Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1246: Power off

  Chapter 1246 Network and power failure

  Madame Han was also a little panicked. Thinking of what Zhou Man had said, she gritted her teeth and asked: "Lao Doctor Tan, if you open your stomach before giving birth, can you save the adult and the child?"

  Old Doctor Tan frowned slightly, "Are you saying that the baby should be taken out and the stomach will be stitched up again?"

  Manny Han nodded.

  The old doctor Tan shook his head after thinking for a long time: "This is not easy, although Ma Boiling San can be used, but Han Wu Niang has a child in her abdomen. It is too dangerous to use Ma Bo to disperse, and there are not many people who survived an abdomen."

   "Didn't Su Jian survive?" Li Sanlang immediately said, "Since he can, so can the Five Women."

  Lao Doctor Tan pondered for a while and said: "There are still some differences, and no one has ever had such a case in Beijing."

  Open abdomen is always taken after the pregnant woman has died, because it is more acceptable to both the dead and the living.

  Not to mention the full capital at present, even in the entire medical history, there is no guarantee that people will survive when pregnant women are still alive.

  Madame Han said: "Little Lady Zhou said she could give it a try."

  Han Shangshu looked at her after hearing this.

  Ms. Han gritted her teeth and told several people what Zhou Man had said yesterday, saying: "She said after watching Wu Niang that she could not give birth to a child. Only these two methods may be tried."

  Han Shangshu was moved by the second method, and looked at Old Doctor Tan, "If there is that kind of medicine that can relieve pain..."

  Old Doctor Tan shook his head slightly, "The medicine that has not been used is still anesthetic. This is very dangerous. Like her, I feel that if you choose the second method, you might as well choose the first one."

  He said: "Speaking of which, she is the most powerful person in Manjingcheng's discussion of laparotomy. It is a pity that Dr. Fan is not in Beijing. Otherwise, the two of them will cooperate and the success rate should be higher."

  Han Shangshu asked: "Is it the genius doctor Zhou Xiao who treated the queen empress?"

  Danny Han nodded, "It's her."

  Han Shangshu pondered.

  Old Doctor Tan got up and said, "This may be a silver lining, but don’t hold on to too much hope. After all, she is also the first time."

  Han Shangshu personally sent Mrs. Tan out. On the way, he still couldn't hold back to confirm again, "Is it really impossible to keep the Five Women?"

The Old Doctor Tan shook his head and whispered: "The child is too big. You see, she is not fat at all compared to before, but her belly is so big. Where did she eat so much food? After eating, the fetal position is not correct, old Han, as long as there is a slight possibility of my friendship, I will not tell you this."

   "That week is full..."

Old Doctor Tan whispered: "Don't look at the child as she is still talented in medicine. To be honest, I have seen many people in my life, but like her, I can comprehend it by reading medical books only once. By analogy, she is the first, and she is the only one."

"Those people in the hospital thought she was only good at acupuncture and took advantage of her status as a woman, but people who worked with her knew that she was involved and widely used. Regardless of what method she used, she could heal people. Good means."

  Lao Doctor Tan said: "If you don’t talk about it from afar, just talk about the empress’s qi illness and Yinor’s frailty. I have seen both of them. The magic of prescriptions is not under me."

  Han Shang said in the book: "You have praised her too much."

  Lao Tan's medical skills are well-known in the capital. He has accumulated a lifetime. He doesn't believe that Zhou Man can be compared with Lao Tan's prescribing prescriptions at a young age.

  Old Doctor Tan smiled and said: "That kid always has some fantastic ideas and walks calmly. This is much better than me, so this is not an exaggeration."

  Han Shangshu remembered it, and after sending him away, he went back to find Li Sanlang.

   Although the Han and Li family were very unwilling, but the mother Han and the old doctor Tan said so, they can only put their only hope on Zhou Man.

  Han Shangshu asked Lady Han, “When the little genius doctor Zhou came to see the doctor yesterday, were you respectful to others?”

  Sister Han said: "Father rest assured, we are very respectful. She is different from ordinary doctors. After all, after being a hero, we will not neglect."

  Han Shangshu nodded, “Then go and invite someone tomorrow, and we will have a good talk with her. By the way, don’t tell Wu Niangzi in advance.”

  A few people nodded together.

  Then Lady Han looked at the hourglass and said, “Father, Zhou Man said yesterday that she would come to help correct the fetal position today. She usually goes to the doctor after noon.”

  Li Shangshu simply said: "Since this is the case, you can have lunch here, and we will wait slowly."

  Han Shangshu nodded, "Alright."

  At this time, Man Bao is writing the treatment plan for Han Wu Niangzi in Ji Shitang.

  After she went back yesterday, she took out the case and discussed it with Teacher Mo. Teacher Mo was very interested in this case.

   is more interested than Xiang Mingxue.

  Because in the future, there will be very few self-conceived people, even if there are, there will be cases of various birth difficulties.

  Ms. Mo can’t wait to see a case like Han Wu Niangzi with his own eyes. He seems to be very interested in having children.

  After reading the data of Han Wu Niangzi, Teacher Mo didn’t even bother to say: “With your medical standards, she will definitely die.”

  Man Bao: "So how do I save her?"

  "Cesarean section is the only way to give birth. If we are here, the housekeeping robot will remind her that it is not suitable for her to conceive herself. Even if she is pregnant, the hospital will transfer the embryos. It's a pity."

  Man Bao brought the topic back, "But I am afraid that Ma Fei San will affect the child, and I have never had a caesarean section, and I have no anti-inflammatory drugs, and there are many problems."

  So, the teachers and students discussed from the afternoon to the evening, and from the evening to the late night. Man Bao also consolidated the exercise and massage methods for correcting the fetal position.

  She has been studying this, but she rarely uses it. Now she will review it if she wants to use it.

  In addition, Man Bao also bought two more female anthropomorphic models very generously, intending to go back and use them to practice hands.

  In this way, she has three male anthropomorphic models and three female anthropomorphic models.

  Manbao feels the feeling of having so many points to spend casually, which is very refreshing.

  As for anesthetics, Teacher Mo couldn't help it for a while, but he said he would help think of a solution.

In fact, Manbao wants to buy their anesthetics directly. She has seen Teacher Mo use it in the simulation classroom. It is very convenient. Wearing a bracelet on her hand and pressing it slightly, the bracelet can intelligently inject anesthetics according to the condition of the human body. .

   However, the thing is not sold in the mall, and it is not a teaching material, and it cannot be bought by Manbao.

  Man Bao sighed while writing the treatment plan. Before finishing writing, Xiao Shao opened the curtain and brought Shi Dalang and Liu Niang in, "Dr. Zhou Xiao, Shi Dalang said that I have something to do with you."

  (End of this chapter)

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