Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1224: Want to buy

   Chapter 1224

  Bai Shan pushed the box back again, and said generously: "If you give it to you, take it."

   Seeing her tangled face, he could only blush and say, "If you don't have it in the future, you can do it."

  Man Bao blinked his eyes and looked at him.

Bai Shan said with a light cough, "You are helping to see people in the family who are sick. You pay for the medicine. How can we be so clear? This is also to improve your medical skills. In the future, we will get sick. It’s up to you to see it. This is considered to be an advance payment for your consultation."

  Man Bao's gaze fell and fell on his ankle, "I think you may not need this medical technique."

  Bai Shan:...

  He just got up, "You take it, I'm going back to the house."

  Man Bao saw him leaving, so he hugged the box, opened it and touched the gold inside, feeling very happy. She always felt that other people's gold should be better touched.

  Man Bao returned to the house with gold after having eaten. After thinking about it, she entered the system and looked at the anthropomorphic model that had been sewn by her. She did not restore it with one key, but kept it in the patient's state to see the effect of the restoration.

  The effect...Of course it is not very good. After all, this operation is too rough. Man Bao went to click on the video commented by Teacher Mo.

  Mr. Mo is still busy, and the commented videos are also sent piece by piece, highlighting all the shortcomings during Manbao’s surgery.

  Man Bao took a note and recorded it, and planned to improve it tomorrow. The first is the treatment of stagnant water, and then the separation of the adhered tendons...

  Manbao recorded them one by one, until the alarm clock she set went off and Keke reminded her to go to sleep, she was out of the system with great intentions, lying in bed for a long time and couldn't fall asleep.

  This case is really interesting. This is probably the most difficult operation she has ever done. Sure enough, Teacher Mo was right. The more delicate the operation, the more difficult it is.

  Can't sleep, she went through today's operation in her heart based on Teacher Mo's comments, and fell asleep before she was completely confused.

  She was woken up by Bai Shan the next day.

  When she put on her clothes and shaved her head, Bai Shan had already washed herself. She was taking a book and was going to the small garden for early reading. When she saw her, she said, "Hurry up and wash, I'm about to eat breakfast."

  After she finished washing, Bai Shan returned with memorizing a text. The three of them went out together after eating early meals.

  Daji is still recovering from his injuries, so the task of picking them up falls on Liu Gui.

  Liu Gui first sent Man Bao to the front of Ji Shitang. She jumped out of the carriage and said to Liu Gui: "It will not be used to pick me up at noon. I have to go to the clinic today. Xiao Shao will take me home."

   Liu Gui should go down.

  Bai Shan raised the curtain and said to her: "You have to be careful."

  Man Bao waved his hand: "You can rest assured."

  The king of Yizhou is dead, who would be against her?

   Queen Mother?

Even if it was for Xinqing County King, she would not deal with her clearly. Mr. Zhuang analyzed with them that if they had an accident in the capital, they would not only slap the court and the emperor in the face, but also let the Queen Mother and Xinqing County King fall. Suspicious, so even if they might not be popular, no one dared to threaten their lives for a while.

Man Bao waited for the carriage to leave, he happily turned around and entered Ji Shitang, and found Xiao Shao and said, "Did you not say that you knew a man who worked in the carriage? When we came out of the Suguo Gongfu Go and see?"

  Xiao Shao said in a daze, "Doctor Zhou is going to buy a horse? I thought you would not buy it anymore."

  Man Bao mentioned earlier that he wanted to buy a horse, but he never bought it. One is that there are too many things, and the other is that they were a little dangerous some time ago, and they were just wasted at home when they bought it.

   Xiao Shao didn't mention it after seeing her asking once, he thought she would not buy it anymore.

  Man Baodao: "We have to see if it is good, the main price has to be cheap."

  Xiao Shao: "...Dr. Zhou Xiao, the price of a good horse is generally not cheap."

  Man Bao thought for a while and said: “It’s okay, then buy cheap ones, good ones, just live.”


  Keke couldn’t help reminding her, “The host, the quality of the collected species will also affect the reward points.”

Man Baodao: "I remember when you said that when you were young, the ones with little impact, what you want more is the genes they carry, whether they are high-quality or inferior, because they have no fixed criteria for judging, so bonus points in this respect Very rarely, I remember it all."

  Keke stopped speaking.

  It was when the host was still very young. She went to the mountains to dig flowers and plants. Because of the lack of precision and strength, she broke the flowers and plants several times.

  The digging bad stuff was full of waste and thrown away. Sometimes Keke only found one or two plants, and she even digged them all. It really hurts, so she also asked her to be included in the system.

  It was this explanation that was given at the time. Although it was true, it thought it was a bit more comforting. However, people just remembered it.

  Man Bao took the box that Bai Shan gave. There was nothing she could do. She was really out of gold. Her private money still had more than one hundred taels of silver left, and she had to keep it for emergency use.

  But the points in the system are also very important. Man Bao now feels that a male anthropomorphic model is not enough, because some diseases require a second operation or even three operations, which means that surgical observation time is required.

  So she has to have at least two models for surgery experiments.

  The two models she currently has, one male and one female, were given to her by Teacher Mo at his own expense. She felt that buying one or two more would make it difficult to ask Teacher Mo to pay, so she still had to earn points.

  It’s a pity, she doesn’t seem to be very interested in the things Mr. Mo here, except for the patient’s data, he has almost no desire, otherwise she would exchange things with Mr. Mo.

  If you want to earn points to buy "patients", but you can't dig out the flowers and plants in the palace for the time being, you can only pay for livestock.

  In addition to horses, there are cows and sheep...

  However, Manbao thinks horses are the most expensive, and Keke also checked that horses should have the highest scores, so in order not to be noticeable, she decided to include a horse first.

  Because if you buy a cow, you have to register at the Yamen. Well, after you buy a horse, you will buy a sheep...

  Manbao had a plan. After eating at Jishitang in the afternoon, he quickly went to Suguo Gongfu, planning to make a quick decision, and then go to buy horses.

  Ms. Cheng Er did not expect that Zhou Man would come to see her doctor, and quickly asked her to come in, and went to pick her up at the second door in person.

  Man Bao has been in and out of Su Guo Gong Mansion several times, and it is the first time for Mrs. Cheng Er to pick her up at Ermen

  Second Mrs. Cheng took Man Bao’s hand and smiled and said, “I sent someone to Jishitang to invite you. I thought you were not coming.”

   "I have a reply. I've said that the one who came here today, what? Didn't the second lady's servant tell you?"

"Tell me, but who knew it was you who came. I thought you Ji Shitang would send a doctor to come." Madam Cheng took her into the room and sat down, and smiled: "I heard that you started in these two days. Going back to Jishitang to sit in the church, are you actually planning to be a doctor forever?"

  Man Bao nodded, "Am I not always a doctor?"

  Second Mrs. Cheng glanced at her puzzled expression and then smiled: "Yes, it's a layman like us who wants to make a difference. Come on, you can help me see how things are going on with me."

   Buy it, buy it, buy it!

     See you at four in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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