Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1219: Release

  Chapter 1219 Release

  Man Baole said haha: "We have a friend who came from Jianzhou and brought special local products. I don’t know if Master Tao knows him or not, Master Shi Fu, the governor of Jianzhou."

  Tao Yi's eyes flickered, "Is Yue Yushi's in-laws?"

  He didn't know Fu Liang, but he knew Yue Wei. Yue Wei had a shocking crash before. As a minister of the criminal ministry, of course he had to find out what happened.

  Whether that admonition came from Yue Wei's heart, or was bought by someone, then I knew what was happening in Yue Wei's family, and Yue Wei's family had just arrived in the capital.

At that time, he casually glanced, Jianzhou Governor Shi entered Beijing to report on his work. At that time, he also found that Zhou Man entered and left the Fu's house. He also checked carefully. Now he has no way to be sure that Yue Wei Zhuangzhu's admonition is what he wants. Yes, they are still in the same group with Zhou Man.

  Thinking of Ji Xiang and Mr. Tang, who came to give the papers in person, Tao Yi did not refuse, but accepted their gifts, and then took them into the jail to mention people.

  Unexpectedly, Man Bao and the others had expected that not only the Xiang family brothers, but also Na Ba Bo and Qiuniang, were locked in separate cells.

Tao Yi waved his hand and asked the officers to open the door and bring the people out. Seeing that their eyes fell on Ba Bo and Qiuniang, he explained: "I have to interrogate them before and have to collect evidence or something, so the two missed Qiu. Zhan, now all those who were sentenced to be beheaded in the jail have been slashed, and the exiled are on their way, leaving them alone."

  Man Bao three people:...

  Man Bao glanced at Qiuniang, a little unbearable, "Qiu Niang is also considered a meritorious service, can you avoid death?"

  Ba Bo, who was sitting on the other side, immediately grabbed the prison door and said: "Little genius doctor, I have done meritorious service too, can I avoid death?"

  Man Bao glanced at him and wrinkled his face as he was about to speak. Bai Shan had already said faintly: "Forget it, you have four lives in your body, and one of them is official."

  "The officer was not a good person. He didn't chase me to arrest me and bring me to justice. I thought about it carefully. He might want to kill me, for fear that I would leak their secrets."

  Bai Shan said angrily: "Do you know what their secrets are, are they afraid of revealing your secrets?"

  He didn’t think that an ordinary Xiaoyao in Maozhou knew about rebellion.

  Babu knows why, but seeing these high officials in order to ask him about Qi’s village has delayed him Qiu Zhan, which is obviously a major event.

I don’t know why Xiang Chao turned his back and Xiang Mingxue came out tremblingly. Seeing that the three of them were still thinking about entanglement with a strange prisoner, he said angrily: "All of you are burning your ass, why are you so leisurely? ?"

  Man Bao: "Wherever you burn your ass, you can go out. What's the rush? Oh, we forgot to tell you that Brother Xiang is forgiven and we can go home."

  Xiang Chao's eyes widened, and after a moment of excitement, he was speechless:...Why can you forget such important things?

  Man Bao nodded to Qiuniang who was looking at her, then turned and left.

  Bai Shan and Bai Erlang helped Xiang Chao lift Xiang Mingxue, lightly back towards Chao Chao, almost did not fall, he was too disgusted, "Don't lift it, don't lift it, our second son is not too heavy."

  He can carry people out by himself.

  In the lobby, Tao Yi took out the documents to the cell head to sign. After verifying the identities of Xiang Chao and Xiang Mingxue, the cell head asked the two to sign and detain, and then waved to let them go.

   Liu Gui drove up the carriage and helped carry Xiang Mingxue into the carriage.

  Wait when all five people got into the carriage, it was only then that the carriage seemed a bit crowded.

   So Man Bao looked at Bai Erlang, and Bai Shan looked at Bai Erlang.


  Fortunately, he snorted and turned out of the carriage and sat on the shaft with Liu Gui.

  Xiang Chao asked anxiously, "Where are we Xiang family? Why didn't Xiang Liuye come to pick us up?"

Bai Shan: "Oh, they live far away. Master Tao sent someone to Changqing Alley to call us. We came over as soon as we received the news. We have already called someone to inform Xiang Liuye. They should be at my house right now. Waiting."

  Xiang Chao was relieved.

  Xiang Mingxue asked: "Your Majesty's forgiveness for me is what you ask for?"

  Man Baodao: "How can we have that ability, we are asking the prince and some ministers in the court to help plead."

  Xiang Mingxue: "...Isn't that what you are asking for?"

  Bai Shan coughed lightly, “This process of intercession is a bit tortuous. Listen to me talking to you slowly. Don’t miss it when you go out.”

So I told him the story they had made up. Of course, the story was too long. They only opened a head when they returned to Changqing Lane, but the vivid description made Xiang Chao and Xiang Mingxue dumbfounded. Doubt, is this really him?

   Xiang Chaodu rubbed his chest suspiciously and said: "Is that brave when I flee with the second son?"

  Bai Shan and Man Bao nodded together, "Yes."

   Shirajiro stretched his head from outside the curtain and said: "By the way, I have already planned to write down this story, and then sell it to bookstores and spread it out. Do you mind if I use you to create it?"

Bai Shan promoted Bai Erlang, "His writing is not bad, and his writing is not bad. The most important thing is that the story was thought of by the three of us, and it was created based on your foundation. Rest assured, the story will not be bad. "

  Man Bao nodded again and again, "Everyone likes this story so much, I can let him give you a little money when I write it down."

  Shirajiro waved his hand very generously: "Money and everything are trivial matters, only a small amount, I want to make one!"

  Bai Shan and Man Bao didn’t fight with him, "Okay, I'll give it to you."

   Seeing that the two of them didn’t care at all, Shirajiro had to keep an inch and said, “Can you just write me alone instead of writing the names of the two of you?”

  Bai Shan became unhappy, "The story was thought of by the three of us. Most of them were made up by me. It's a good one for you. Do you want to take it alone?"

  Man Bao: "That's right, because we asked you to write it down, we didn't share the money with you."

   "I don't care about the money, I will give you the money, and you will give it your name."

  Man Bao looked at Bai Shan, and Bai Shan hesitated for a while, then went down, then nodded and said: "Okay, then that's the deal. You don't have a penny."

Bai Erlang was so happy that he narrowed his eyes and waved his hand: "What about money, what I have is, I am not like you, and I have spent all my savings. Since the money is no longer for me, you can talk about the split. Bar."

   Then her head shrank away, and as soon as the curtain was released, she went to plan how she would start writing when she went home at night.

  The verbal story is not the same as the one written. It’s a good way to write well.

  Man Bao looked at Bai Shan, Bai Shan also looked at Man Bao, the two exchanged their eyes, and then they turned their heads to look at Xiang Mingxue.

  Xiang Mingxue:...

  Should not this pseudonymous private matter be discussed in secret? Why should we discuss it in front of him?

  And just for such a small amount of money to give up the name of the author, this is...too unscrupulous!

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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