Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1258: Be smart

   Chapter 1258

   "Those Xinglin family's books are not less than you, let alone a good teacher, they have been practicing medicine for several lifetimes."

   "That's because I'm smart." Man Bao felt that Teacher Mo and Encyclopedia couldn't talk outside, only this point could not be refuted.

But the prince chuckled and asked, "There are so many smart people in the world, how smart can you be?"

Man Baodao: "Maybe smarter than most people in this world. I'm very small, so small that I can't speak, and when I walk, someone thinks that I am the smartest person in our entire state, and maybe The smartest people in our state are smarter than the smartest people in other states, so I am the smartest person in two states, three states, or even many states."

  The prince was stunned while holding the tea. He saw so many people who flattered himself, but it was the first time that he could flatter himself like this.

Man Bao has her own logic. She seriously said: "And reading and thinking will become smarter. The smartest people in other states may not have the opportunity to read, or may not be diligent enough, and read not enough books; and I Fortunately, not only can I read from a young age, but I also have good teachers and helpful friends. I have many books to read, so I am getting smarter and smarter..."

  The prince couldn’t help but cough. He accidentally choked on his saliva. He coughed for a while and then laughed, tears are almost coming out, "You are funny."

  The prince thought for a while and asked, "How about I make you a good lady?"

Man Bao's eyes widened. Seeing that the prince didn't seem to be joking, he was a little speechless: "That's not good, I have someone I like, and your Royal Highness, you don't like me, and my family is average, why did you block me? ?"

  The prince did not speak.

Man Bao sweated a little on the palms of her hands, but she didn't show it on her face. At this moment, she finally got out of her surgery in the morning. She said, "And I will be determined to travel all over the world and see people everywhere. Those who collect medical records cannot stay in one place for a long time."

  The prince raised his eyebrows towards her ideal, but instead asked: "Who do you like?"

  Man Bao blushed slightly, his eyes turned and said nothing.

  The prince asked, "Your brother?"

  Man Bao coughed and asked, "What do you ask this for?"

The prince    waved his hand and said: "Forget it, loneliness is not enough to be difficult for others, but you two, brother and sister are matched, are the senior sisters and the younger brothers a little unworthy?"

  Man Bao was curious, "Why don't you deserve it?"

   "There is no reason, I have never heard of brothers and sisters."

  Man Bao thought for a while and nodded: "It's really, that's no way, who made him late to apprentice?"

  The prince asked, "Your two families are married?"

"Not yet."

  "Then you are privately set for life, which is not good. What if the parents of your two families don't agree?"

  Man Bao wondered, "Why didn't you agree?"

   Seeing that she was so upright and confident, the prince smiled: "Then there are too many reasons for not agreeing, for example, the family background is not worthy..."

   "The other brother of mine said that we are good friends."

Prince   : "The people in his family look down on you to practice medicine."

  "He is not a pedantic person, and never opposed me to practice medicine."

  The Queen and Aunt Aunt, who was separated by a large screen, listened to the two people rushing to each other.

  The prince asked: "Do you include the infertility for men?"

  Man Bao nodded, "Including, he also discussed with me, this is just one of the thousands of diseases, is there any problem?"

  The prince stared at her, shook his head after a while and said, "No problem."

  He simply got up and sat cross-legged on the couch, leaned back, and said domineering and Zhou Man: "Then you can also show Gu to see if you can see what's wrong with Gu's body."

  The stone in the chest of the full treasure just now fell.

  Frankly, she took out a handkerchief to wipe her hands, and the palace servant who had been standing by the side tremblingly immediately lifted the medicine box, kneeled and took out the pulse pillow for Man Bao and placed it next to the prince.

  Man Bao wiped the sweat from his palms, put his fingers on the prince’s veins, and asked, "How about your appetite on weekdays?"

"very good."

  "Love drinking?"

  Prince: "Yeah."

   "How do you like it?"

  The prince frowned and thought, "Drink at least one pot a day?"

  That's quite a lot.

  Because the crown prince mentioned her as a good lady, she hesitated for a while and did not dare to continue asking, for fear that the question asked was too sensitive, he remembered it again.

  The prince raised his eyelids and glanced at her, he understood her concerns at a glance, and then hummed softly: "Should I give you two a marriage or something?"

  Man Bao immediately said: "This is not necessary, you just keep it in your heart."

  She coughed slightly, and then continued to ask, "When was the last time you had sex?"

  The prince frowned slightly, Xiao Yuanzheng would also ask such questions. Of course it would not be him who answered, but the Duke Wu next to him.

  But now Duke Wu is waiting outside.

  So the prince paused before saying: "Just last night."

  A court lady quietly retreated, and after a while Wu Gonggong quietly came in and waited behind the prince.

  Man Bao began to ask other more detailed questions, such as, did he use drugs when he had sex, did it hurt during the process...

   Among the questions, half of the questions can be answered by Duke Wu, and the other half must be answered by the prince himself.

  Don't talk about Duke Wu, even Aunt Shang in the screen was sweating.

  The prince's face became heavier and heavier, if it weren't for Man Bao's voice to be gentle and steady, and there was not much fluctuation from beginning to end, he could not help but get angry.

  Man Bao took the prince’s pulse record in his heart, and then took it away and said: "You are actually pretty good, but you have **** too early, so that the essence of the essence has premature **** and has not been well maintained."


  Xiao Yuanzheng didn't say that. He only said that he should be abstinent and have less **** with others. He didn't say anything about the issue of sooner or later.

  Man Bao had already thought about it in his heart, and said: "You can try to cure it, but can you listen to the doctor's advice?"

  The prince raised his eyebrows and said, "Let's listen."

  "First of all, you can't drink." Man Bao saw that his face became dark, and he said: "If you don't believe me, go to the hospital and ask, alcohol hurts the essence, isn't it?"

  The prince said without changing his face: "Xiao Yuanzheng only said that he can't add alcohol."

"It's better not to drink directly." Man Bao nodded when he saw that his face was not good. Need to get a needle, drink medicine..."

  The prince asked, "Can I have children in two months?"

  Man Bao shook his head, "It will take four months at the shortest time."

  Three months in a cycle. The doctor Fan said that he should be cautious when treating the royal people, so four months would be fine.

  The prince frowned, "Why did Shi Dalang have children in more than two months?"

   "Your situation is different," Man Bao asked, "Will you be cured?"

  The prince raised his eyelids to look at her, "Cure!"

   See you at four in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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