Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1245: The same diagnosis (to book friends

  Chapter 1245 The same diagnosis

  Mao and Wen Po both lowered their heads and did not speak.

  Ms. Han's eyes flashed, she sat down and took a sip of tea and said, "Forget it, I'd better ask the doctor to take a look."

  Li Saburo also nodded quickly. He didn't believe what Zhou Man had said about the C-section. He thought his wife was in good health and it was too alarmist for any dystocia.

  Manny Han did not delay, she went home the same day and said to her father that the Han family specially invited the doctor Lao Tan to come, and Lady Han brought a maid to the door the next day.

  Han Wu, the lady who saw the old grandmother was stunned for a moment, "Grandma Han, why are you here?"

  Grandma Han smiled and said: "The old slave heard that the fifth lady is back, so I came to see you."

  Grandma Han sat down on Han Wu's foot, glanced at her towering belly and smiled: "Fifth lady is going to be a mother too."

  Ms. Han Wu's complexion softened a lot, and she smiled: "Yes, he will be born in two months. I don't know if it is a boy or a girl?"

  Grandma Han took the opportunity to smile and said, "Why don't you let Grandma touch you?"

  Han Wu's lady's eyes lit up and she nodded and said: "Okay!"

Madam Han smiled and checked the fetus for Madam Han Wu. Although she felt a little uncomfortable every time, Madam Han Wu still cooperated with Madam Han, but she didn’t expect Madam Han to be checked, and there was another one at home. Physician.

  Han Wu frowned and looked at Han Da and said, "Sister, didn’t you say that Dr. Zhou Xiao was scheduled to deliver the baby? Is the little genius doctor's medical skills good? Why did you get a great doctor?"

  Ms. Han said: "It's the old doctor Tan. My father is not worried about you. I specially invited you to come here. Would you like to see it?"

  Han Wu Niangzi knew the medical skills of Lao Tan, and her father had invited it, and she quickly agreed.

  After they all finished reading, Lady Han asked the mother and maid to stay with Lady Han Wu, and she invited the doctor Lao Tan to go out, and the mother Han who was standing by also quietly retreated.

  This time, not only Lady Han, but also Han Shangshu and Li Shangshu are there.

  Two Shangshus sat on the top, one on the left and the other on the right, while Li Sanlang stood down. As soon as Old Doctor Tan came in, Han Shangshu got up and Li Shangshu also got up, and after both parties sat down to talk.

  Han Shangshu was a little anxious. Seeing the doctor Lao Tan did not speak, he said: "Old Tan, we have been in friendship for many years, tell me if you have anything, you know me, there must be no blame."

  Lao Doctor Tan looked up at him, then shook his head after a while and sighed: "Didn't your family invite a grandma to see it? Why don't you ask her first."

  Han Shangshu looked at Grandma Han.

  Grandma Han got down on her knees after two steps out, and Madam Han hurriedly supported her, "What are you doing, grandma, how dare we younger generations dare to accept your courtesy?"

  Han Shangshu: "Yes, nanny, don't hesitate to say anything."

  Grandma Han sighed: "Master, Grandma Wugu will not be able to give birth to this child."

  Li Sanlang's face turned white, and he looked at her in shock, Li Shangshu was also surprised, and quickly looked at Old Doctor Tan.

  Old Doctor Tan frowned and said, "My child, it's too big!"

  Grandma Han added: "And the fetal position is not correct."

  Han Shangshu's face changed, and then he asked, "What about Master Bao?"

  Li Shangshu returned to his senses in an instant, and quickly said: "Yes, yes, Master Bao, it doesn't matter if the child is gone, it will be reborn in the future, Saburo, don't you?"

  Li Saburo nodded, holding back tears.

  But Old Doctor Tan did not speak.

  Grandma Han got closer, and whispered: "But the child is too big, and he won't be able to get off after being knocked out. It has been almost eight months, and the child is already able to live."

  Lao Doctor Tan said: "And this medicine is very vigorous, I am afraid it will bleed heavily."

  Han Shangshu sat down in the chair and stopped talking. So, speaking of it, the adults can't keep it?

  Li Shangshu stopped talking, but looked at Han Shangshu with concern.

After a long time, Han Shangshu asked with difficulty: "Then, keep your child..."

  Old Doctor Tan lowered his eyes and said, "You can only have a Caesarean section before the child has an accident."

  You can't give birth anymore, you can only open your stomach and get your child.

  Such words, not to mention too much hospital, even the doctor at home will not speak, because such a conclusion is equivalent to sentenced to death.

  If Han Shangshu hadn't come up with the friendship between the two, Old Doctor Tan would not have said.

   And Mother Han, she has served four generations of masters, she is already very old, everything is for the Han family, naturally, there is something to say, and there is no need to avoid too much.

  Li Saburo’s eyes were red, and he finally recovered. He shook his lips and asked, “No, isn’t it just giving birth to a baby? It’s a big deal. We don’t want a baby anymore. Why, why can’t we keep the Fifth Lady?”

  Grandma Han said: "Eat too much, it’s too good, the child is too big."

  Li Saburo directly collapsed to the ground.

  Han Shangshu was so angry that he patted the table and asked, “How do the people who serve you serve? Wu Niang doesn’t understand, don’t they understand? How do you feed people like this?”

  Madame Han was also very angry, but she glanced at her brother-in-law and knew that he couldn't be blamed for this, because the couple had quarreled several times before because of this food, and it was Mrs. Han Wu who insisted on eating.

She was weak in the palace and was not easy to get pregnant. She was only pregnant with this child after three years of marriage, so she was very precious. When she was in Yongzhou before, her mother-in-law reminded her to eat less and sent a maid to take care of it. she.

  But I don’t know why. After pregnancy, Lady Han Wu has a great appetite, and she doesn’t vomit. She eats well and sleeps well. She is especially hungry. She has to eat when she is hungry, otherwise she will lose her temper.

  The food is even better.

  People like them are not short of money. Naturally, she can eat whatever she wants, and her belly is as big as blowing blisters.

I followed the waiting mother to persuade her several times, even her mother-in-law told her a few times, but Han Wu's wife may be sensitive at the time, or it may be because of years of depression. Not only did she not listen to these advices, but she also confronted her mother-in-law. .

  Li Saburo was caught between his mother and his wife. At the same time, she felt that her belly was too big, so he followed up with a few words, and the couple quarreled several times.

  Han Wu Niangzi returned to her natal home for this reason.

  But at the time, Lady Han didn't take this matter very much in her heart. She really realized that it was not good because the Li family sent them a letter from the Han family and asked the imperial physician to come over.

  Although the imperial doctor came back and said vaguely, but the situation was not so good, they still heard it. Later, they wanted to ask the imperial doctor to have a look, but the imperial doctors in the imperial hospital all found various reasons to decline.

  Everyone is a human being. They know what this situation means. They want to know with their toes. That's why Han Damai became anxious and began to rush to find a good stable wife and a good doctor.

    See you tomorrow, I will continue to repair the keyboard, but I lack three keycaps and can’t press in. It feels weird to just click on the red axis and click.



  (End of this chapter)

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