Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1225: the difference

  Chapter 1225 Differences

  Although Man Bao had been in jail in the middle, Mrs. Cheng Er did not stop taking the medicine. She had been taking the prescription Man Bao prescribed before, so her illness was much better.

  Man Bao said after reading it that the medicine can be taken off. Next, he should focus on meals, and walk around the garden two or three times a day.

  "You can continue to use the ointment, I think the lines are much lighter."

Mrs. Cheng also feels that her health is much better. At least she won’t just stand for a while and her waist will be sore as before. Sitting is uncomfortable, and lying down is also uncomfortable. Now even her complexion has improved a lot.

Mrs. Cheng Er happily invited Man Bao to drink tea, waved her hand to let the people in the house step back and said: "Doctor Zhou Xiao, I have a few friends, and they all have some symptoms. I will ask them to come home tomorrow. You Come and help them take a look, OK?"

  Man Bao smiled and said: "I will have a patient out tomorrow afternoon. If it is not an emergency, Mrs. Cheng can ask them to go to Jishitang to find me. The second floor of our Jishitang is very secretive, so it is available to the distinguished."

   Seeing Madam Cheng’s second frown, she said again: “If there is something inconvenience at home, it’s okay. Let the servants go to Jishitang and leave a post. I’ll go back and arrange the order, and I’ll come to see the doctor.”

  Second Mrs. Cheng nodded with a smile, “Alright, yes, did Dr. Zhou bring more of this ointment this time? I sent someone to Jishitang to buy it before, and the shopkeeper said it was sold out.”

Sold out?

   Shanbao blinked. When she went to the backyard to eat today, the shopkeeper was not only cooking a pot of new pots, but the pots boiled the previous two days were also placed in the pots, which were full of medicine racks.

  Man Bao "Ah" and then said: "Yes, there are many people who buy this ointment, this time I asked Xiao Shao to bring a jar."

  Second Mrs. Cheng said: “Dr. Zhou Xiao doesn’t bring a few more cans. There are several women in my family. This ointment can be used.”

  Man Bao was a little embarrassed, "Then how many more cans I will bring you when I visit Mrs. Cheng next time?"

Mrs. Cheng smiled and nodded.

  Manbao took the things and wanted to say goodbye.

  Second Mrs. Cheng smiled and got up to send her out, and asked, “It’s still early, don’t you really sit down?”

  Man Bao refused, saying: "I have to go to the cart and horse ride in a while, and sit in another day."

   "Cars and horses? Are you still buying a car?"

   "I want to buy a horse."

Madam Cheng Er nodded thoughtfully, and sent Man Bao to Ermen with a smile: "Dr. Zhou Xiao, you and I are also familiar, I will not call you doctor in the future, how about calling you Sister Zhou? It happened to me. There is a cousin who is about the same age as you, and I will introduce you to you in the future."

  Man Bao smiled and said goodbye to her and left.

  Second Mrs. Cheng watched her leave, only then, holding the girl’s hand and turning around with a smile.

  The girl was puzzled, "Second Madam, why are you so kind to Doctor Zhou Xiao suddenly?"

  Second Mrs. Cheng held her hand and said, "The identity is different. You have to be polite if Miss Zhou comes back in the future."

She sat on the couch, took the ointment left by Man Bao just now and looked at it and smiled: "Before, she was just a doctor, a genius doctor, we have to be polite, but now, she is not only a genius doctor, but also a hero. Girl, she is a filial daughter who dared to avenge her father and go to the palace to report to the imperial court, so we have to respect it."

She handed the ointment to the girl, asked her to put it away, and leaned on the front pillow and said: "Look at it, now the queen mother is still there. The case of King Yizhou has not been completely resolved, so no one will come into contact with her at this time. After waiting for a few years, the queen dowager is coming, and the case is completely closed. Most people appreciate her. At the time of introduction, I don’t know how many people fancy her character and want to marry home, but it’s a pity... "

  The girl held the ointment and asked: "What a pity?"

"It's a pity that Honghu's ambition is different from me and other laymen." Madam Cheng Er smiled here, but suddenly remembered something and sighed, "Forget it, what do you do with this, Erye, go again Where is the little goblin's house now, let him come back, I remember he robbed a horse from my brother the last time, where did he get the horse?"

  The girl was shocked, "Second Madam, you don’t want to send a horse to Doctor Zhou Xiao, do you?"

Madam Cheng gave her a sideways glance and said, "Is there anything wrong with me? That horse is almost worth a lot of money. I am better now. It happens that the weather is good these few days, so I can go to the racecourse to play polo. By the way, look at the racecourse. Horse, look for a good horse for Miss Zhou."

  The girl was relieved.

   Last time the second master almost fought with the uncle's master for this horse, if the second lady gave away so easily, not only would the second master vomit blood, but also the uncle's master would also vomit blood.

  Man Bao handed the medicine box to Xiao Shao, climbed into the carriage and waited out of Su Guo Gong Mansion. He got out of the carriage and sat on the shaft, watching the crowds on the street faintly and sighed.

  Xiao Shao glanced at her sideways, "Doctor Zhou Xiao, what's the matter with you?"

  Man Bao sighed: "I only feel the human feelings that my husband said so deeply today, I am still too tender."

  Xiao Shao's heart was lifted up instantly, and she asked with trepidation, "Dr. Zhou Xiao, what happened to you in the house with Madam Cheng Er?"

  This is someone who dared to sue the imperial court at the Queen Mother’s birthday banquet.

  Man Baodao: "Nothing happened. Didn't you notice it? This time we entered the residence government office is very different from the past."

  Xiao Shao said of course: "The status of Doctor Zhou is different from before.

  Living in the countryside since childhood, the county magistrate most often comes into contact with the most valuable identity. The three county magistrates I happened to encounter have not made Man Bao feel the majesty of the class, so she did not understand Xiao Shao well.

But Xiao Shao had lived in the world since he was a child. Two of the ten people hit were clan families, three powerful and three officials. Of the remaining two, one was a wealthy businessman, and one was a commoner like him. He understands this class stratification too much.

  Man Bao is not Wu Xia Amen, but she still feels a strong difference. In Qili Village, and even in Luojiang County, the doctor is still very respected.

  It is in Yizhou City. Although the status of doctors is not as good as that in Luojiang County and the village, they are also very prominent, but in the capital...

  Man Bao thought of the imperial doctor who had been cut down on the ground by the prince with a sword, and no one dared to save him for a long time. He asked in a depressed mood: "Is the doctor's status very low?"

  Xiao Shao scratched his head, not understanding Man Bao's words very well, "It's not low, the little one wants to become a doctor in his life."

  Man Bao Shunzui encouraged him, “You will be successful if you study hard.”

  Xiao Shao grinned happily.

  Man Bao is still thinking about the issue of status. It is strange that her relationship with Mrs. Cheng Er is a doctor-patient relationship, but before, she was polite to her; but now she respects her.

  But the respect is not because of her identity, but because her father was posthumously awarded as a state shepherd, and Man Bao decided to go home and consult her husband.

But now it doesn’t matter. The most important thing is that Xiao Shao stopped the car and Man Bao smelled the scent of carriages and horses. As soon as he looked up, he saw all kinds of livestock **** in the market, and all kinds of familiar and unfamiliar scents puffed his face. Come.

   See you at eight in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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