Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1235: integral

   Chapter 1235 Points

Bai Erlang's textbook, oh, no, the biography of Xiang Xia was written very smoothly. The story was polished and processed by the three people based on Xiang Jia's story. Bai Erlang wrote it once, and Bai Shan revised it a little bit for him and changed it. Add a little or add something, and then copy it down and send it to the bookstore.

That's right, Bai Erlang went to a bookstore and negotiated the written biography and gave it to them for printing. Even the audience is ready-made. Now he has written twenty words and published it into a booklet. Guozixue Almost everyone has one copy. Many people in Taixue and Four Schools bought it. Guangguozijian sold nearly a thousand copies, not to mention that people from outside also like this book, oh no, it's a biography.

  Nowadays, Xiang Mingxue is a famous celebrity in the capital, but because of certain relationships, everyone is discussing it in private, not daring to publicize it, for fear of getting the eyes of the palace.

  But everyone still respected Xiang Mingxue from the bottom of their hearts, and secretly regarded him as a great hero.

  In this era, most of the writers of biographies are historians, and they are all to some famous officials or emperors. Like this, to a common citizen, Bai Cheng and the others are the first.

  Furthermore, the story of Xiang’s family follows the words of King Yizhou. Although the emperor didn’t publicize it because of the Queen Mother Gu, it was posted on the bulletin walls of Yamen in some major cities in Beijing.

  Therefore, Xiang Mingxue’s story originally has an attractive quality, which will make people subconsciously feel that this is true and that it happened in real time.

  How do these people know that the people who wrote this book have read a lot of scripts since they were young, and the three have made up the story together and wrote the story directly?

Anyway, Xiang Mingxue reads it with great gusto. He completely regards Xiang Mingxue in the book as another person. Except for the track of revenge is his own, and some things he does are his own, other descriptions of him are completely the same. Face stunned.

  Xiang Chao’s favorite thing to do recently is to help Bai Cheng organize the manuscript. You can read it while collating, and ask Xiang Mingxue about the words you don’t recognize.

  Liu Huan also wanted to do this kind of work, so he stayed in the study and did not leave until he had read the inventory written by Bai Erlang before he agreed to leave.

   Bai Erlang muttered and sent him out, "This manuscript will be sent to the bookstore tomorrow, and it will be printed out in two days. You will still buy a copy back then, so why bother to read it at this time?"

   Liu Huan said contentedly: “You wrote the story, so you don’t understand it naturally, and you’ve heard it to the son once, but we still don’t know anything about the funeral.”

  Following to send them out, Xiang Chao secretly said in his heart: He has experienced it personally, and he also doesn't know the funeral, so what's the use of the second son?

  Waiting to send Liu Huan and Yin or away, the three of them looked at each other, and immediately ran to the stables, and started to hug their own ponies. They liked them too much.

  Manbao is the youngest of the three horses. It is only two years old. Both Baishan and Baijilang are two and a half years old, and they will be adults in six months.

But they are not small. At least they have taken them on the racecourse. Man Bao wanted to ride on it now. Just when she secretly poked and tried to find the saddle in the warehouse and put it on, the system dinged for a while. When the sound of clamour.

  Kokedao: "Host, the reward points for including horses have come down."

  Man Bao's eyes lit up, some reluctantly let go of Chi Ji, and turned to the cannon fodder house.

  Bai Shan was still touching Pioneer’s neck, occasionally feeding him a handful of beans to cultivate his feelings, and when he saw this, he asked, "What are you going to do?"

  Man Baodao: "Go back to the house and learn medical skills!?"

   Bai Erlang turned his head to look at Bai Shan, wondering: "What kind of stimulation did she get, so why did she go to learn medicine?"

  Bai Shan shook his head, "I don't know."

  He glanced at Chi Ji on the side, fed him a handful of beans, then clapped his hands and said, "You play, I'll go back too."

   After saying this, he ran away.

  Leave Shirajiro silently at the three horses.

  He turned around and was about to leave, Green Ear pulled his clothes with his teeth, and squirted two breaths to express his dissatisfaction.

  Bai Erlang thought for a while, grabbed a handful of beans and fed it, only then did Green Ear let go of him, and leaned his hand to eat the beans.

  Man Bao ran back to the house, closed the door and went in to check the points. She counted the string of zeros, and she wowed in surprise, "1.28 million, Ma is really valuable."

  "It's very valuable," Kekedao: "Host, the Encyclopedia has just released a new task for you. I hope you can include another mare for research, and the reward points have reached 780,000 points."

  Man Bao "Huh" asked, "Why is there so much missing?"

   "Because many genes have been broken under the premise of a horse, the Encyclopedia decided that it is worth so much."

Man Bao has a different opinion, "It turns out that that horse is a male, and the male can't give birth to a pony. If you want a mare, it can transform into three horses with the previous horse, or even more. A lot of horses, it should be more valuable."

  Keke: "...The main system does not calculate this way."

  Man Bao waved his hand and said, "That must be its mistake, but it doesn’t matter, isn’t there a forum?"

   So under the stunned Keke, Man Bao posted a screenshot of the points of the included horses to the forum, and then said that she would sell a mare.

  Keke watched the operation of the host, silently said nothing, forget it, anyway, the main system also supports forum transactions, whether it is included in the encyclopedia or sold to the forum, it has a commission.

   is just the percentage of the rake, but if the transaction price of the forum is high, it is actually similar to the encyclopedia.

  Keko is operated by her.

  Man Bao exited contentedly, and then went to the mall to find an anthropomorphic model.

  She looked around and found that there are many kinds of anthropomorphic models, with different prices, but there is no one for medical use.

  Keke coughed slightly: "The anthropomorphic models in the mall are not for medical use. The best way to buy medical models is through Teacher Mo."

   "But didn't you say that you can't trade without going through forums and malls?"

   “No, but Mr. Mo can put the anthropomorphic model in the teaching material purchase in the teaching room, and the main system recognizes the existence of this teaching tool.”

  Man Bao rolled his eyes, "Then if I want to learn from your treatment chamber..."

  "You can enter the simulation classroom to study, but it is impossible to buy a treatment chamber, because its main function is treatment, not learning."

  Anthropomorphic models have no therapeutic function. Medical anthropomorphic models are for medical students to learn about the human body and learn about anatomy.

  Man Bao was a little disappointed. It seems that the Encyclopedia has very strict controls on this, and it really does not allow her to drill any loopholes.

  Man Bao can only contact Teacher Mo to buy an anthropomorphic model.

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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