Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1236: ins and outs

   Chapter 1236

  Ms. Mo quickly agreed.

  Medical anthropomorphic models are not cheap, but they are not very expensive either.

Teacher Mo is a teacher himself, and there are many channels. Man Baocai said that he can get two from other teachers after he goes out and put them directly in the textbook purchase column at the original price, so that Man Bao wants to buy it. Can buy.

  An 80,000 yuan, compared with other high-tech products, it is really practical and cheap.

  The price is much lower than Manbao’s budget. She was puzzled, "Why is it so cheap?"

  Encyclopedia does not sell this item, so Keke doesn’t know. Ordinarily, this technology will have to pay a large fine, right?

  "Because it is a school item," Teacher Mo responded to Keke this time: "It is not a weapon, and it has no attack function. It can only be used for learning. The Encyclopedia has the lowest price for all learning things."

  Man Bao looked at the prices of various medical books on the side, and compared the prices of books in this world, and nodded, that's true.

  Man Bao moved in his heart and asked: "Mr. Mo, can the treatment chamber be included in the textbook?"

   "No," Teacher Mo said: "There is a simulation classroom in the encyclopedia, and there is a simulation treatment room teaching in it. If you want to learn that, you can purchase its courses, but you can't buy the treatment room, and learning that is useless."

   "Why is it not sold in the mall?"

Teacher Mo smiled and said: "Who buys this stuff? The treatment warehouse in each community is free to lie down. If the condition is too serious, it is also free for treatment when sent to a public hospital. Who would spend that money to buy a treatment warehouse and put it at home? , It occupies a position and is not easy to operate."

  So, if there is no demand, there will naturally be no buying and selling.

  Man Bao sent a few cute emojis to Teacher Mo, bewildered: "Teacher Mo, otherwise you open an online store, and then I will buy it."

"Don't think about it, whether it is good to buy this thing or not, even if I buy it, you will have to equip it with the corresponding treatment medicine. Those medicines are not your Chinese medicinal juice and Chinese medicinal ointment," Teacher Mo said, frowning slightly. The voice sent directly to her, "Zhou Man, relying on foreign object therapy cannot last long. I do not deny that the treatment chamber has great convenience and benefits in treatment, but it also hinders the development of medicine. Most medical students choose to study medical devices and biopharmaceuticals, but clinical medicine ranks last."

"With the support of our current technology, there are all kinds of problems, not to mention that there is nothing there, don't say anything else, do you have electricity, do you have energy stones, do you have healing potions?" Teacher Mo asked her, "If the treatment chamber is broken, can you fix it? Will you update the system? Will you check the chamber body..."

  Ms. Mo asked many questions, and finally asked her, “Are you going to give up your current medicine for a treatment room?”

Of course Man Bao didn’t want it anymore. She just told Teacher Mo that when someone got sick, she opened her up, lay in, and injected medicine. She slept like lying in her mother’s arms, and she woke up with pain in her body. It’s just curious to see that it's slowly disappearing.

Seeing that Man Bao’s idea was dispelled, Teacher Mo was very satisfied and said to her: “Since you think it’s cheap, buy a few more anthropomorphic models, so that you can perform a complete set of cross exercises. I made the video you sent last time. After I finished the review, I also asked a student who was doing clinical ancient medicine research to help make a video, which also used data from Xiang Mingxue. At present, the effect of surgical observation is very good, you can learn about it."

  Man Bao lifted his spirits and immediately accepted the two videos he sent, and while clicking on it, he took the time to ask, “Mr. Mo, why don’t you do the surgery yourself?”

Teacher Mo coughed lightly: "I am more mainly studying ancient Chinese medicine. Of course, I also dabble in ancient Western medicine, but my main thing is to study its history. Now that bones and tendons are broken, they can be treated without treatment. There are not many people who know how to surgically treat tendons in warehouse corrections."

  He is also Kanmanbao who always divides the feet of anthropomorphic models into flesh and blood. Only then did he realize that the teaching of writing and adding pictures is still worse, so he wanted to find a student in school to help with the operation and record the video.

  Encyclopedia does not prohibit the output of such learning materials.

  Manbao received the video and was about to watch it. Keke reminded her that there was a knock on the door. She hurriedly exited the system and opened the door.

  Bai Shan looked at her caringly, "Are you okay?"

  Man Bao shook his head, saying that it was okay, but looked at him suspiciously, "What's the matter with me?"

  Bai Shan looked at her suspiciously, "Then why did you come back suddenly?"

  Man Bao wanted to say that it was okay, but she thought of her post on the forum. No matter whether there was a bid or not, she would buy another pony.

  Encyclopedia gives less points, but that is also points, isn’t it?

  So she looked at Bai Shan.

  Bai Shan also looked at her. After the two of them looked at each other for a while, Man Bao reached out and pulled him into the house and whispered, “I want to buy another horse.”

  Bai Shan was slightly taken aback, and asked, "Why are you buying so many horses?"

  Man Bao pointed his finger and said, "It's useful."

  Bai Shan looked down at her, "Is there not enough money?"

   "The money is enough. You don't need to buy a good one. You can buy two or thirty two horses, but you need a mare."

  Bai Shan was startled, "Such a cheap horse..." What can I do?

  But he didn’t know what he thought of, he looked out and asked in a low voice, “Did the horse you bought last time also be so cheap?”

  Man Bao nodded.

  Bai Shanbian has a deep gaze, "Is that horse for Uncle Zhou?"

  Man Bao hesitated for a while, then nodded tentatively. That's right, it was indeed for what he thought was "Uncle Zhou".

  Bai Shan then sighed in relief and smiled: "Don't worry, you have already bought it once. This time I went to the cart and horse shop to buy it. Should I buy a better one? Isn't it good to buy such a cheap one?"

   "No, you can't buy too good, he will feel distressed."

  Keke: ...not really.

  Who knew that Bai Shan nodded, "Yes, just like you and your father, I understand."

  Man Bao turned back to the inner room and touched three large silver ingots to him, "Don't buy too good, avoid others."

  Bai Shan nodded and pushed the money back, "I'll pay the money."

   "That won't work, this is what I want to use, how can I ask you to pay for it?"

"Take it as my respect to Uncle Zhou," Bai Shan said with a sigh, "Last time I fell into the water, if it weren't for Uncle Zhou, I would have died in the lake. I shouldn't have let you share the reward. But it’s impossible to let people know about things underwater, so I didn’t refuse."

  Bai Shan lowered his voice and said, "You tell Uncle Zhou, what he wants in the future, just ask me for it, and I will buy it for him."

  Man Bao was moved, but she still refused, "Forget it, he wants a lot, but a lot."

  Like a peacock to find out?

   See you at eight in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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