing Zhaoyin, he knew how big the pit was, so he pushed the pot back to the emperor. “The minister has been away from the border for many years and knows very little about Tubo’s current military strength. Your Majesty might as well ask Li Shangshu to ask.

  Fighting such matters should be discussed with Li Zhen, Shangshu of the Ministry of War, oh, and Liuhui of Shangshu of the Ministry of War.

  The emperor couldn't get any advice from Yin Li, and was a little disappointed, so he waved his hand to make him retreat.

As soon as he left, the emperor handed the approved zigzag to Gu Zhong, especially the zigzag that was enshrined by Xiang Mingxue, which he put on top, "Tell Tang Qing on duty that although the queen mother is ill, But both eyes and ears are good, let them be quieter."

Gu Zhong hurriedly responded, bending over and about to retreat, the emperor stopped him again, coughing lightly: "You tell the two clever ones to go out of the palace for a walk, listen to what the outside is saying Xiangjia Of the story?"

  Yin Li is good at everything, that is, she speaks plainly and has a straight face. No matter how good the story is, it will be three points first when he tells it.

   Gu Zhong knew that it was the emperor's playfulness when he heard it. He immediately raised his voice in response and bowed back.

  As the head of the Yushi, Mr. Tang, of course he also heard the stories circulating outside, and he knew better than everyone else.

  This story was made up by the three children, and laughed out at the thought that he had received a Jianzhou souvenir from Zhou Man when he got home that day.

From the time the three teenagers entered Beijing to the present, it seems that they did not make people think of the Tang county magistrate. They have never visited the door in person, or they were locked up in prison before. Their family also passed the news through Wei Zhi. I haven't visited him before, let alone give gifts.

  At this moment, the dust settled, they came down, and they came, and a group of people from Mianzhou came to see him, the father of the Yizhou parent official who gave it to Jianzhou's souvenir.

  Lord Tang took the zhezi to find Ji Xiang, and took Ji Xiang to find Feng Shang Shu. It just so happened that the yamen hadn’t gotten down yet.

  Because there are big guys reviewing and passing the papers, the papers that should have been sent to the Criminal Ministry early the next morning arrived in Feng Shangshu's hands not long after.

Then, after Feng Shangshu glanced at Ji Xiang and Mr. Tang, the Zhezi, which was supposed to be executed the next day, called Tao Yi and handed the Zhezi to him and said, "Put the two people in the jail. Got it."

Tao Yi took it, glanced over the zhezi with ten lines, and then glanced at Ji Xiang and Mr. Tang who were sitting in the chief’s office drinking tea. He was clever and didn’t ask much. He bowed down and thought for a while and invited an errand runner. The little official said: "Go to Changqing Alley, find the Bai family, and ask them to pick up people in the jail, saying that your Majesty Long En has forgiven Xiang Mingxue."

  The little official responded quickly.

  Tao Yi only then began to prepare materials to release people in the jail.

   To release the person, it is not enough to go directly to the jail and unlock the lock. You have to go through the formalities. Why is the person locked up and why the person is released again must be clearly written.

  Waiting for Tao Yi to finish writing the documents, and other colleagues of the Criminal Ministry had to go home early. He had to work overtime to get to the jail, Zhou Man and the others were all squatting on the steps in front of the jail waiting for him.

  As soon as he saw him coming, he immediately jumped up and greeted him with a smile on his face.

  Tao Yi couldn’t help sighing, “It’s good if you have a relationship. You are more comfortable and convenient, but I have to work overtime for you.”

  Bai Shan immediately said: "Master Tao, thanks to your care when we were in jail, we brought you some Jianzhou specialties."

  Tao Yi paused, but he did not have the consciousness of not accepting gifts, but he felt strange, "Jianzhou? Are you not from Mianzhou?"

  (End of this chapter)

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